What’s in a Name?
In one of Timothy Good’s books, he relates the story of Ludwig Pallman, who as a traveling salesman of food processing equipment in the 1960s, meets and befriends an alien visitor to our planet Earth. The alien’s mission is to do good here while collecting seeds and plant specimens which would be of food value to beings across all races. The alien tells Ludwig Pallman that earth is one of many planets where spontaneous cancer springs up, and as such is known as a “Cancer Planet.” Ufonalyzer can’t remember which of Timothy Good’s five or so books has this in it, but Pallman wrote of his experiences in his own book, “UFO Contact from Itibi-Ra: Cancer Planet Mission”, 1970. It is available as an ebook on line for $9.95. Everything that this writer has read about Mr. Pallman is that he was a very hard man to find and pin down to get an interview so as to assess the truth in his stories, but as far as can be found, no one was able to locate him for this purpose because he seemed to be constantly on the move in backwater regions of the world.
So we are known as a Cancer Planet. It’s a good bet that Earth has other names in the alien community as well. One of the U’s guilty pleasures is zombie movies, and prefers the slow zombies over those fast ones. There just aren’t enough of those movies made. A weak analogy could be made that we are “Zombie Planet.” We are always attacking and trying to kill every single alien ship we see, but our means of doing so is just as slow and inept as those darn zombies. Compared to aliens’ apparent mental capacities, ours must seem minuscule just as a zombie’s is to our own. Once in a while for circumstantial causes, we succeed in getting one of them just like the slow zombies do in the movies. If we capture a live alien, we try to pick its brain which one could say corresponds to eating its brain. For sure, every alien knows that if captured, it is their death sentence. It is like the roach motel down here—you check in, but never check out.
But at least these names are better than one of the planets that aliens allegedly came from. One contactee claimed he met beings who were the Dodonians, so they must have come from the Dodo planet. Still another race said that they came from the planet Urin. Maybe this planet is next to Uranus. (These names were obtained from encounters described in Albert Rosales’ website at
http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/ ).
But earth’s alien name that would ring truest to this writer would be “A**hole Planet.” Aliens, however, might not have that portion of the anatomy, so it could also be “Planet of the Insane.” In fact, in Case # 19 in Albert Rosales’ website for 1947*, a Russian youth asked a 9’ tall alien why they didn’t contact humanity openly. The alien’s response was, "Why don't humans contact those in an insane asylum?" In the recent movie remake of “the Day the Earth Stood Still”, Keanu Reeves was told by an alien secret agent who had lived here on earth for the last several decades that we all know we are doomed yet cannot seem to do anything about it, so we continue on our path to self destruction. Just extrapolate our population growth, our use of non renewable resources, and our polluting tendencies and figure this out for yourselves. Aliens must shake their heads in bewilderment at some of the antics that occur here. Timothy Good has stated that abductions may be for the possible purpose of breeding our chimpanzee-like aggressive tendencies out of our genetic makeup. He stated that it could be about a hundred year project. Based on our abduction history it appears that this project is in its 5th decade or so with 50 years to go, plus or minus a decade or two. So far, it looks like the project will fail. This makes one wonder what the aliens will do after that.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Selected Readings to Become a Believer from a nuts and bolts perspective Also include observations that some believers concentrate more on disclosure than on the phenomenon itself.
In Rough Order
Keyhoe-- MajesticDocuments.com
Paul hill
Nick cook
Good dolan
In Rough Order
Keyhoe-- MajesticDocuments.com
Paul hill
Nick cook
Good dolan

GREYS ASCENDANT by Ufonalyzer 2/2010
The graph you see at the top of this writeup is interesting, to say the least. It shows that Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3) percentages of greys are rising. The date on the graph should be 1/2010, not 1/2009. As a past technical person, the Ufonalyzer really thinks this graph is so smooth and clean that it looks like a fake. Believe the Ufonalyzer when he says that the data for this graph was not cherry picked. It is only 6 data points, one for each decade from the 50’s to the present, but each data point took hours to calculate. It was totally unknown to the Ufonalyzer if the data would show a scattered bunch of nothing or if it would show a smooth trend. It shows a smooth trend.
The methodology of creating this graph will be discussed a few paragraphs from this one. Let us for the moment accept the graph as accurate and discuss its implications especially in light of other writeups that the U has done.
Ufologists have noted that in the early years of UFO awareness starting in 1947, few if any greys were sighted (see Ufonalyzer’s CE3 spreadsheet posted at http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Aj0F2i1zgohJdEVzNko2YWswUnVTRS0yUDF6OURDalE&hl=en ). However, they were here before 1954 as proven by the SOM1-01 April,1954 document which lists two alien species, one of which is almost certainly a grey. This document is considered by top ufologists as a real publication of the US government. Public awareness of greys started with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction story in 1961. Since then, the greys seem to be the dominant species mentioned in abduction studies. This graph now proves that they are now the dominant species in simple UFO landing CE3 cases as well, no abductions included. Wait a minute you say, that graph shows that only 30% of the modern sightings are of greys. That is hardly dominant. The answer to this is that the 70% undefined sightings definitely include greys, but in most of those cases the witness did not supply enough facts to classify the beings into any category at all. Had there been sufficient descriptions to use to classify the cases, the grey percentage would have been even higher. Even so, the trend here is correct; greys are ascendant on earth. (OR else the reports are false or inaccurate, and the alien descriptions are dominated by mass media influence which concentrates on the grey body type.) Please realize that it is the percentage of grey sightings that is rising, but the overall number of sightings, greys included, could possibly be decreasing as is suggested by another of Ufonalyzer’s graphs in his blog writeup, “UPDATES: UFO WAVES GRAPH AND CLOSE ENCOUNTERS SPREADSHEET WITH A RETRACTION OF A PREVIOUSLY MADE CLAIM” published in February, 2010.
The graph stands alone. It is not speculative. It is data driven. It is objective. It is repeatable. It bypasses other peoples’ interpretations of what is being seen because it is based on raw thumbnail sightings by ordinary citizens across the world which have been collected by UFO enthusiasts over the decades. It bears repeating that these sightings are filtered, yet false claims could easily get through the filter. Let us explain the simple methodology behind the graph numbers and leave it at that. If you read the Ufonalyzer’s blog, you must have seen the CE3 spreadsheet which lists about 300 alien close encounters starting in 1933. Another study of a separate source of encounter data was found (Albert Rosales’ website) and an identical study was made on this data about aliens. The results from the second set of data matched the results of the first; i.e. the same UFO waves have occurred and the vast number of species visiting, and the increase in the percentage of grey encounters.
Both data sources had to be filtered with severe criteria to get at the true alien sightings.* For example, if only a UFO was witnessed but no alien was observed, it was thrown out. If an alien was observed but no craft was present, it was thrown out. And so forth. The filtering was necessary to get rid of abduction cases, UFO only cases (i.e. no beings reported), werewolves, chupacabras, you name it. The filtering criteria can be viewed in Ufonalyzer’s writeup, “UPDATE: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS SPREADSHEET” published in February, 2010. Then the final data was inspected against a second set of criteria to judge whether or not the aliens observed were probably greys. This second set criteria is as follows:
Grey Criteria
Less than 5.5’ tall
Long arms
Big eyes
Big head (oversized wrt human)
Grey, greenish, brown skin
No/small ears
Any # of digits allowed
Naked allowed
Not Grey Criteria
Large Ears
Helmeted or assisted breathing
Heavy set, muscular, broad
Any hair, including bearded
Insufficient/no alien data from witness
Two, sometimes three, of the “Grey Criteria” were needed to be judged a possible grey, and one of them must be height.
Any one of the “Not Grey Criteria” ruled out being a grey.
Anyhow, after all this filtering and processing, you can see the end result on the graph.
Greys may have started to force out the other species of aliens, or there may be so many here that they dominate sighting by simple numbers, while the activities of the other species continues unabated and undiminished. Either way, the sightings of greys would rise on a percentage basis. The Ufonalyzer votes for the former (that is, force out), because total sightings appear to be diminishing as shown by Ufonalyzer’s graph in his writeup, “UPDATE: UFO WAVES GRAPH…” previously mentioned. Thus, the greys appear to be in control. This means that they are the dominant alien species on earth.
Incidentally, the phrase on the graph, "80's:Starwars Deployment" was put on the graph under a theory that Star Wars was put in place to keep aliens away from earth unless the aliens were of the type that Eisenhower allegedly made a deal with. It was anticipated that the number of UFO encounters would dramatically drop off after the deployment of this weapons system, leaving the bulk of the sightings to be the favored group, i.e. greys. It was speculated that Star Wars weapons would be outfitted with IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) modules to transpond with the favored group so as to not fire upon that group. Unfortunately, it is still too early to tell if overall UFO sightings have dropped off, but indications are that they have not dropped off. This means the theory is wrong.
In closing, as further support for the contents of this writeup, here are a couple of close encounters from Albert Rosales’ website at: http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/
The Ufonalyzer has taken the liberty of italicizing and embolding the critical part of these close encounter stories. Could these stories be fake?
Case # 97.
Location. Near Querataro, Mexico
Date: April 22 1975
Time: daytime
An extraterrestrial woman named "Lya" meets professor Hernandez in a car and drive to an isolated area (witness involved in previous encounters), they walked about 100 meters on foot there they are met by a saucer about 3 meters in diameter. Lya takes out a small handheld instrument and an opening becomes visible on the saucer, they then embark. Soon Hernandez realizes he is orbiting the earth and sees several satellites in space. The conversation is mostly about ecological concerns mainly about coming climatic changes. They mention the ozone layer, deserts, forests, etc. The aliens say that all nuclear tests must come to a complete halt. Hernandez is later brought back to his vehicle. He is told that their group was leaving earth and was going to be replaced by a more aggressive extraterrestrial race mostly responsible for forced abductions and animal mutilations. Hernandez mysteriously disappears in February 2 1984 and is never heard from again.
Source: Montiel and Stevens, UFO Contact from Andromeda 1989
Case # 40.
Location. Catemaco, Mexico
Date: March 20 1993
Time: 0500A
Mr. Julio Chagala was sleeping at home when suddenly a bright blue light entered through his window and woke him up. Everything seemed to be very still and all the surroundings were enveloped in that strange blue light. Looking out the window he saw a gold colored disc shaped object about 15 meters in diameter land on a nearby field, the craft was totally silent. A hatch opened and several huge figures came out. These were about 2.50 meters in height, human like, wearing tight fitting silvery diver's outfits. They had long arms, pale complexions, large blue slanted eyes, and long golden-blond hair. The witness at this time had walked over to the craft. The visitors saluted him with a gloved hand wave and then invited him inside the craft. Once inside the witness noticed that the humanoids also had long pointed ears. He also saw numerous consoles and what appeared to be comfortable seats, he also saw a metallic table with several different instruments. One of the humanoids showed him a screen where he saw scenes of war, destruction, and ecological collapse. The craft then landed in an unknown beautiful city, filled with humans of all ages. A large golden sun illuminated the city. He was taken to a crystalline waterfall that was surrounded by beautiful colored stones. There the humanoids explained to Mr. Chagala that his destiny was that of caring and healing his fellow human beings. He was also told that the humanoids had several bases in the area that included one at the Ixtamalapan Lagoon. Chagala was also warned of a different type of humanoid that also visited earth and were the ones responsible for the reported animal mutilations. These were described by his hosts as the short large headed humanoids with huge black eyes, with four fingered hands and protruding stomachs that mostly wore tight fitting maroon outfits and traveled in small flying craft with ball landing gear. Mr. Chagala was eventually returned to his home. He reported a drastic lost of weight soon after the incident but recovered. Other locals reported low flying lighted objects over the area about the same time. Currently Mr. Chagala is a known healer that uses natural herbs and remedies.
Source: Grupo Cassiopeia Mexico
* The first 3 bars on the graph used data from the Ufonalyzer’s spreadsheet of ~300 Close Encounters, and the second 3 bars used data from Albert Rosales’ website. The Rosales data could also have sourced data for the first 3 graph bars, but that would have required going back through 30 years of these sightings (thousands). Having read through them once looking for other sighting data, it was too much work to go back through them to collect alien physical data. It was easier to use the spreadsheet data instead.
One of the problematic areas of studying UFOs is judging information that has come from popular sources who have been found to be lying in some of their stories. Does this mean that ALL of the information that they have ever provided on the subject of UFOs is false or is it just some of their information? One of these people is George Adamski who made some simply ludicrous claims about UFOs, yet he does have at least a few stories which were witnessed by several people who have signed affadavits as tto their veracity. Even Timothy Good has professed his belief in some of Adamski’s stories. The Ufonalyzer has his own opinion on why some people may originally start out with some great and truthful stories, and then down the line start lying about things. This is to keep the ball rolling, make more money, and extend their 15 minutes of fame. Or whatever. The bottom line is that it takes a lot of effort just to decide which of their stories is fake and which is real.
One of the many side trips and anomalies of the UFO world is element 115. The story of element 115 has been an intriguing one for 20 years. The recent announcement in July, 2009, that Element 112 has just received the name Copernicium in honor of Copernicus promted the U to jump into the superheavy element subject area. Element 115 became a popular topic in the UFO world after Bob Lazar claimed in 1989 that it comprised the heart of the UFO propulsion system. He claims that now the Us Gov’t now has 500 pounds of it somewhere, presumably recovered from various UFO crashes. The Ufonalyzer does not believe what Lazar has claimed about element 115, but kudos to Mr. Lazar for coming up with a story that is so intriguing and for even being aware in 1989 that superheavy elements yet undiscovered may indeed have an “island of stability” as they say in this field. The nuclear scientist Glen Seaborg postulated the island of stability while serving a chairman of the AEC from 1961-71. Then in 1969, a research paper [1] performed calculations that that took stability predictive analysis to Z = 114 (the number of protons in the superheavy element), with the best stability at Z = 110 , N = 184. (N is the number of neutrons in the element.) Before we dismiss Mr. Lazar, let us admit the guy is intelligent and creative and he did indeed work at area 51 for a short time. He may have been given the job titles he has claimed (physicist, electrical engineer) due to having been recognized as an undegreed, raw, natural talent. Furthermore, it is pretty obvious that the govt has erased some of his records, so this means that he does have an important or at least secret story to tell. Also, the videos taken from a distance of test flights at Area 51 on the exact schedule that Mr Lazar predicted go a long way toward proving that “being employed at Area 51”part of his story is true. Unfortunately the obvious evasions and lies about his education really detract from his story. The U could care less about the prostitution stuff that his detractors usually use to discredit him. That stuff is irrelevant to UFOs (although others would argue that that reflects on his character). One galling thing about his claims is that he says that the equipment provided to him to use in his investigation was an oscilloscope and a digital voltmeter. If that was the case, then how in the world could he have reached the astounding conclusions about gravity amplifiers, the nuclear strong force “leaking” past the outer boundary of element 115 and then distorting gravity nearby to be available then to be amplified by those doggone gravity amplifiers, the decay of Element 116 (created from 115) which releases an antimatter particle, super efficient thermal generators, and such. I suppose that if you found some 115, you could measure its volume and then weigh it to determine its density, but how could you draw some of his other conclusions with only a voltmeter and oscilloscope? None of this adds up, so it is very doubtful that Mr. Lazar has told the truth about element 115.
It is a fact that physicists predict a possible island of stability starting at about element ? and lasting to possibly element ? (“Element ? means that the nucleus contains ? protons.) Thiose same physicists also hypothesize that another second such island of stability could also exist at around ??, but since we can hardly build an atom that lands within the first island of stability, let’s forget about the second one.
“The calculations are extended to the predicted superheavy region around Z = 114 and N = 184. The total overall stability with respect to alpha and beta decay, and spontaneous fission is found to be most favorable in the vicinity of Z = 110 and N = 184. Detailed diagrams and tables are exhibited.
[1] On the nuclear structure and stability of heavy and superheavy elements, Nuclear Physics A Volume 131, Issue 1, 23 June 1969, quote drawn from the abstract of this 66 page paper.
Bismuth and the periodic table column. 1921 article, patentin 2000.
One of the problematic areas of studying UFOs is judging information that has come from popular sources who have been found to be lying in some of their stories. Does this mean that ALL of the information that they have ever provided on the subject of UFOs is false or is it just some of their information? One of these people is George Adamski who made some simply ludicrous claims about UFOs, yet he does have at least a few stories which were witnessed by several people who have signed affadavits as tto their veracity. Even Timothy Good has professed his belief in some of Adamski’s stories. The Ufonalyzer has his own opinion on why some people may originally start out with some great and truthful stories, and then down the line start lying about things. This is to keep the ball rolling, make more money, and extend their 15 minutes of fame. Or whatever. The bottom line is that it takes a lot of effort just to decide which of their stories is fake and which is real.
One of the many side trips and anomalies of the UFO world is element 115. The story of element 115 has been an intriguing one for 20 years. The recent announcement in July, 2009, that Element 112 has just received the name Copernicium in honor of Copernicus promted the U to jump into the superheavy element subject area. Element 115 became a popular topic in the UFO world after Bob Lazar claimed in 1989 that it comprised the heart of the UFO propulsion system. He claims that now the Us Gov’t now has 500 pounds of it somewhere, presumably recovered from various UFO crashes. The Ufonalyzer does not believe what Lazar has claimed about element 115, but kudos to Mr. Lazar for coming up with a story that is so intriguing and for even being aware in 1989 that superheavy elements yet undiscovered may indeed have an “island of stability” as they say in this field. The nuclear scientist Glen Seaborg postulated the island of stability while serving a chairman of the AEC from 1961-71. Then in 1969, a research paper [1] performed calculations that that took stability predictive analysis to Z = 114 (the number of protons in the superheavy element), with the best stability at Z = 110 , N = 184. (N is the number of neutrons in the element.) Before we dismiss Mr. Lazar, let us admit the guy is intelligent and creative and he did indeed work at area 51 for a short time. He may have been given the job titles he has claimed (physicist, electrical engineer) due to having been recognized as an undegreed, raw, natural talent. Furthermore, it is pretty obvious that the govt has erased some of his records, so this means that he does have an important or at least secret story to tell. Also, the videos taken from a distance of test flights at Area 51 on the exact schedule that Mr Lazar predicted go a long way toward proving that “being employed at Area 51”part of his story is true. Unfortunately the obvious evasions and lies about his education really detract from his story. The U could care less about the prostitution stuff that his detractors usually use to discredit him. That stuff is irrelevant to UFOs (although others would argue that that reflects on his character). One galling thing about his claims is that he says that the equipment provided to him to use in his investigation was an oscilloscope and a digital voltmeter. If that was the case, then how in the world could he have reached the astounding conclusions about gravity amplifiers, the nuclear strong force “leaking” past the outer boundary of element 115 and then distorting gravity nearby to be available then to be amplified by those doggone gravity amplifiers, the decay of Element 116 (created from 115) which releases an antimatter particle, super efficient thermal generators, and such. I suppose that if you found some 115, you could measure its volume and then weigh it to determine its density, but how could you draw some of his other conclusions with only a voltmeter and oscilloscope? None of this adds up, so it is very doubtful that Mr. Lazar has told the truth about element 115.
It is a fact that physicists predict a possible island of stability starting at about element ? and lasting to possibly element ? (“Element ? means that the nucleus contains ? protons.) Thiose same physicists also hypothesize that another second such island of stability could also exist at around ??, but since we can hardly build an atom that lands within the first island of stability, let’s forget about the second one.
“The calculations are extended to the predicted superheavy region around Z = 114 and N = 184. The total overall stability with respect to alpha and beta decay, and spontaneous fission is found to be most favorable in the vicinity of Z = 110 and N = 184. Detailed diagrams and tables are exhibited.
[1] On the nuclear structure and stability of heavy and superheavy elements, Nuclear Physics A Volume 131, Issue 1, 23 June 1969, quote drawn from the abstract of this 66 page paper.
Bismuth and the periodic table column. 1921 article, patentin 2000.
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