Vast interstellar distance is what causes many rational people to not believe in UFOs. They have been told over and over that even the closest stars are so far away that it would take too many years to come here. In this writeup, different sources will be drawn upon and combined to indicate that it is likely that you CAN get here from there, especially if “there” is less than 200-300 light years away.
Linda Moulton Howe’s “Earthfiles” website recently had a six part series of interviews with two physicists, Dr. Edward Leverne Moragne and Dr. Alan Holt. The Dr. Moragne interviews covered 5 of the 6 installments and one installment was with Dr. Holt who had read LMH’s first installment on Dr. Moragne and contacted LMH about it. The Dr. Moragne interviews took place in 1997 when he was about 82, and the Holt interview occurred during the week of Jan 7, 2010. Dr. Moragne and Dr. Holt, who is about 30 years younger than Moragne, worked together for a time as physicists and shared a common interest in exotic propulsion systems. Moragne died in 2000 at about age 85.
First of all, it must be revealed that Dr. Moragne is none other than the pseudonym’d Dr. Epigoni, described in Leonard Stringfield’s Status Report VI, written in 1991. In that Status Report, Stringfield provides details of a series of interviews done in 1990 by another ufologist named Ron Madeley. Both Stringfield and Madeley noted changes in Epigoni’s story over the course of the interview series about a UFO landing in 1964. Neither Madeley nor LMH made mention of any apparent dementia in Dr. Moragne (Epigoni). Stringfield concluded that Moragne might be a government disinformation supplier because of these story changes, while both Stringfield and Madeley opined that maybe Moragne changed his story because a relatively new (in 1990) UFO control group had gotten to him to change his story so as to reduce its believability. Dr. Moragne claimed to have 319 patents, yet only one can be found for a magnetic separator, the other 318 he said were classified. This guy was really high up in secret government research, so his story is probably more true than false. Holt’s interview with LMH supports some aspects of Dr. Moragne’s story, but he could not recall any discussion with Dr. Moragne about the 1964 landing. He said that Dr. Moragne and he mostly discussed physics and their ideas on faster than light propulsion systems, and that Dr. Moragne also discussed UFOs with him too.
Dr. Moragne’s main story was about a UFO landing that he helped investigate. But this writeup is not about the landing. For those who are interested in it, a few details about it are as follows: A 300 ft oval UFO landed in northern Nevada in 1964 witnessed by two ranchers. A staircase opened up and three 5’ manlike beings with tanned skin came out and laid on the ground. The UFO closed up. Subsequent analysis of the beings showed that their blood was like oil, and they had apparent metal klystron tubes in their heads, presumably to transmit data back to whoever or whatever was controlling their mission. They were like robots. The government is still waiting for them to reactivate or for their “masters” to come and get them and to reactivate the ovoid disc as well. They do not decay and have been in suspended animation since the landing.
Now let us digress and discuss one aspect of people’s behavior and belief systems. It is a very true fact that once people are shown that something is possible, then they go ahead and make it happen over and over. This was shown with the 4 minute mile, the climbing of Mt. Everest, Columbus’s voyage to America, and it is true of technology development as well. Scientists who are brought into a consulting relationship with the US Government to work on UFO technology fall into this category because they see what the aliens can do and know from that point forward that it is real, it is repeatable, and that humans could do it too, eventually if not now. Apparently Moragne was one of these, for somewhere along the path of his career he became certain that he could develop a faster than light drive that would propel a craft 30 to 60 times faster than the speed of light. Dr. Holt conceived of his own method to achieve a faster than light drive as well (although he may never have been exposed to UFO technology), and his used different methods which would result in faster speeds than Moragne’s, maybe even near instantaneous travel. From reading their interviews, it sounded like they really wanted to work on these projects, and it further sounded like they never got funding to do these projects. Both project ideas depended on field resonance to affect space. Dr. Holt’s system might have exceeded the speed achievable by Dr. Moragne's method (which was 30c to 60c, where “c” is the popular means to indicate the speed of light) and would be to some degree be near instantaneous transport.
Let’s think about this for a minute. Here’s two top scientists working on top secret government projects, and each wants to develop a faster than light drive about 30 years ago. Both are confident that they can do so. Furthermore, the government who would do the funding knows that such a thing already exists in alien technology, yet they apparently decline to give these guys funding. Now why would that be? If these stories are true, then it means that the government already had this project well in hand under development by other compartmentalized groups. To put it another way, it was already or soon to become a fait accompli without even utilizing the efforts of these physicists. But be careful of the word “government”, for it is very likely that although the government’s money was used for the propulsion system project, it was conceived, controlled, and details kept secret (even from the government funders) by the shadow government in the private sector. The hypothetical project could have been a reverse engineered drive from a crashed or captured saucer, much like Bob Lazar claimed to have worked on (who perhaps not so coincidentally came on the scene in 1989 which is the same decade that Moragne and Holt were thinking about greater-than-lightspeed propulsion. Moragne and Holt met in ’81 or ’82. Lazar claimed that the star drive that he studied at Area 51 also worked by instantaneous jumps across space using antigravity.) Also please be aware that by about 1959, the government clamped a secrecy lid on all antigravity research and publications.
The Ufonalyzer has long been bothered by the concept of using antigravity as the propulsion system between the stars. Although he is convinced that it is the means of travel while here on earth and other planets, it seems to have shortcomings for interstellar travel, unless antigravity really can be used to provide near instaneous jumps across space as Bob Lazar claimed it can. (And now we learn that Dr. Alan Holt also thought such jumps were possible, although he did not state if it was by antigravity.) Dr. Paul R. Hill believed that it could be used in a more conventional way, however, and described how in his book, “Unconventional Flying Objects.” The Ufonalzyer addresses these shortcomings in his writeup "Dr Paul R. Hill Part 2b." For this writeup here, let us now hypothesize that the aliens have a 60c light drive, where c = the speed of light. After all, if two humans can conceive of something like this, for sure the aliens probably already are using something as good that actually works, if not better.
The table at the end of this paper contains a compilation of close encounter cases in which aliens allegedly told humans how far their homes were from earth. The cases where these occurred are all documented in Albert Rosales’ website* and are all unfiltered. Just take the case number and its year of occurrence from the following table and then go to Albert Rosales’ website if you wish to learn more about any particular case. The Ufonalyzer has split these cases at an aribitrary 1000 light years from earth to highlight that there is a “near” or “neighbor” group of claims, and a long distance group of claims. Stanton Friedman in his book, “Flying Saucers and Science” believes that virtually all the aliens that have been sighted over the years are from the neighboring star region, i.e. the “neighbor” group, and that claims about coming from “other galaxies” are dubious. The Ufonalyzer agrees. People seem to like the word “galaxy”; eg “from a galaxy far, far away” and so forth, but it does not make much sense to visit here from, say, Andromeda, when it is a certainty that their neighboring stars in that galaxy have similar population densities nearby as our Milky Way has. Within 50 light years of earth, there are 2000 stars which comprise 1400 star systems. 133 of these stars are sun-like which is a good thing insofar as providing a stable, long term energy output for the development of life. If you assume that stars are homogeneously distributed in our region of the Milky Way, then a 200 light year radius sphere would enclose (200/50)cubed times 1400 star systems, or 90,000 star systems, all of which could harbor planets, some with civilizations. We now suspect that most stars have planets, plus we now know that non-sun-like stars also have planets so these could develop life too. It is the Ufonalyzer’s opinion that if we humans ever get so far as to achieve star travel, there is so much life out there that we won’t find any habitable but unoccupied planets to colonize.
The main thing to look at in this table is the bottom half of the 5th column which is yellow highlighted. Just look at the many star voyages that take only months to go one way. This gives the on board time that it would take to voyage here assuming no protracted acceleration/deceleration time, and a constant 60c and without any relativity effects. The reason relativity was left out is because this writer has not the slightest idea if relativity would even come into play using this type of technology drive. On the other hand, use of another drive which linearly accelerates the craft to 0.99c is straightforward enough to know that relativity would apply, so the on board time would be about one seventh of what it would be if relativity did not exist (actually, 0.141). The reason 0.99c was chosen and not 0.999c or 0.9999c is that the mass increase at 0.99c might be “manageable.” (It would go up seven times.)
Some people believe that aliens have been bred for star travel. They seem to be patient and emotionless which would be good attributes for a long voyage. Most reports on their age give a lifespan in the 150-500 year category, so they might not mind wasting some of it on a 3 or 4 year voyage to go 250 light years. After all, we humans are now talking about a Mars voyage of a few years for people with a lifespan of 80 years.
Some useful facts are as follows:
Andromeda is the nearest galaxy and is 2.5 million light years distant
The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 light years.
c = the speed of light = 186,000 miles per second
Closest star to sun = Proxima Centauri 4.2 light years distant
* Rosales’ website: