One thing that more UFO students should do is try to get their arms around the UFO situation in a more quantitative way. It helps reduce the confusion about this whole issue of aliens if it can be defined quantitatively. Too many UFO papers are rubbish of one sort or another (perhaps including some of the Ufonalyzer’s). It is a good feeling to put your own estimate out there and then find out that someone else has done his own study using some other method and corroborated your own work. This writeup will summarize some of the Ufonalyzer’s previous estimates that have been made on the subject of UFOs as he seeks to understand the true nature of the phenomenon.
The first UFO estimate that this writer did was to calculate that there are 116,000 aliens now on earth. This was done by estimating how many alien beings are on each UFO that is sighted, and then scaling that number by the number of world sightings estimated per year and then further scaled upward and downward by unreported sightings, bad sightings, and so on. Read “How Many Aliens Are Here? How Many Aliens are on a 600’ UFO?” 4/2009, to check out the complete method. No one as yet has done a similar calculation. Lest you think this is a huge number, this is about one alien for every 52,000 humans. Be reminded that the conquistadors who destroyed the Incan and Aztec empires were outnumbered by much more than this number. Of course they achieved victory not so much by superior technology as by convincing the native tribes to unite with them and fight against the ruling native tribes. You also have to realize that the number could be much, much larger or smaller than 116,000. The point is that it is not just a few aliens numbering in the hundreds. Here are some more estimates never before published: some abduction theorists think that as many as 5-6% of the population has been abducted. The two main abduction specialists, Dr David M. Jacobs and Budd Hopkins believe the figure is more like 2%. Abductions have been occurring for over 70 years, which is about 25,000 days. Our population is 300 million. At a 2% abduction rate, that’s 720 abductions per day in the USA alone. Abductions are a worldwide phenomenon. UFO abduction crews always have at least 2-3 alien beings witnessed. That’s 2100 (720 x 3 beings) beings (in the USA) per day if one assumes the aliens abduct only one person per flight. Some abductees report that several abductions occur per flight, however. So this means the 2100 alien beings per day figure is overstated. Here’s the real point: the number of aliens working on earth is in the thousands. It is not a small amount of visits by space explorers and tourists. Basing an estimate on the work of Hopkins and Jacobs, the Ufonalyzer estimated that 141,000 UFOs may be visiting earth each day to perform abductions, providing of course that abductions are real. (Read “Negativity and Pessimism”, 8/2010, in this blog.) The Ufonalzyer saw a video interview of deceased ufologist Ellen Crystall (author of the good UFO book, “Silent Invasion,” 1991) who made an estimate of 250,000 UFOs visiting our skies each night! Whether it’s 141k or 250k, it’s a heck of a lot!
A few months ago on the Kevin Smith show, the Director of MUFON, Clifford Clift, said that alien sightings are occurring in about 2 of every 500 UFO reports. This compares to the Ufonalyzer’s own independent estimate of 1 in every 1132 reports (as estimated in “Analysis of Historical Alien Close Encounters” 7/2009.) Alien being sightings are rare occurrences shrouded in secrecy and misinformation, so this is actually good agreement. Mr. Clift says that all the sightings are of small aliens. This trend fits Ufonalyzer’s own studies which are described in his “Greys Ascendant”, 2/2010, which shows that the sighting percentage of greys is rising dramatically. In “Greys Ascendant”, we learn that the percentages of greys is rising steadily as a percentage of observed alien sightings, no abductions included. For example, in the sixties, only 8% of sightings were of greys, and that percentage increases to 30% in the decade 2000-2009. Most sightings are too poor to identify anything other than a figure or a being. If such sightings were better, the percentage of greys could have been higher .
The Ufonalyzer has also counted, although quite carelessly, that at least 48 different species have visited earth bases on his spreadsheet of CE3 cases to be found at
Kevin Smith mentioned a guest who says the number is 70, and the government has pictures to prove it. Let’s compromise for now and say that the number 60 is accurate, and let’s further say that all these races come from within 300 light years of our sun. Why 300? Read Ufonalyzer’s blog article entitled “You Can’t Get Here From There”, 3/2010, to get the answer to this question. Given that there are 2000 stars within 50 light years from earth, it can be estimated that 300 light years would contain 432,000 stars. This calculates out to 1 starfaring race for every 7200 suns in our neighborhood. Another surprise gleaned from the aforementioned spreadsheet is the small size of the landed UFOs. 60% of the landed UFOs were 20’ or less in diameter, even though the average diameter of a flying UFO averages is usually estimated to be much higher. The Ufonalyzer thinks that the airborne size estimate is the wrong one due usually to having no nearby size reference. One last thing about size. The Ufonalyzer once had the theory that UFO sizes were trending larger over the decades. Based on sighting data, this has not been the case at all; i.e. they seem to be holding at the same size, and the big difference now is all the triangle shapes that are seen whereas in the past decades only a few were seen.
Getting back to those alien being sightings, 297 such sightings (does not include abductions) were collected since 1933 and put into the previously mentioned spreadsheet. When good descriptions of aliens were provided, it was found that 20% of the observed aliens required breathing apparatus to sustain themselves in our atmosphere. Their most popular observed activity (when such information was provided by the sighter) was sample gathering (23 of 46 instances), while the second most popular activity was UFO inspection and repair (11 of 46 instances.) Read Ufonalyzer’s writeups “Analysis of Historical Alien Close Encounters”, 7/2009, and “Update: Close Encounters Spreadsheet”, 2/2010.
Another estimate about the UFO situation here on earth gives a figure of 93,000 black budget UFO workers that exist in the United States. The study which made this estimate is “How Many Black Budget UFO Workers Are There?”, 9/2009. This study also points toward the fact that the majority of the 93,000 don’t work directly for the government, so they must work in private industry. The study also crudely estimates that only about 1 in 500 of these people ever comes forward to tell their story, and that there may be as many as 200,000 revelatory UFO stories out there walking around in silence. These figures are further expounded upon in this blog’s article,“People Are Strange Too”, 5/2010.
In the article “Does America Have a Secret Space Program?” 10/2009, it is concluded that the answer is likely YES, but only if it is a space fleet that uses field propulsion such as antigravity as opposed to the primitive “firecracker” technology which drives our jets, rockets, cars, etc. There is certainly enough money for it. The US has had secret space programs in the past as well as secret agencies, so having a secret space fleet is simply a matter of technology and perceived necessity. Therefore, if we’ve back engineered crashed UFO propulsion, then we have such a fleet right now. The main job of this fleet is the weaponizing of space.
Finally, and most recently, the Ufonalyzer has concluded by using a Chi-Squared analysis in the writeup “UFOs vs Air Traffic Accidents—A Chi-Squared Analysis”, 8/30/2010, that the amount of UFO caused air traffic accidents is too small to be statistically detectable in overall world air traffic accident statistics.