ALIEN RADIX: The Shape of Things That Come

ALIEN RADIX: The Shape of Things That Come
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Saturday, October 20, 2012


Rest Stop Suspicions                                   by Charles Tromblee            ©July 10,2011

Did you ever notice how often superhighway rest stops undergo long term closings? It happens a lot, so much so, it seems disproportionate. Take a look at a rest stop: it’s a paved driveway, a parking lot, a concrete block building or two, and a toilet area. The toilet area is supported by running water and a waste disposal system. In rural areas, the running water and waste disposal are self-contained systems (i.e. well and septic) and should be low maintenance with a low failure rate. The point here is that they should not be closed for repairs as much as they are. Yes, I know the following:  During the continuing recession, many states closed their rest stops along the interstate highways to save money on maintenance, undoubtedly landscaping and janitorial work. Now that the recession is loosening its grip a bit on states’ finances, some are reopening.

There could be another reason for closing rest stops. I am beginning to wonder if some of them are portals for the alleged underground tunnel system that many people think honeycombs the nation, in particular the western  half of  the nation. After you stop laughing, please think about this. If underground tunnels link our underground bases, there has to be more ingress/egress than just military bases, and this includes along those long interconnecting tunnels. Furthermore, having a tunnel spur end at an interstate rest stop provides a very convenient point from which to secretly enter or leave the tunnel system and quickly travel on the public highway system. The secret users don’t have to go to a military base, the sub-basement of a large commercial building, or some remote mountain side to open the “garage door” to access the system.  A rural rest stop could quickly be closed for short term “repairs”, ingress or egress takes place from the great interstate highway system and the secret entrance, then the rest stop reopens. Fast, simple, convenient, and easy to use.

I live half a mile from an interstate rest stop.  It has been closed twice for long term septic repairs in the last 3 years. One would think that after decades of rest stop design, civil engineers would know how to design a waste system that can handle hundreds of people a day.  Well, late last year, “my” rest stop was closed for septic work and the closure lasted about 4 months . For comparison, it takes only a day or so to put in a septic field for a single family dwelling. Day after day, heavy machinery operated on that project, and back up whistles could be heard so often it was maddening. It took so unusually long that I formulated this theory about what was really going on because the stated reason didn’t add up. I called the state after about 3 months of this to double check the septic field explanation, and of course, I got the official storyline all over again that it was just a sewer project. 

This particular rest stop is in view of some of the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona. Besides being a tourist area, Sedona on occasion has had a military presence which simply does not fit into its image. Since the eighties, there have been a couple of dozen incidents in which hikers on its various trails and canyons have been blocked by armed, uniformed (but with no i.d. patches) military goons in threatening confrontations which are documented. In a few cases, the goons have actually pointed their rifles (sometimes with laser pointers) at the hikers telling them to turn back. These confrontations have taken place on trails in the middle of nowhere.  Now what and why is a military presence in Sedona’s back trails? In addition, in the late nineties, the US Government (Forest Service) purchased the local Bradshaw Ranch which has had a long history of paranormal events. Most nature lovers thought that this new ranch land would expand their hiking possibilities, but to this day, the ranch has not been reopened to tourists nor has it been developed for anything else (that the public knows of). It remains closed with very threatening signs on its entrance. It has just been sitting there for all these years.

The best theory on what is going on is that the underground tunnel system goes under Sedona (some believe it’s a base), and occasionally there is a need for a tunnel user to get out of that system via a secret entrance to do something or other. Guards are deployed outside while this occurs. Once finished, the entrance is closed back up again, and subsequent hikers don’t notice a thing and encounter no one.  At this juncture, one has to ask oneself why would a covert person have a need to perform some mission related secret activity on earth’s surface on a remote Sedona trail?  That makes no sense. It makes much more sense to me to put a portal at a rest stop instead.

My theory was that the septic improvement project on “my” rest stop included the construction of a tunnel access spur terminated by a secret entrance. That is why it took so long using such heavy machinery. I went over to the side of the highway that the work occurred on in order to walk around and take a look, looking for seams in dirt or rock faces, or ventilation shaft openings. I am glad to report that this rest particular stop is legitimate. The amount of grading and earth moving to put in the sewer system was really extensive, plus the rest stop sits on top of a steep bluff, which would necessitate an elevator system to bring people or vehicles up from the tunnel. Also, there were no tire tracks leading from the rest stop out to the countryside where a secret entrance would have been placed. So, although I think my theory is a good one, it was a mistake to apply it to this rest stop.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ALIEN METALLURGY by Charles Tromblee

Alien Metallurgy                                                10/2012

We all know the story of the Roswell memory metal that resisted attempts to wad and crinkle it up like tinfoil, only to regain its flat smooth shape on its own. Many might also know of the excellent articles written by Anthony Bragalia about how he traced the path of Battelle Memorial Institute’s research on the memory metal Nitinol (sounds like a sleeping pill, doesn’t it?) which began “coincidentally” a few months after the Roswell event. Nitinol is an alloy of titanium and nickel. Mr. Bragalia has gathered a very impressive array of evidence points which, when taken collectively, proves to me with only a shadow of a doubt that this is certainly a case of reverse engineering a piece of UFO crash technology. When one watches a YouTube video of Nitinol in action, it requires a high heat to be applied before it starts to regain its original shape. The Roswell stories state that the alien version of Nitinol regained its original shape at room temperature. What this means to me is that despite the best efforts of our scientists, there is still something unknown about the manufacture of Nitinol which resists our attempts to make it as good as the alien version. Apparently, aliens are master metallurgists who dwarf us in this technology just like they do in other fields as well, such as medical surgery (based on their abduction implantations), and fields and rays (based on their crafts’ operational evidence). I think the only area that we dwarf them is in the area of freedom of choice and social well being.

Years ago, I would not have been surprised to learn that the hull of a UFO was some sort of non-metallic composite material. Nowadays, after having read numerous accounts of trace evidence from UFOs, I believe that the hulls are metallic, and that these hulls are composed of elements that we all know about from high school. They are not composed of unknown, undiscovered elements simply because the whole universe is composed of elements from the familiar periodic table of elements. I recently read an article by a journalist who rejected an object’s alien-origin-hypothesis simply because it was composed of elements that we know about. His conclusion just simply was not logical. As Canadian Mr. Wilbert Smith said, while referring to UFO material samples that he had been furnished to analyze, “As a general thing they differ only in that they are much harder than our materials.”

Just as most UFO sighting stories turn out to have earthly origins, so too do the physical artifacts that are recovered. The provenance of the objects is almost never firm and reliable. The objects have to speak for themselves by having analysis results that are unusual and head scratching.

What remains unknown and undiscovered are the processes and metals’ characteristics that they (aliens) use which takes the common metallic elements that are spread throughout the galaxy and combines and operates on them to create characteristics which are unique and exotic. Sometimes the recovered UFO artifact is an element, but most of the time it is a combination of metallic elements into an alloy.

This article was inspired by an internet blurb that showed up around August 27, 2012.* This article announced the creation of a technique to predict what characteristics an alloy would have. It stated that the creation of alloys up until now has been empirical. Blind experimentation by mixing different quantities of metals together to see if the outcome has any unique properties has been the only way our present alloyed metals were invented. I was surprised to read this, so my own internet search on alloy prediction revealed that plenty of predictive tools for alloys exist, but they appear to apply only in a narrow range; i.e. for one known metal at a time in combination with another known metal. Nothing showed up that was broadly predictive, such as what two or three metals could be alloyed to create a hull with such and such properties? What percentages of each should be used and what processing temperatures are required? What will the eutectic points be? How will impurities affect its properties? Should the processing be done in any sort of electric or magnetic field, or even a zero gravity field? What catalysts could be used to aid the process? Does the metal have isotopes with unique properties dictating that the isotope be used? Not only do I think our alien visitors know all this, but also that they probably know how to predict all this. They appear to have delved deeper than we know how to on predicting how two or more metals might behave in a mixture. We humans would have moved on after testing two metals in combination, satisfied that we had extracted the important data with our empirical tests, while the aliens would have gone much deeper.

Following are a few examples of alien artifact analysis, presented with the caveat that possibly all could have earthly origins.

Ubatuba, Brazil, 9/14/1957: A UFO reportedly was seen to explode above the water near the beach in Ubatuba, near Sao Paulo. It then crashed in the ocean. Fragments from the explosion were found on the beach, collected, and sent to a newspaper reporter who subsequently wrote the story up in the local newspaper. These were then given to Brazilian ufologist who got them analyzed. They were shown to be magnesium, but of a purity that was beyond anything that earthly processes could achieve. Other tests were made, including density measurements. The density measurements showed that the magnesium was different in weight than pure magnesium should be, but for some reason, no one thought to follow up on this. The samples were then retested again by other labs including labs in the USA. Each time the chain of custody of the samples got more lengthy and less robust. Eventually, it was concluded that the magnesium was not nearly as pure as had originally been concluded by the Brazil lab. Reams of paper have been written about the different tests and purity levels that could be achieved during that era. Paul R. Hill, author of Unconventional Flying Objects, noted that the density measurements almost exactly coincided with measurements that would have occurred for pure Magnesium 26 which is a scarce isotope of normally occurring magnesium (which is magnesium 24). In his book Paul R. Hill exhibited quite a bit of frustration on the complete lack of attention to the obvious clue that this was not just ordinary magnesium.

In April, 1996, an anonymous person mailed to Art Bell’s “Coast to Coast” talk show some samples collected by his grandfather from the bottom of a wedge shaped UFO gathered at White Sands NM in 1947. He sent the samples in and Linda Moulton Howe, an investigative reporter of peculiar phenomena, subsequently had them tested. The test results were not remarkable. What was thought to be remarkable was the composition of the sample: it was 97-98% magnesium mixed with 2-3% zinc against a thin film of pure bismuth. There were 25 such layered pairs against one another, 100-200 microns Mg-Zn thick and 1-4 microns bismuth thick respectively. Although it was known that we can deposit such thin layers of these two materials, no one knew of what use such a combination would be or of any product or process that would “want to” produce such a combination. Therefore, given the UFO story that attended the sample’s origin, the peculiarity of the combination, and the reputation that bismuth has of being a very strange element that some scientists thought exhibited antigravity properties, the sample created quite a buzz. (I will touch upon bismuth’s antigravity reputation in a near future writeup in this blog. Bisumth is a lot weirder than just being an ingredient in Pepto Bismol.) Dr. Paul LaViolette in his book, Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, discusses one of bismuth’s peculiar properties that this sample could have been tested for but wasn’t. Bismuth exhibits a negative index of refraction, usually denoted by the Greek letter epsilon. He theorized that these layers could have been a waveguide for a 5,000 GHz microwave beam, with the magnesium being the waveguide walls. He wishes that the sample would have been tested by aiming the microwave beam at it to see if it exhibited any lift properties brought about by the bismuth, a test which was not done by the test lab. However, the whole story becomes less exciting when the test lab that did the tests for LMH revealed that their conclusion regarding their test results was that the material had nothing alien or unearthly about it, a conclusion that they claim that LMH refused to accept. Later the test lab found an earthly process for refining lead that would have resulted in scrap material of the composition of the samples; the process is known as the Betterton-Kroll process. Take your pick of these results, and I might add, what a mess.

Finally, there is no reason to assume that aliens’ superior expertise in metals does not also extend to most other substances as well. This next and final example is not about metal but is instead about an insulator. It deals with Wilbert Smith, previously mentioned, having been loaned a sample of a piece shot off of a UFO by the US government. In 1961, Dr. Smith revealed that the sample material was shot off of one of those saucers that buzzed Washington DC in 1952. The saucer was only 2 feet in diameter, so my best guess is that it was a drone. I say this because in my collection of 300 Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the smallest UFO that held an occupant was 3 feet in diameter, and the occupant was only 12”-18” tall. The pilot who shot the piece off of it must have had a lucky shot. Anyhow, the piece glowed or scintillated as it fell to the ground, so the pilot was able to watch it and note its location. It was recovered about an hour later, still scintillating. It was composed of magnesium orthosilicate, Mg2O4Si, which is a naturally occurring mineral here on earth, but it was very unusual in that it had 15 micron spheres spread throughout. He did not say what the spheres were composed of, nor did he report what he discovered, if anything, that the spheres did for the sample’s properties; i.e. did they make it harder or more flexible, or enhance the thermoluminescence that magnesium orthosilicate naturally has?  Mg2O4Si already is quite hard, being 7 on the Moh scale, so he easily could have determined if the spheres caused it to exceed that hardness. It is also an excellent electrical insulator. Mg2O4Si, also known as forsterite, is used as a semiprecious gemstone in its crystalline form known as peridot.

The two main points to take away from this article are as follows: First, aliens are using the same elements to build their items that we use to build our items, and second, they know a lot more about elements’ properties and how to combine them than we do.  The UFOs we see flying around in our sky are composed of familiar elements, but alloyed and combined in ways that we are completely unaware of.  They are not composed of unknown and unearthly atomic elements.

The propulsion system of the UFOs needs a special mention here. Propulsion systems usually have a “special ingredient” in them  that is key to their operation, such as gasoline for an automobile engine and uranium for a nuclear vessel. It is readily apparent that for UFOs, energy is either cheap or free and is in great abundance. So many of our pilots’ stories about chasing UFOs end with the pilot saying that he had to discontinue the chase due to low fuel. Clearly, we would like to reverse engineer their propulsion system and maybe already have done so. What I truly expect would come out of this is that their key to cheap and free energy is NOT based on discovery of some brand new element, such as Element 115 per the Bob Lazar story, di-lithium crystals per the Star Trek TV series, or unobtanium per the Avatar movie. What I do expect will emerge is that whatever reaction it is that provides the thrust for a UFO will be based on the presence of a material (the special ingredient) that is from the familiar periodic table of elements plus something else like rotational motion. Would a catalyst be needed to allow the UFO engine to tap into dark energy? It would be analogous to building more powerful dc motors using rare earth magnets or the use of a catalyst such as platinum or palladium to make catalytic converters work more efficiently. Whatever the key to propulsion is, it will be brand new to us, likely a new physics principle, and not simply an efficiency increase of a known process.

*Super Metal Alloys Achieved with Design Tool for Stable Nanocrystals, Aug 27, 2012