Does America have s secret space program? This question is too broad, for it could simply be interpreted as: Do we have a lot of secret satellites performing secret functions up in space? Of course we do, so the anwer to the broad question is YES.
The “correct” question is really a series of questions, which are:
I. Does America have a secret space fleet of manned ships?
II. Are the crews of these ships garrisoned in outer space or here on earth?
III. Is the propulsion of this fleet based on field propulsion, or is it old fashioned rocketry?
IV. What does this fleet do?
The Ufonalyzer regrets to inform that he does not know the answer to any of I through IV. This is ironic because the existence of UFOs is a certainty and this whole website is written with that certainty as a basic premise, but when we come to a simple appearing set of questions about something as mundane as an earth created space fleet, the answer is not clear at all. All that exists are some scattered pieces of suggestive evidence. Another topic to be discussed is why America would love to have a secret manned space fleet as soon as possible; that is, if it does not have one already.
Before we launch into the clues and logic behind the secret space fleet question, let’s get one thing out of the way. Is there enough money floating around to pay for the waste of having two overlapping space programs? Yes, there’s plenty. Read the Ufonalyzer’s writeup on “How Many Black Budget UFO Workers Are There?”. In that writeup, the possible use on UFOs for some of the missing $2.3 TRILLION dollars announced by Rumsfeld on 9/10/2001 was discussed. It was assumed that the UFO coverup and its related reverse engineering projects were using 25% of that money. A separate space fleet would easily be paid for with some of the leftovers.
Another item to clear up is this. America already has two separate space programs operating right under our noses. The New York Times published an article “Pentagon Leaves the Shuttle Program”, on 8/7/1989 which explained that after a 20 year joint venture, our military was splitting its space efforts away from those of NASA [1]. The stated reason was that NASA continued to believe in the manned space shuttle, and its whole program was based around it. The Pentagon felt that the shuttle was unsafe and there were many dead astronauts to prove it. Due to the shuttle’s unreliability, military space launches were severely behind schedule as well. Therefore, the Pentagon decided that unmanned space flight was safer and less prone to shutdowns, so they parted ways with NASA and created their own program. This program is still going on as is witnessed by the 10/24/09 Fox News article about the X-37B space plane being developed independent of NASA [2]. You will notice that it is unmanned, thus continuing the Pentagon’s publicly revealed commitment to unmanned rocketry safety. During the years that the military was in league with NASA, they built billions of dollars worth of facilities to accommodate their secret military goals for space based upon the space shuttle. This building was done in great secrecy. The breakaway by the Pentagon from NASA’s shuttle caused many of the military’s secretly constructed space facilities to become obsolete. That is why in that New York Times article, it is revealed that a $3.3 Billion never-used spaceport at Vandenberg Air Force Base was closed as well as a $500 Million shuttle control center in Colorado [1]. The earthbound physical needs of the shuttle apparently are sufficiently different from the earthbound physical needs of an unmanned space program that these closings were deemed necessary. And, it must be pointed out these are just the closings that we know about. Therefore, this proves that we have burned money in the past on space program duplication. The main point, however, is that due to the physical differences between a shuttle program and a secrecy shrouded unmanned program, it is justifiable to claim that we have had two separate space programs since 1989.
And if that isn’t astounding enough, the Ufonalyzer wants to drop this one on you too: We already have had two secret astronaut programs!
The most recent one was was shut down in 1988 as an early part of the Pentagon’s 1989 decision to abandon the shuttle as its platform. Quoting from the NYT article, “In 1979, the Air Force Space Division in Los Angeles founded the Manned Spaceflight Engineer Program, an elite corps of military astronauts that was to specialize in deploying top-secret payloads. Mr. Cassutt said corps members were told they would fly in space at least once. The secret program, he added, eventually trained 32 engineers and had an annual budget of about $4 million.”[1]. This program was discontinued in 1988 as part of the future split away from NASA’s manned program.
The second secret astronaut program was described in a recent documentary on PBS’s NOVA entitled “Astrospies.” A website for this documentary is at [3]. This secret program was formed in the early days of the space race with the USSR, which had a similar program. It lasted from 1965 to 1969. In all, 17 US astronauts were trained to go up into satellites and spy down at strategic targets. Eventually, it was determined that unmanned satellites would do an adequate job of photographing the targets, so the program was abandoned.
All these astronauts in both programs were sworn to secrecy and did not get any publicity like our mainstream NASA astronauts.
It is possible that even earlier in history, there was still another secret space program somewhere on earth. Here are a couple of tidbits that might make you think that this older secret space program could have existed.
1. Have you ever seeen those Nazi UFO photos? They look so real that it boggles the mind. A search for the provenance of these photos did not turn anything up. Pretty soon a search will be made by the Ufonalyzer to see what the earliest date might be for some of these photos. If, for example, they are traced back to a book published in, say, 1970, then that would go a long way to verifying them, but not all the way of course. Why would this be true? Because a date like 1970 is pre PC and pre Photoshop. Richard Dolan, noted historian and author, wishes he would have delved more into the Nazi UFO story as part of his first book because he now realizes that they got farther than our government wants us to know about. The pathetic Avrocar of the fifties was allegedly based on Nazi UFO secrets and was contracted for by the United States. It appears as though the Nazi UFO program was much more advanced and sophisticated than the pathetic Avrocar would suggest. The Avrocar is believed by many to have been a smokescreen to induce the public to not believe in UFOs because it was a worthless piece of junk which never had a chance. It used ducted fans! One theory about the Avrocar is that the US knew it would be a disgrace so that’s why they hired a Canadian firm to build it, thereby saving a US company the embarrassment of being responsible for such an inept lemon. But consider this—if those Nazi UFOs were the real deal, their capture at the end of WWII would have given the US an instant space program. Consider the following story. On 10/10/1952 the Swedish newspaper, “Aftonbladet” carried a story that in 1944, Werner von Braun designed a test model of a 6 meter diameter UFO that operated under conventional propulsion. It was test flown, and the intent at the time was to design a 42 meter saucer based on this design. Its big problem was that it used too much fuel. Both the Russians and the Americans had the drawings for this saucer. Dr. von Braun always denied this story [4]. The Ufonalzyer remembers reading one of those soft cover science fiction books in the mid fifties such as Analog or Galaxy. One of them had a fiction story about just such a secret space program (not based on UFOs) which went to the moon and Mars and was later dismantled. This is the only story that the Ufonalyzer remembers from any of those magazines because it seemed so real it made a big impression.
2. In 1960 discovery and tracking of a mysterious satellite occurred. It was tracked so much that it was given the name of the Black Knight. This can be read about in Ufonalyzer’s article, “The Black Knight and Other Dark Satellites.” The amazing thing about this satellite is that was too big and heavy at the time for either Russia or the US to have launched it, and it was in a polar orbit which neither country had yet accomplished. It was only the 13th satellite known to be orbiting earth at the time. You have only two choices to figure out where this satellite came from: it was either an alien satellite or it was put up there by a country on earth with a secret space program. That’s it, there’s no more choices are there?
So here we are, having documented that the US has had one, possibly two, secret space programs and two, possibly three, secret astronaut programs. The question now is do we have a second, possibly third, secret space program going on right now? Well, if we do have one going on right now, we sure have the experience to run it, don’t we?
Internet’s YouTube has a bunch of videos about Apollo 20. One of them used to show an insignia uniform patch indicating Apollo 20 participation by the wearer. The trouble is that Apollo missions were cancelled after Apollo 17, and as far as public knowledge goes, an Apollo 20 never did occur. This means that the remaining scheduled Apollo missions of 18, 19, and 20 possibly took place as part of the secret space program. The reason they were made secret is because of all of the artifacts on the moon that the government does not want the public to know about. The YouTube videos show things that some people interpret to be space ships and buildings. It takes quite an imagination to buy into this, so this is the last time this will be mentioned.
Another clue is Gary McKinnon. As you are all aware, this poor stooge is being attacked viciously by the US government for hacking into their computer system, a crime Mr. McKinnon admits to. He has been fighting extradition for several years and it looks like he is going to lose. He’s a Brit, and his government needs to strap on a pair and protect their citizen, but they caved into the pressure from the US government. The US added up exaggerated damages from his cyber visits to our secret computer files and now wishes to prosecute him to the full extent of our law (70 years in prison max). He was using a 56k modem, for god’s sake! How much could have happened? The attack on him is so persistent, vicious, and relentless, that “the lady doth protest too much, methinks’” to quote Hamlet. It is obvious that the US government does not want him to talk. One amazing thing that our government has accomplished over the last few years while it pursued his extradition is that it has recharacterized his crime as cyber terrorism. The true nature of what this is all about has been swept under the carpet with the full cooperation of our disgraceful journalism community. You see, Mr. McKinnon wanted to know if UFOs are real so he hacked into the US’s computers. This case is not about UFOs though, because what Mr. McKinnon discovered points strongly to a secret space program run by the US. Don’t go to Wikipedia to find out more, however, because the writeup there is a piece of spin espousing the cyber terrorism line. (Read Unonalyzer’s writeup, “UFOs and Wikipedia” to learn more about how Wikipedia is used by spin groups, including our government, to slant and suppress information and perform revisionist history.) What Gary Mckinnon found that is so hush hush is a list of “non-terrestrial officers” names, plus another list of fleet to fleet transfers containing ships’ names that do not exist. His theory is that the reason he can’t find the ships’ names is because they are the names of space ships in the fleets. The non-terrestrial officers serve on those spaceships. He also found photos taken from space of cigar shaped ships floating in space. He is keeping his mouth shut now, hoping for leniency, so he hasn’t discussed his real findings in the last few years.
Most people who study UFOs now believe that the US has reverse engineered enough crashed UFOs to have created its own version of field propulsion, and they also believe that we have our version of the alien black triangle design UFO using that means of propulsion. Most ufologists believe that some of the black triangles sighted are alien and some are ours as well. No one knows where they are hangared; most believe underground. Our secret space fleet could be based on black triangles which are parked in space, not underground.
Here’s the final reason that we may have a secret space fleet: the Ufonalzyer is convinced that our military must want it and need it bad. Here’s why.
The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 forbade the deployment of weapons of mass destruction into space, but it did not forbid the deployment of conventional weapons. This is why the most threatening thing out there seems to be spy satellites. It would not be surprising, however, to learn that as more and more countries achieve space travel, some of them are sneaking offensive weapons of one sort or another into space. Here’s a quiz. A nuclear weapon is obviously a WMD. But what about a nuclear satellite that is designed to be detonated 60 miles up over a country to achieve an electromagnetic pulse? The recent documentary, “Space Wars” on the History Channel states that if a one megaton warhead were to be detonated 60 miles over Kansas, all of the electronics in the whole country would stop working. The Ufonalyzer has heard that our bombers presently have the capability to carry wing mounted pods which generate a non-nuclear EMP burst to disable electronics. (This is from unverified sources.) The question is this: given that EMP weapons already exist which obviously are not directly harmful to humans, does the possible existence of an EMP satellite break the treaty?
Satellite based weapons have only limited locomotion capability. Satellites have one big weakness which is that they are detectable due to their repetitive orbits. This renders them vulnerable to being shot down, not just from space if such a weapon existed up there, but also from the ground. Both the US and China each have shot down one of their own defective satellites from the ground to prevent it from hitting in a population center (and one would bet to prevent it from being analyzed once the wreckage is retrieved.) We know UFOs have cloaking capability, and we know that our scientists are working on radar and visual invisibility too. If they are successful, all sorts of things will be given this capability, satellites among them. Until then, we must assume that space satellites remain easily detectable and therefore vulnerable.What is needed, then, to prevent detection is a device that can move about freely in space to break up any repetitive pattern of orbit. A space ship would be ideal. The Pentagon must realize that now the time has come to return to manned space flight to counteract the satellite vulnerability. However, our flights have always been weight and fuel constrained. That is, this was the case until field propulsion came along (e.g. antigravity or electromagnetic propulsion). UFOs seemingly move about with little fuel, power, or weight constraints. So many UFO chase reports by piloted planes end because the plane needed to refuel. That is one great advantage of their propulsion system. With field propulsion, the ships could hide behind the far side of the moon to avoid detection if they had to without worrying about running out of gas. Furthermore, our astronauts have always suffered irreversible bone loss after a long tour of duty in space. No amount of exercise during the mission has prevented this. With a gravity based propulsion system, the ship’s gravity could be set to 1 g so that no bone loss occurs. This allows longer tours of duty in space and the garrisoning of our military men in space. Field propulsion also frees up the ship from using a launch pad, so now people who watch launches will never see the ship leave or arrive and thus never wonder what is going on.
More and more countries are achieving space travel. More and more countries are popping up where the whole government is insane. North Korea, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, the Taliban in Afghanistan, just to name a few, would be completely untrustworthy and irresponsible if they achieved a toehold in space. For the last 60 years, the major powers of the world have practiced a form of standoff to preserve peace called Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD. The idea of MAD is to have so much first and second strike capability that any country who attacks knows that it would also be annihilated. It is the same as “If you kill me, I’ll kill you back.” This is not a pleasant way to maintain peace, but there are not many other, if any, clear alternatives. This means that the weaponizing of space is inevitable for self protection and peace. Many of you remember the Strategic Air Command, or SAC. In the fifties, one of SAC’s programs was to have nuclear armed bombers in the air 24/7. This was so that if an attack occurred, we’d still have second strike capability already in the air and ready to counterattack. It sure must have used a lot of fuel. A space fleet could provide the same deterrent as the SAC bombers did but without the fuel waste.
Just one last thought. We still might have that fleet up there already. There have been several instances over the years where a satellite went dead for a long period of time and then started operating again. It certainly confounds the scientists who have no idea how such “self repair” can happen. Maybe the space fleet repaired those satellites.
[1] “Pentagon Leaves the Shuttle Program”, by William Broad, New York Times, 8/7/1989
[4] “Hitler’s Flying Saucers”, by Henry Stevens, 2003, pp. 95-97
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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