LAMENT FOR UFOLOGY by Ufonalyzer © 12/2010
Come on, ufology, let’s go.
It is time to move forward.
You have plateaued, stalled out.
Your knowledge is not expanding;
progress has stopped.
Arguments rage about 60 year old events.
You’re always looking backward at “classic” sightings.
Endlessly discussing this old stuff leads nowhere.
Discuss it only if you find a new way to shed light.
The richness and newness is gone.
Young people are bored with this old stuff.
What remains is frustration, sniping, and boredom.
Lots of people are bringing you down—
weak politicians, 15 minute fame seekers,
money grubbers, religious fanatics,
lazy media, government agents.
All greed, weakness, and cowardice.
You were almost there.
You almost had congressional hearings.
Assassinations of ethical heroes stifled the revelation.
Yes, Virginia, there is a conspiracy.
Your conferences and podcasts
seek the radical viewpoint.
They get wackos manufacturing
shock impact for money.
Nuts and bolts is passe.
Your public is unaware that it lives
in the shadow of an overhead colossus.
The government knows this,
but chooses to maintain
its illusion of control.
It refuses to admit its helpless reality.
It has won the battle with its people,
but people aren't the right foe.
It is successful with the wrong strategy.
The press surrendered decades ago.
Ignorance is triumphant.
Obama was a false Disclosure hope.
He had the right opportunity.
He could have seized the moment.
He could have made history.
He chickened out,
or listened to the wrong people.
Forget about him.
Don’t get fooled into thinking “they”
are all good and ethical.
Most are though. Or indifferent.
You have saucer orgs that collect but say little.
Are G-men embedded?
Do something! Action is needed.
Foment something political like Keyhoe.
Reveal what you truly think.
Don’t hide your belief.
Emulate Friedman and strap on a pair.
Don’t say sightings should be studied more.
Instead, say UFOs are spacecraft
controlled by alien intelligence.
Don’t let paranormal and religion
hijack the physical truth.
They are here, they are technical.
Stay with science as you ponder
the questions they pose.
But the war is not yet lost.
Keep thinking, keep writing,
but only about something new.
Look for new things to discuss.
Maybe someone will listen.
Not enough have yet.
Never give up.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Just in the last few years the Supreme Court made two decisions that were pretty stupid. They decided that corporations, being considered legal entities in the eyes of the law just as a person is, can contribute as much as they want to political campaigns and also kick people out of their homes so that a big development can be built on their property providing that those people live in a neighborhood which somebody judges to be a blight area. Corporate lobbying in Congress will now become an even larger source of corruption. Joe Everyman inherently knows that these were extremely ignorant decisions, cast by five fools (of nine) which will greatly affect 308 million Americans. Apparently the Court were unaware that huge corporations thrived in Nazi Germany, working hand in hand in hand with that government.
Corporations are not like human individuals. Corporations have different objectives and should not be lumped in with every other human person. They, like the Thousand Year Reich, think that they will live forever. They know that the individuals who work for them are just contributors and are transient, and therefore none are indispensable. Their underlying goal is to perpetuate the corporation, and all individuals must be subjugated to this cause. Their cause is really not to enhance the stockholders of the corporation who are the owners which is what is taught in business school.
What does this have to do with aliens? Well, aliens have star travel. Because of this, they know that they can perpetuate their species through colonization of empty planets and hybridization (or genocide) of populated planets. If one of their planets gets destroyed due to a catastrophe, they always have another which continues on. Aliens are analogous to corporations in that they believe they can perpetuate themselves forever. Because aliens know that their species can live forever, they, like corporations, might make different decisions than a human individual might make in the same circumstances. Their telepathy also helps in this regard, for the telepathy acts as an Overmind which overwhelms and dominates any individual free thoughts that its units might originate. Maybe corporate lawyers and business professors could contribute something toward understanding the alien agenda.
Each individual human knows that he/she will not live forever. Each individual probably also knows that the human race probably will not live forever because of its self destructive propensities and vulnerability to a cosmic event. As result, no human has ever needed to ever make a life or death decision based on the survival of the human species. A honeybee, on the other hand, always makes its life or death decisions for the hive’s perpetuation. The Ufonalyzer believes that most of human individuals, if faced with the extinction of the human race or its continuance, would sacrifice whatever remaining years of their lives toward its survival.
Of course, if we humans were to achieve short and efficient star travel, we could join the club and perpetuate ourselves, with the resultant change of thought and goals inherent to such capability.
The preceding talk about living forever and star travel reminds this writer about a science fiction story he once read in which a new religion sprang up. Its two goals were to achieve individual immortality and star travel. Its churches used a small portable reactor as an altar, and the cooling water which surrounded it would glow with a blue light. Great concept. The Ufonalyzer might even join that church.
Just in the last few years the Supreme Court made two decisions that were pretty stupid. They decided that corporations, being considered legal entities in the eyes of the law just as a person is, can contribute as much as they want to political campaigns and also kick people out of their homes so that a big development can be built on their property providing that those people live in a neighborhood which somebody judges to be a blight area. Corporate lobbying in Congress will now become an even larger source of corruption. Joe Everyman inherently knows that these were extremely ignorant decisions, cast by five fools (of nine) which will greatly affect 308 million Americans. Apparently the Court were unaware that huge corporations thrived in Nazi Germany, working hand in hand in hand with that government.
Corporations are not like human individuals. Corporations have different objectives and should not be lumped in with every other human person. They, like the Thousand Year Reich, think that they will live forever. They know that the individuals who work for them are just contributors and are transient, and therefore none are indispensable. Their underlying goal is to perpetuate the corporation, and all individuals must be subjugated to this cause. Their cause is really not to enhance the stockholders of the corporation who are the owners which is what is taught in business school.
What does this have to do with aliens? Well, aliens have star travel. Because of this, they know that they can perpetuate their species through colonization of empty planets and hybridization (or genocide) of populated planets. If one of their planets gets destroyed due to a catastrophe, they always have another which continues on. Aliens are analogous to corporations in that they believe they can perpetuate themselves forever. Because aliens know that their species can live forever, they, like corporations, might make different decisions than a human individual might make in the same circumstances. Their telepathy also helps in this regard, for the telepathy acts as an Overmind which overwhelms and dominates any individual free thoughts that its units might originate. Maybe corporate lawyers and business professors could contribute something toward understanding the alien agenda.
Each individual human knows that he/she will not live forever. Each individual probably also knows that the human race probably will not live forever because of its self destructive propensities and vulnerability to a cosmic event. As result, no human has ever needed to ever make a life or death decision based on the survival of the human species. A honeybee, on the other hand, always makes its life or death decisions for the hive’s perpetuation. The Ufonalyzer believes that most of human individuals, if faced with the extinction of the human race or its continuance, would sacrifice whatever remaining years of their lives toward its survival.
Of course, if we humans were to achieve short and efficient star travel, we could join the club and perpetuate ourselves, with the resultant change of thought and goals inherent to such capability.
The preceding talk about living forever and star travel reminds this writer about a science fiction story he once read in which a new religion sprang up. Its two goals were to achieve individual immortality and star travel. Its churches used a small portable reactor as an altar, and the cooling water which surrounded it would glow with a blue light. Great concept. The Ufonalyzer might even join that church.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
As stated about one or two other times in this blog, there’s nothing that get a nuts and bolts UFO person’s blood pumping like a UFO crash story. Many people have tried their hand at creating a comprehensive list of rumored UFO crashes, and all you have to do is google “UFO crash list” and a ton of them emerge. From a nuts and bolts guy’s perspective, the best list is the longest list. The longest one found by the Ufonalzyer so far was created by Steven Greer’s organization, CSETI, and it can be found at . It has 282 entries. The Ufonalyzer dimly recalls he found an even longer one on the internet once, but can’t find it any more. It had about 300 on it. Both lists have bent over backwards to make them as long as possible, and for that reason, some of the entries could be eliminated straightaway. For example, the CSETI list includes alien body recoveries but with no craft recovery, artifact recovery but with no craft recovery (e.g. Maury Island), the nine UFOs that Bob Lazar claims to have witnessed at Area 51, and twelve 2’ diameter spheres which fell to earth in Australia over a period of 9 years (’63-’72) and claimed by the USA as satellites from one of our secret satellite programs. This was a dubious claim at best which appeared to have been originated to avoid the use of strong arm tactics to take the alien technology away from the Australians. So maybe this list would shrink to about 180-200 crashes once the non-craft stuff is removed. There is also another big list at . It has roughly 170 entries, including a few hoaxes which it clearly demarks as such. Whenever a long crash list is encountered, the Ufonalyzer checks it against some of his favorite but little known crashes which are the 1933 Italy crash, the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles which Majestic documents say had two shoot downs, the Paradise Arizona crash of 1947, and the May 14, 2008, crash south of Needles, California, on the Colorado River near Topock, Arizona. This list misses two of those four, but it is still a pretty good list, nevertheless.
This writeup is prompted by reading Ryan Wood’s book, “Majic Eyes Only” which is a compilation of 74 UFO crash stories. It is highly recommended by the Ufonalyzer because it gives the story behind each crash along with an “authenticity meter” for each. It also has excellent material from some of the Majestic documents which cover UFO crashes. It is hoped that he will someday publish a more comprehensive second edition which contains many more crash stories.
Please don’t wonder why high tech aliens would crash in the first place. When you realize that the second most common activity that aliens perform when seen outside their craft is inspection and repair, you get the idea that maybe, just maybe, these craft are about as prone to malfunction as a car is.* Furthermore, some crashes are “assisted” by humans, and you know what that means, don’t you?
So, how many crashes have occurred? Lots of them. Given that the longest lists peter out at 150-200 crashes, that is probably a good world number for the phenomenon (so far.) Mind you, some of the listed crashes are little more than single source stories, and even rumor. However, you have to also offset this by the following two facts:
Fact #1: The USA started its UFO coverup before the Robertson panel coverup strategy meeting in 1952 and even before the 1947 Roswell incident. Many UFOs were sighted during WWII which were discs, cigars, spheres and not just foo fighter lights. You can read about these in Keith Chester’s excellent 2007 book, “Strange Company.” Most all of these these reports were handled by US and British intelligence so that a determination could be made whether or not they signified a new enemy weapons system which needed a countermeasure strategy. They were taken seriously in spite of the sarcastic and mocking feedback provided by the intelligence guys to the witnesses. They were also told not to talk about these sightings.** Couple this fact with the UFO crash from 1941 in Missouri and the two alleged crashes recovered from the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles, and you can arrive at the following inescapable conclusion: The USA undoubtedly had recovery teams with action plan strategies developed by the time Roswell occurred. The only reason Roswell leaked is that our compartmentalized intelligence “need to know” strategy backfired, so that well meaning military witnesses who weren’t in the inner circle did the right thing and publicized the event. It also means that recovery teams had enough early practice to have developed sufficient expertise to completely erase some UFO recoveries from any public disclosure whatsoever. In other words, the hoax and fake stories about UFO crashes that are on these lists are probably offset by crashes that actually did take place for which nothing at all is known.
Fact #2: Furthermore, here’s another way to look at these crash lists. As you know, there is nothing special about the USA from a UFO crash perspective. The USA has not been the consistently hottest spot in the world for UFO activity. UFOs are worldwide. Yet in Ryan Wood’s book of 74 crashes, 39 of them occurred in the lower 48 states. The free world supplied 69 of the 74 crashes, give or take a crash (too lazy to check the counting.) We all know that totalitarian areas of the world occupy huge land masses (Russia and China) plus occasional places that have cropped up under dictators like North Korea, Venezuela, Axis powers, Argentina, Albania, etc. Only 4 of these 74 reports came from such places. Inspection of the longer lists reveals the same kind of disproportionate contributions. Surely these foreign places have had their own crashes to deal with just as we have had, so it might just be that the UFO crash total is several hundred (and alien body count would be directly proportional to the crash count.)
*Most crashed UFOs might be scout craft as is evidenced by lack of “normal” amenities, such as food, quarters, etc. Aliens may place their reliability emphasis in their mother ship designs, and not in their short range vehicles.
**An essay by Don C. Donderi is found in David M. Jacobs’ book, “UFO Abductions”, c2000. Mr. Donderi’s essay is entitled “Science, Law, and War: Alternative Frameworks for the UFO Evidence”. This essay shows that military intelligence analysts would be the profession best suited to arrive at the ETH the fastest and to take it seriously. They would have to address the sightings in a serious manner because it’s their job to look for threats. The profession least suited (of the three: science, law, and military) are scientists.
As stated about one or two other times in this blog, there’s nothing that get a nuts and bolts UFO person’s blood pumping like a UFO crash story. Many people have tried their hand at creating a comprehensive list of rumored UFO crashes, and all you have to do is google “UFO crash list” and a ton of them emerge. From a nuts and bolts guy’s perspective, the best list is the longest list. The longest one found by the Ufonalzyer so far was created by Steven Greer’s organization, CSETI, and it can be found at . It has 282 entries. The Ufonalyzer dimly recalls he found an even longer one on the internet once, but can’t find it any more. It had about 300 on it. Both lists have bent over backwards to make them as long as possible, and for that reason, some of the entries could be eliminated straightaway. For example, the CSETI list includes alien body recoveries but with no craft recovery, artifact recovery but with no craft recovery (e.g. Maury Island), the nine UFOs that Bob Lazar claims to have witnessed at Area 51, and twelve 2’ diameter spheres which fell to earth in Australia over a period of 9 years (’63-’72) and claimed by the USA as satellites from one of our secret satellite programs. This was a dubious claim at best which appeared to have been originated to avoid the use of strong arm tactics to take the alien technology away from the Australians. So maybe this list would shrink to about 180-200 crashes once the non-craft stuff is removed. There is also another big list at . It has roughly 170 entries, including a few hoaxes which it clearly demarks as such. Whenever a long crash list is encountered, the Ufonalyzer checks it against some of his favorite but little known crashes which are the 1933 Italy crash, the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles which Majestic documents say had two shoot downs, the Paradise Arizona crash of 1947, and the May 14, 2008, crash south of Needles, California, on the Colorado River near Topock, Arizona. This list misses two of those four, but it is still a pretty good list, nevertheless.
This writeup is prompted by reading Ryan Wood’s book, “Majic Eyes Only” which is a compilation of 74 UFO crash stories. It is highly recommended by the Ufonalyzer because it gives the story behind each crash along with an “authenticity meter” for each. It also has excellent material from some of the Majestic documents which cover UFO crashes. It is hoped that he will someday publish a more comprehensive second edition which contains many more crash stories.
Please don’t wonder why high tech aliens would crash in the first place. When you realize that the second most common activity that aliens perform when seen outside their craft is inspection and repair, you get the idea that maybe, just maybe, these craft are about as prone to malfunction as a car is.* Furthermore, some crashes are “assisted” by humans, and you know what that means, don’t you?
So, how many crashes have occurred? Lots of them. Given that the longest lists peter out at 150-200 crashes, that is probably a good world number for the phenomenon (so far.) Mind you, some of the listed crashes are little more than single source stories, and even rumor. However, you have to also offset this by the following two facts:
Fact #1: The USA started its UFO coverup before the Robertson panel coverup strategy meeting in 1952 and even before the 1947 Roswell incident. Many UFOs were sighted during WWII which were discs, cigars, spheres and not just foo fighter lights. You can read about these in Keith Chester’s excellent 2007 book, “Strange Company.” Most all of these these reports were handled by US and British intelligence so that a determination could be made whether or not they signified a new enemy weapons system which needed a countermeasure strategy. They were taken seriously in spite of the sarcastic and mocking feedback provided by the intelligence guys to the witnesses. They were also told not to talk about these sightings.** Couple this fact with the UFO crash from 1941 in Missouri and the two alleged crashes recovered from the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles, and you can arrive at the following inescapable conclusion: The USA undoubtedly had recovery teams with action plan strategies developed by the time Roswell occurred. The only reason Roswell leaked is that our compartmentalized intelligence “need to know” strategy backfired, so that well meaning military witnesses who weren’t in the inner circle did the right thing and publicized the event. It also means that recovery teams had enough early practice to have developed sufficient expertise to completely erase some UFO recoveries from any public disclosure whatsoever. In other words, the hoax and fake stories about UFO crashes that are on these lists are probably offset by crashes that actually did take place for which nothing at all is known.
Fact #2: Furthermore, here’s another way to look at these crash lists. As you know, there is nothing special about the USA from a UFO crash perspective. The USA has not been the consistently hottest spot in the world for UFO activity. UFOs are worldwide. Yet in Ryan Wood’s book of 74 crashes, 39 of them occurred in the lower 48 states. The free world supplied 69 of the 74 crashes, give or take a crash (too lazy to check the counting.) We all know that totalitarian areas of the world occupy huge land masses (Russia and China) plus occasional places that have cropped up under dictators like North Korea, Venezuela, Axis powers, Argentina, Albania, etc. Only 4 of these 74 reports came from such places. Inspection of the longer lists reveals the same kind of disproportionate contributions. Surely these foreign places have had their own crashes to deal with just as we have had, so it might just be that the UFO crash total is several hundred (and alien body count would be directly proportional to the crash count.)
*Most crashed UFOs might be scout craft as is evidenced by lack of “normal” amenities, such as food, quarters, etc. Aliens may place their reliability emphasis in their mother ship designs, and not in their short range vehicles.
But there’s another way to look at this which may satisfy those who are in the “high-tech-means-reliability” camp. In this blog's writeup, “Negativity and Pessimism”, July, 2010, an estimate was made of 141,000 UFO flights per day in the world just for the alien abduction project. This estimate was based primarily on the Hopkins/Jacobs estimate of 2% of the worldwide population having been abducted, plus some other reasonable assumptions. Scaled by population to the United states , this gives 7,000 UFO flights per day over the US . There’s been about 40 UFO crashes in the USA in the last 70 years, so that’s a reliability per UFO flight of 0.22 UFO crashes per million flights. Airplane statistics, including private aircraft, for the same period gives a reliability of 1.406 airplane crashes per million flights. Therefore, UFOs are 7 times as reliable as airplanes. (This last calculation for airplanes was based on 87,000 flights per day over the USA and a total of 4864 accidents from 1918 to the present, and 64.28% of these accidents (= 3126 accidents) having occurred from 1950 to the present. Yes, the writer knows that in 1950, there were fewer than the present 87,000 flights per day, but by the same reasoning, it’s almost certain that in 1950 there were fewer than 7000 UFO flights per day in the USA . The reason for this big flaw in the estimates is that no yearly flight data could be found except for major airlines. If this flaw were fixed in the arithmetic used here, then it is expected that both the UFO and airline reliability rates would be calculated as worse than is presented here, but the ratio of the two would stay more or less the same.)
**An essay by Don C. Donderi is found in David M. Jacobs’ book, “UFO Abductions”, c2000. Mr. Donderi’s essay is entitled “Science, Law, and War: Alternative Frameworks for the UFO Evidence”. This essay shows that military intelligence analysts would be the profession best suited to arrive at the ETH the fastest and to take it seriously. They would have to address the sightings in a serious manner because it’s their job to look for threats. The profession least suited (of the three: science, law, and military) are scientists.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
WHAT'S IN A NAME? by Ufonalyzer 10/2010
What’s in a Name? (humor)
In one of his books, Timothy Good relates the story of Ludwig Pallman, who as a traveling salesman of food processing equipment in the 1960s, meets and befriends an alien visitor to our planet Earth. The alien’s mission is to do good here while collecting seeds and plant specimens which would be of food value to beings across all races. The alien tells Ludwig Pallman that earth is one of many planets where spontaneous cancer springs up, and as such is known as a “Cancer Planet.” Ufonalyzer can’t remember which of Timothy Good’s five or so books has this in it, but Pallman wrote of his experiences in his own book, “UFO Contact from Itibi-Ra: Cancer Planet Mission”, 1970. It is available as an ebook on line for $9.95. Everything that this writer has read about Mr. Pallman is that he was a very hard man to find and pin down to get an interview so as to assess the truth in his stories, but as far as can be found, no one was able to locate him for this purpose because he seemed to be constantly on the move in backwater regions of the world.
So we are known as a Cancer Planet. It’s a good bet that Earth has other names in the alien community as well. One of the Ufonalyzer’s guilty pleasures is zombie movies, and he prefers the slow zombies over those fast ones. There just aren’t enough of those movies made. A weak analogy could be made that we are “Zombie Planet.” We are always attacking and trying to kill every single alien ship we see, but our means of doing so is just as slow and inept as those darn zombies. Compared to aliens’ apparent mental capacities, ours must seem minuscule just as a zombie’s is to our own. Once in a while due to various reasons, we succeed in catching one of them (i.e. an alien) just like the slow zombies do in the movies when they catch a human. If we capture a live alien, we try to pick its brain which one could say corresponds to eating its brain. For sure, every alien knows that if captured, it is their death sentence. It is like the roach motel down here—you check in, but never check out.
But at least these names are better than a couple of the planets’ names that aliens allegedly came from. One contactee claimed he met beings who were the Dodonians, so they must have come from the Dodo planet. Still another race said that they came from the planet Urin. Maybe this planet is next to Uranus. (These names were obtained from encounters described in Albert Rosales’ website at ).
But earth’s alien name that would ring truest to this writer would be “A**hole Planet.” Aliens, however, might not have that portion of the anatomy, so it could also be “Planet of the Insane.” In fact, in Case # 19 in Albert Rosales’ website for 1947*, a Russian youth asked a 9’ tall alien why they didn’t contact humanity openly. The alien’s response was, "Why don't humans contact those in an insane asylum?" In the recent movie remake of “the Day the Earth Stood Still”, Keanu Reeves was told by an alien secret agent who had lived here on earth for the last several decades that we all know we are doomed yet cannot seem to do anything about it, so we continue on our path to self destruction. Aliens must shake their heads in bewilderment at some of the antics that occur here. Timothy Good has stated that abductions may be for the possible purpose of breeding our chimpanzee-like aggressive tendencies out of our genetic makeup. He stated that it could be about a hundred year project. Based on our abduction history it appears that this project is in its 5th decade or so with 50 years to go, plus or minus a decade or two.** So far, it looks like the project will fail. This makes one wonder what the aliens will do after that.
** In a May, 2010 podcast, noted abduction researcher, Budd Hopkins, stated that he has some elderly abductee subjects who started experiencing their abductions in the 1920’s.
In one of his books, Timothy Good relates the story of Ludwig Pallman, who as a traveling salesman of food processing equipment in the 1960s, meets and befriends an alien visitor to our planet Earth. The alien’s mission is to do good here while collecting seeds and plant specimens which would be of food value to beings across all races. The alien tells Ludwig Pallman that earth is one of many planets where spontaneous cancer springs up, and as such is known as a “Cancer Planet.” Ufonalyzer can’t remember which of Timothy Good’s five or so books has this in it, but Pallman wrote of his experiences in his own book, “UFO Contact from Itibi-Ra: Cancer Planet Mission”, 1970. It is available as an ebook on line for $9.95. Everything that this writer has read about Mr. Pallman is that he was a very hard man to find and pin down to get an interview so as to assess the truth in his stories, but as far as can be found, no one was able to locate him for this purpose because he seemed to be constantly on the move in backwater regions of the world.
So we are known as a Cancer Planet. It’s a good bet that Earth has other names in the alien community as well. One of the Ufonalyzer’s guilty pleasures is zombie movies, and he prefers the slow zombies over those fast ones. There just aren’t enough of those movies made. A weak analogy could be made that we are “Zombie Planet.” We are always attacking and trying to kill every single alien ship we see, but our means of doing so is just as slow and inept as those darn zombies. Compared to aliens’ apparent mental capacities, ours must seem minuscule just as a zombie’s is to our own. Once in a while due to various reasons, we succeed in catching one of them (i.e. an alien) just like the slow zombies do in the movies when they catch a human. If we capture a live alien, we try to pick its brain which one could say corresponds to eating its brain. For sure, every alien knows that if captured, it is their death sentence. It is like the roach motel down here—you check in, but never check out.
But at least these names are better than a couple of the planets’ names that aliens allegedly came from. One contactee claimed he met beings who were the Dodonians, so they must have come from the Dodo planet. Still another race said that they came from the planet Urin. Maybe this planet is next to Uranus. (These names were obtained from encounters described in Albert Rosales’ website at ).
But earth’s alien name that would ring truest to this writer would be “A**hole Planet.” Aliens, however, might not have that portion of the anatomy, so it could also be “Planet of the Insane.” In fact, in Case # 19 in Albert Rosales’ website for 1947*, a Russian youth asked a 9’ tall alien why they didn’t contact humanity openly. The alien’s response was, "Why don't humans contact those in an insane asylum?" In the recent movie remake of “the Day the Earth Stood Still”, Keanu Reeves was told by an alien secret agent who had lived here on earth for the last several decades that we all know we are doomed yet cannot seem to do anything about it, so we continue on our path to self destruction. Aliens must shake their heads in bewilderment at some of the antics that occur here. Timothy Good has stated that abductions may be for the possible purpose of breeding our chimpanzee-like aggressive tendencies out of our genetic makeup. He stated that it could be about a hundred year project. Based on our abduction history it appears that this project is in its 5th decade or so with 50 years to go, plus or minus a decade or two.** So far, it looks like the project will fail. This makes one wonder what the aliens will do after that.
** In a May, 2010 podcast, noted abduction researcher, Budd Hopkins, stated that he has some elderly abductee subjects who started experiencing their abductions in the 1920’s.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
ESTIMATES by Ufonalyzer 9/2010
ESTIMATES by Ufonalyzer 9/2010
One thing that more UFO students should do is try to get their arms around the UFO situation in a more quantitative way. It helps reduce the confusion about this whole issue of aliens if it can be defined quantitatively. Too many UFO papers are rubbish of one sort or another (perhaps including some of the Ufonalyzer’s). It is a good feeling to put your own estimate out there and then find out that someone else has done his own study using some other method and corroborated your own work. This writeup will summarize some of the Ufonalyzer’s previous estimates that have been made on the subject of UFOs as he seeks to understand the true nature of the phenomenon.
The first UFO estimate that this writer did was to calculate that there are 116,000 aliens now on earth. This was done by estimating how many alien beings are on each UFO that is sighted, and then scaling that number by the number of world sightings estimated per year and then further scaled upward and downward by unreported sightings, bad sightings, and so on. Read “How Many Aliens Are Here? How Many Aliens are on a 600’ UFO?” 4/2009, to check out the complete method. No one as yet has done a similar calculation. Lest you think this is a huge number, this is about one alien for every 52,000 humans. Be reminded that the conquistadors who destroyed the Incan and Aztec empires were outnumbered by much more than this number. Of course they achieved victory not so much by superior technology as by convincing the native tribes to unite with them and fight against the ruling native tribes. You also have to realize that the number could be much, much larger or smaller than 116,000. The point is that it is not just a few aliens numbering in the hundreds. Here are some more estimates never before published: some abduction theorists think that as many as 5-6% of the population has been abducted. The two main abduction specialists, Dr David M. Jacobs and Budd Hopkins believe the figure is more like 2%. Abductions have been occurring for over 70 years, which is about 25,000 days. Our population is 300 million. At a 2% abduction rate, that’s 720 abductions per day in the USA alone. Abductions are a worldwide phenomenon. UFO abduction crews always have at least 2-3 alien beings witnessed. That’s 2100 (720 x 3 beings) beings (in the USA) per day if one assumes the aliens abduct only one person per flight. Some abductees report that several abductions occur per flight, however. So this means the 2100 alien beings per day figure is overstated. Here’s the real point: the number of aliens working on earth is in the thousands. It is not a small amount of visits by space explorers and tourists. Basing an estimate on the work of Hopkins and Jacobs, the Ufonalyzer estimated that 141,000 UFOs may be visiting earth each day to perform abductions, providing of course that abductions are real. (Read “Negativity and Pessimism”, 8/2010, in this blog.) The Ufonalzyer saw a video interview of deceased ufologist Ellen Crystall (author of the good UFO book, “Silent Invasion,” 1991) who made an estimate of 250,000 UFOs visiting our skies each night! Whether it’s 141k or 250k, it’s a heck of a lot!
A few months ago on the Kevin Smith show, the Director of MUFON, Clifford Clift, said that alien sightings are occurring in about 2 of every 500 UFO reports. This compares to the Ufonalyzer’s own independent estimate of 1 in every 1132 reports (as estimated in “Analysis of Historical Alien Close Encounters” 7/2009.) Alien being sightings are rare occurrences shrouded in secrecy and misinformation, so this is actually good agreement. Mr. Clift says that all the sightings are of small aliens. This trend fits Ufonalyzer’s own studies which are described in his “Greys Ascendant”, 2/2010, which shows that the sighting percentage of greys is rising dramatically. In “Greys Ascendant”, we learn that the percentages of greys is rising steadily as a percentage of observed alien sightings, no abductions included. For example, in the sixties, only 8% of sightings were of greys, and that percentage increases to 30% in the decade 2000-2009. Most sightings are too poor to identify anything other than a figure or a being. If such sightings were better, the percentage of greys could have been higher .
The Ufonalyzer has also counted, although quite carelessly, that at least 48 different species have visited earth bases on his spreadsheet of CE3 cases to be found at
Kevin Smith mentioned a guest who says the number is 70, and the government has pictures to prove it. Let’s compromise for now and say that the number 60 is accurate, and let’s further say that all these races come from within 300 light years of our sun. Why 300? Read Ufonalyzer’s blog article entitled “You Can’t Get Here From There”, 3/2010, to get the answer to this question. Given that there are 2000 stars within 50 light years from earth, it can be estimated that 300 light years would contain 432,000 stars. This calculates out to 1 starfaring race for every 7200 suns in our neighborhood. Another surprise gleaned from the aforementioned spreadsheet is the small size of the landed UFOs. 60% of the landed UFOs were 20’ or less in diameter, even though the average diameter of a flying UFO averages is usually estimated to be much higher. The Ufonalyzer thinks that the airborne size estimate is the wrong one due usually to having no nearby size reference. One last thing about size. The Ufonalyzer once had the theory that UFO sizes were trending larger over the decades. Based on sighting data, this has not been the case at all; i.e. they seem to be holding at the same size, and the big difference now is all the triangle shapes that are seen whereas in the past decades only a few were seen.
Getting back to those alien being sightings, 297 such sightings (does not include abductions) were collected since 1933 and put into the previously mentioned spreadsheet. When good descriptions of aliens were provided, it was found that 20% of the observed aliens required breathing apparatus to sustain themselves in our atmosphere. Their most popular observed activity (when such information was provided by the sighter) was sample gathering (23 of 46 instances), while the second most popular activity was UFO inspection and repair (11 of 46 instances.) Read Ufonalyzer’s writeups “Analysis of Historical Alien Close Encounters”, 7/2009, and “Update: Close Encounters Spreadsheet”, 2/2010.
Another estimate about the UFO situation here on earth gives a figure of 93,000 black budget UFO workers that exist in the United States. The study which made this estimate is “How Many Black Budget UFO Workers Are There?”, 9/2009. This study also points toward the fact that the majority of the 93,000 don’t work directly for the government, so they must work in private industry. The study also crudely estimates that only about 1 in 500 of these people ever comes forward to tell their story, and that there may be as many as 200,000 revelatory UFO stories out there walking around in silence. These figures are further expounded upon in this blog’s article,“People Are Strange Too”, 5/2010.
In the article “Does America Have a Secret Space Program?” 10/2009, it is concluded that the answer is likely YES, but only if it is a space fleet that uses field propulsion such as antigravity as opposed to the primitive “firecracker” technology which drives our jets, rockets, cars, etc. There is certainly enough money for it. The US has had secret space programs in the past as well as secret agencies, so having a secret space fleet is simply a matter of technology and perceived necessity. Therefore, if we’ve back engineered crashed UFO propulsion, then we have such a fleet right now. The main job of this fleet is the weaponizing of space.
Finally, and most recently, the Ufonalyzer has concluded by using a Chi-Squared analysis in the writeup “UFOs vs Air Traffic Accidents—A Chi-Squared Analysis”, 8/30/2010, that the amount of UFO caused air traffic accidents is too small to be statistically detectable in overall world air traffic accident statistics.
One thing that more UFO students should do is try to get their arms around the UFO situation in a more quantitative way. It helps reduce the confusion about this whole issue of aliens if it can be defined quantitatively. Too many UFO papers are rubbish of one sort or another (perhaps including some of the Ufonalyzer’s). It is a good feeling to put your own estimate out there and then find out that someone else has done his own study using some other method and corroborated your own work. This writeup will summarize some of the Ufonalyzer’s previous estimates that have been made on the subject of UFOs as he seeks to understand the true nature of the phenomenon.
The first UFO estimate that this writer did was to calculate that there are 116,000 aliens now on earth. This was done by estimating how many alien beings are on each UFO that is sighted, and then scaling that number by the number of world sightings estimated per year and then further scaled upward and downward by unreported sightings, bad sightings, and so on. Read “How Many Aliens Are Here? How Many Aliens are on a 600’ UFO?” 4/2009, to check out the complete method. No one as yet has done a similar calculation. Lest you think this is a huge number, this is about one alien for every 52,000 humans. Be reminded that the conquistadors who destroyed the Incan and Aztec empires were outnumbered by much more than this number. Of course they achieved victory not so much by superior technology as by convincing the native tribes to unite with them and fight against the ruling native tribes. You also have to realize that the number could be much, much larger or smaller than 116,000. The point is that it is not just a few aliens numbering in the hundreds. Here are some more estimates never before published: some abduction theorists think that as many as 5-6% of the population has been abducted. The two main abduction specialists, Dr David M. Jacobs and Budd Hopkins believe the figure is more like 2%. Abductions have been occurring for over 70 years, which is about 25,000 days. Our population is 300 million. At a 2% abduction rate, that’s 720 abductions per day in the USA alone. Abductions are a worldwide phenomenon. UFO abduction crews always have at least 2-3 alien beings witnessed. That’s 2100 (720 x 3 beings) beings (in the USA) per day if one assumes the aliens abduct only one person per flight. Some abductees report that several abductions occur per flight, however. So this means the 2100 alien beings per day figure is overstated. Here’s the real point: the number of aliens working on earth is in the thousands. It is not a small amount of visits by space explorers and tourists. Basing an estimate on the work of Hopkins and Jacobs, the Ufonalyzer estimated that 141,000 UFOs may be visiting earth each day to perform abductions, providing of course that abductions are real. (Read “Negativity and Pessimism”, 8/2010, in this blog.) The Ufonalzyer saw a video interview of deceased ufologist Ellen Crystall (author of the good UFO book, “Silent Invasion,” 1991) who made an estimate of 250,000 UFOs visiting our skies each night! Whether it’s 141k or 250k, it’s a heck of a lot!
A few months ago on the Kevin Smith show, the Director of MUFON, Clifford Clift, said that alien sightings are occurring in about 2 of every 500 UFO reports. This compares to the Ufonalyzer’s own independent estimate of 1 in every 1132 reports (as estimated in “Analysis of Historical Alien Close Encounters” 7/2009.) Alien being sightings are rare occurrences shrouded in secrecy and misinformation, so this is actually good agreement. Mr. Clift says that all the sightings are of small aliens. This trend fits Ufonalyzer’s own studies which are described in his “Greys Ascendant”, 2/2010, which shows that the sighting percentage of greys is rising dramatically. In “Greys Ascendant”, we learn that the percentages of greys is rising steadily as a percentage of observed alien sightings, no abductions included. For example, in the sixties, only 8% of sightings were of greys, and that percentage increases to 30% in the decade 2000-2009. Most sightings are too poor to identify anything other than a figure or a being. If such sightings were better, the percentage of greys could have been higher .
The Ufonalyzer has also counted, although quite carelessly, that at least 48 different species have visited earth bases on his spreadsheet of CE3 cases to be found at
Kevin Smith mentioned a guest who says the number is 70, and the government has pictures to prove it. Let’s compromise for now and say that the number 60 is accurate, and let’s further say that all these races come from within 300 light years of our sun. Why 300? Read Ufonalyzer’s blog article entitled “You Can’t Get Here From There”, 3/2010, to get the answer to this question. Given that there are 2000 stars within 50 light years from earth, it can be estimated that 300 light years would contain 432,000 stars. This calculates out to 1 starfaring race for every 7200 suns in our neighborhood. Another surprise gleaned from the aforementioned spreadsheet is the small size of the landed UFOs. 60% of the landed UFOs were 20’ or less in diameter, even though the average diameter of a flying UFO averages is usually estimated to be much higher. The Ufonalyzer thinks that the airborne size estimate is the wrong one due usually to having no nearby size reference. One last thing about size. The Ufonalyzer once had the theory that UFO sizes were trending larger over the decades. Based on sighting data, this has not been the case at all; i.e. they seem to be holding at the same size, and the big difference now is all the triangle shapes that are seen whereas in the past decades only a few were seen.
Getting back to those alien being sightings, 297 such sightings (does not include abductions) were collected since 1933 and put into the previously mentioned spreadsheet. When good descriptions of aliens were provided, it was found that 20% of the observed aliens required breathing apparatus to sustain themselves in our atmosphere. Their most popular observed activity (when such information was provided by the sighter) was sample gathering (23 of 46 instances), while the second most popular activity was UFO inspection and repair (11 of 46 instances.) Read Ufonalyzer’s writeups “Analysis of Historical Alien Close Encounters”, 7/2009, and “Update: Close Encounters Spreadsheet”, 2/2010.
Another estimate about the UFO situation here on earth gives a figure of 93,000 black budget UFO workers that exist in the United States. The study which made this estimate is “How Many Black Budget UFO Workers Are There?”, 9/2009. This study also points toward the fact that the majority of the 93,000 don’t work directly for the government, so they must work in private industry. The study also crudely estimates that only about 1 in 500 of these people ever comes forward to tell their story, and that there may be as many as 200,000 revelatory UFO stories out there walking around in silence. These figures are further expounded upon in this blog’s article,“People Are Strange Too”, 5/2010.
In the article “Does America Have a Secret Space Program?” 10/2009, it is concluded that the answer is likely YES, but only if it is a space fleet that uses field propulsion such as antigravity as opposed to the primitive “firecracker” technology which drives our jets, rockets, cars, etc. There is certainly enough money for it. The US has had secret space programs in the past as well as secret agencies, so having a secret space fleet is simply a matter of technology and perceived necessity. Therefore, if we’ve back engineered crashed UFO propulsion, then we have such a fleet right now. The main job of this fleet is the weaponizing of space.
Finally, and most recently, the Ufonalyzer has concluded by using a Chi-Squared analysis in the writeup “UFOs vs Air Traffic Accidents—A Chi-Squared Analysis”, 8/30/2010, that the amount of UFO caused air traffic accidents is too small to be statistically detectable in overall world air traffic accident statistics.
PEOPLE WHO I WISH WOULD SEE A UFO by Ufonalyzer 9/2010
PEOPLE WHO I WISH WOULD SEE A UFO by Ufonalyzer 9/2010
As you know, sometimes people react oddly to a UFO sighting. The most weird reaction is when they refuse to look, think, analyze, and remember further about their personal sighting because it conflicts their belief system. Enough said about them.
It appears that the UFO sighting situation in the world in a stable state. Sightings happen, get reported, get denied by the authorities and get sarcastic treatment by the media, all in a repeating cycle. Nothing occurs beyond that. This is an unhealthy stability as it is based on lies. Major penetrations of the veil of secrecy rarely happen. For this reason, a huge jolt to the status quo is needed to kick start a movement to perhaps another stable state, one which is more open for the citizens of the world.
There are some influential people in the world who the Ufonalyzer hopes will see a good, close, hovering daylight UFO because some of these people could actually do something about it and shake up the status quo. Not surprisingly, most of this list will be composed of politicians.
Lula de Silva, President of Brazil:
Brazil has the potential to be one of the first western countries to open up about UFOs. In the past, it is highly likely that they submitted to the USA’s pressure to keep UFOs a secret and to hand over all evidence to the USA. As Brazil emerges from its 3rd world status and begins to become a major player, it appears to be shedding some of its timidity/subservience towards the USA and is revealing (some of?) its old files on past UFO events. If Lula were to see a UFO, he could accelerate the process to come clean on the issue. In addition, he is not running for re-election, so whatever repercussions occur from such an announcement would not impact his career.
Wen Jiabao, Premier of China:
It is possible that China has never been part of the global conspiracy to maintain the secrecy of alien visitation. China has a healthy ufology environment relative to the USA. China appears to have captured the mojo that the USA has lost, and it is looked to as one of the world leaders. China is in a position to go it alone and say what it wants to about UFOs. If China were to reveal the truth about UFOs, some people would look to China as being THE world leader, not just one of the pack of 4 or 5. People may even view them as advocates of all truth, although this would be a very big mistake given its one party system which operates in a low profile. All government decisions are designed to not jeopardize its one party system and to preserve it, while free market economy is allowed to operate. The premier of China could be highly influential toward making a unilateral decision to reveal the truth.
Paul Allen:
This very wealthy co-founder of Microsoft has an interest in the cosmos as shown by his recent million dollar contribution to silly SETI. That money could be very well spent if it were to be donated to NUFORC and MUFON instead. If this guy were to have a good sighting, it could make him see that the SETI money is a waste, and that he has been ignoring the place where it should have been going all along.
Rupert Murdoch:
As you know, about 90% of media communications comes from only 5 sources, and this guy owns one of them. If he had the epiphany of a great sighting, he could change the tone of his media empire to be more open and serious about UFOs. Of course he would receive objections from the CIA; they may even assassinate him. He’s have to “man up” to resist their negative pressure. It is very possible, though, that he might be one of those people mentioned in the first paragraph as is evidenced by the intellectual wasteland of his media empire.
Notice that President Obama and the Pope are not on this list.
President Obama is now under the control of the political machine; forget about him. Plus he up to his neck in alligators as he tries to drain the swamp. This writer participated in the PRG’s “million fax on Washington” campaign and told Obama in a letter that Disclosure could serve as a diversion while the real work of fixing the economy gets done. Ignored, as usual.
The Pope probably already knows the truth and has files to prove it. Much of the Vatican’s proof was gathered in the early days of UFOs when military and political leaders thought it was proper to have religious advisers on the matter and even in attendance at major UFO encounters, e.g. to administer last rites to alien bodies. However, the church does not want to rock the boat and prefers slow, gradual change. Actually, they prefer no change at all, but that is not realistic.
This writer also wishes that his son and his neighbor would also have a great sighting. That would teach them a good lesson.
As you know, sometimes people react oddly to a UFO sighting. The most weird reaction is when they refuse to look, think, analyze, and remember further about their personal sighting because it conflicts their belief system. Enough said about them.
It appears that the UFO sighting situation in the world in a stable state. Sightings happen, get reported, get denied by the authorities and get sarcastic treatment by the media, all in a repeating cycle. Nothing occurs beyond that. This is an unhealthy stability as it is based on lies. Major penetrations of the veil of secrecy rarely happen. For this reason, a huge jolt to the status quo is needed to kick start a movement to perhaps another stable state, one which is more open for the citizens of the world.
There are some influential people in the world who the Ufonalyzer hopes will see a good, close, hovering daylight UFO because some of these people could actually do something about it and shake up the status quo. Not surprisingly, most of this list will be composed of politicians.
Lula de Silva, President of Brazil:
Brazil has the potential to be one of the first western countries to open up about UFOs. In the past, it is highly likely that they submitted to the USA’s pressure to keep UFOs a secret and to hand over all evidence to the USA. As Brazil emerges from its 3rd world status and begins to become a major player, it appears to be shedding some of its timidity/subservience towards the USA and is revealing (some of?) its old files on past UFO events. If Lula were to see a UFO, he could accelerate the process to come clean on the issue. In addition, he is not running for re-election, so whatever repercussions occur from such an announcement would not impact his career.
Wen Jiabao, Premier of China:
It is possible that China has never been part of the global conspiracy to maintain the secrecy of alien visitation. China has a healthy ufology environment relative to the USA. China appears to have captured the mojo that the USA has lost, and it is looked to as one of the world leaders. China is in a position to go it alone and say what it wants to about UFOs. If China were to reveal the truth about UFOs, some people would look to China as being THE world leader, not just one of the pack of 4 or 5. People may even view them as advocates of all truth, although this would be a very big mistake given its one party system which operates in a low profile. All government decisions are designed to not jeopardize its one party system and to preserve it, while free market economy is allowed to operate. The premier of China could be highly influential toward making a unilateral decision to reveal the truth.
Paul Allen:
This very wealthy co-founder of Microsoft has an interest in the cosmos as shown by his recent million dollar contribution to silly SETI. That money could be very well spent if it were to be donated to NUFORC and MUFON instead. If this guy were to have a good sighting, it could make him see that the SETI money is a waste, and that he has been ignoring the place where it should have been going all along.
Rupert Murdoch:
As you know, about 90% of media communications comes from only 5 sources, and this guy owns one of them. If he had the epiphany of a great sighting, he could change the tone of his media empire to be more open and serious about UFOs. Of course he would receive objections from the CIA; they may even assassinate him. He’s have to “man up” to resist their negative pressure. It is very possible, though, that he might be one of those people mentioned in the first paragraph as is evidenced by the intellectual wasteland of his media empire.
Notice that President Obama and the Pope are not on this list.
President Obama is now under the control of the political machine; forget about him. Plus he up to his neck in alligators as he tries to drain the swamp. This writer participated in the PRG’s “million fax on Washington” campaign and told Obama in a letter that Disclosure could serve as a diversion while the real work of fixing the economy gets done. Ignored, as usual.
The Pope probably already knows the truth and has files to prove it. Much of the Vatican’s proof was gathered in the early days of UFOs when military and political leaders thought it was proper to have religious advisers on the matter and even in attendance at major UFO encounters, e.g. to administer last rites to alien bodies. However, the church does not want to rock the boat and prefers slow, gradual change. Actually, they prefer no change at all, but that is not realistic.
This writer also wishes that his son and his neighbor would also have a great sighting. That would teach them a good lesson.
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Ufonalyzer’s First UAP: A “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda” Event
By Ufonalyzer August, 2010
On August 19, 2010, at 9:40 pm in Central Arizona, the Ufonalyzer experienced his first ever Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. Here’s how it came about.
At about 9:40pm, the Ufonalyzer looked out a west-facing window and saw a very bright multicolored object flying from south to north. He went outside to see it better. It was quite unusual as it was very brightly lit for an aircraft and had some red lights on it too, but the predominant color was normal white light. Due to the noise from a nearby highway, he could not determine if it was making any audible sound of its own. The object appeared to be about 2000-4000 feet away and was about 5 degrees above the horizon. That was not the UAP, however.
Within about 10 seconds of going outside, he noticed two strings of lights moving northeast to southwest. The sky was brightly lit by a near full moon. It was so bright that it was one of those moonlit nights where you could almost discern colors. The sky was dotted with white puffy clouds which he estimated to be about 1000 feet above the ground. The two strings of lights were flashing small lights, each of which had some violet in them but mostly white. One string of them had about 4 flashing lights in it, only about two of them flashing at a time. The shorter string was moving parallel to the longer and had only about two flashing lights in it. ALL the lights were moving in unison as though they were affixed to a rigid framework which was not “seeable” from the ground. The lights when first observed were about 60-70 degrees above the horizon. Although traffic background noise existed, no noise was coming from the lights in that part of the sky.
The two flickering strings of parallel lights went into a cloud. No cloud disturbance was noted, indicating the what ever the strings of lights were mounted to was extremely thin. (It’s entirely possible that the lights went over the cloud too, but it sure looked like they went into the cloud. Furthermore, a little later, they appeared to go through another smaller cloud.) They were small lights. In about a minute, these lights disappeared into the distance. Never once did their speed and direction change during the sighting.
The Ufonalyzer continued to watch the original object that first drew his attention after the strings of lights left the area. He watched it for about 20 more minutes. It kept the same altitude and went north to south and then south to north for about four cycles. Once in a while it hovered. It sure looked like it was in a search mode. None of its array of lights was used toward the ground, and as best as he could tell none was used as a spotlight in any direction. He thinks it was looking for an aerial object, and naturally the likely suspect is the strings of lights described above. Finally the object (probably a search helicopter) went below the horizon. Just before it disappeared below the horizon, another similarly lit object emerged above the horizon about where the original was descending and headed northeast.
The Ufonalyzer has rehearsed in his head things that he would do if he had a sighting. He is ashamed to tell you that he was very slow and dull witted regarding this sighting because he did not do the obvious things. The only thing that was done was to fire a thought probe at the objects and noted that there was no change in their flight pattern due to this.
The obvious things which were not done follow next in this writeup and these will try to reconstruct the event after the fact even though this will result in more errors than if they had been done in real time during and immediately after the event.
Here is a diagram done 1 week after the event (it should have been done that very evening.) The longer string of lights might have been spanned by 3” of thumb and forefinger at arms length (22”). If the cloud that the lights went into was 1000’ up, then the cloud may have been 1200’ away because it was at an angle to the observer. This calculates out to a 163’ length for the longer string of lights. The longer string took perhaps 2 seconds to traverse its own length, which if it were 163’ long means it was moving only 60mph. The Ufonalyzer, in addition to not doing the right things at the opportune moment, also did not call the local airport the next day to confirm the cloud ceiling height. He also had to call his neighbor (whom he had told the next morning) to ask about the exact day of the sighting. Please, people, if you have a sighting, do a better job than the Ufonalyzer. The Ufonalyzer gives himself an “F” grade for this.
Anyhow, this probably shouldn’t be classified as a UFO sighting which is why the acronym UAP was used. The Ufonalzyer has always criticized night lights as being pretty useless and this one is no exception. It was exciting, nevertheless. Based on the very likely search mode that the apparent helicopter was in, the Ufonalzyer believes that the lights may well have indicated a UFO. It is also interesting to note that the light string’s path initially took it closer to the object that presumably was searching for it, but we all know that UFOs can ignore any and all of our efforts with impunity. But if the UFO had made itself invisible, then why have the visible flashing lights? It makes no sense. It is recommended that you read “UFO Detection” 12/2009 and “Those Vanishing UFOs” 12/2009 in this blog.
This sighting was not reported.
Monday, June 28, 2010
BIGFOOT VS UFOS by Ufonalyzer 6/2010
Apologies for the stupid and ignorant title. Of course there’s no competition between these two subjects. This writeup was inspired by a couple of things. The first was by going through 9000 capsule summaries of UFO/paranormal encounters by people at Albert Rosales’ website. Among these encounters were 20 to 30 encounters with large hairy beings, about 8 of which were observing a bigfoot type alien coming out of a landed UFO and bigfoot type aliens collaborating with other alien races visiting earth. The second was by watching the documentary, “Southern Fried Bigfoot” on television which was quite well done and kind of persuasive. The Ufonalyzer does not believe in Bigfoot, but hopes that he is wrong, while he does believe in UFOs and is convinced that he is right.
But why the difference? Both leave trace evidence, both have well documented sightings, both are worldwide phenomena, both have videos and photos, both have long histories extending back into time with native lore and legend, both get occasional newspaper coverage by lazy and ignorant journalists, but only one has a stealth coverup with FOIA clues and other strong evidence. Beyond this last point, the difference is simply an issue of magnitude.
Trace Evidence: UFOs leave a variety of trace evidence, be it psychological disorders of abductees, scorch marks, landing gear imprints, occasional fragments from crashes, refusal by vegetation to grow at a landing site and more. Bigfoot’s evidence is almost always a foot plaster cast and a recording of a howling. Both are easily faked.
Worldwide Phenomena: UFOs have a conservative unexplained, good 15,000 sightings per year. Bigfoot, including yetis, has what, about 10? Both, however, are undeniably worldwide phenomena.
Videos and Photos: UFOs have hundreds of videos and photos per year. Most of the UFO videos are of night lights and as such are virtually worthless, but often there is a daylight disc video which really makes you think. UFOs also have the advantage of simultaneous visual AND radar confirmation, and Bigfoot has none. Bigfoot has about zero videos per year, one exception being the famous Patterson footage shot in California on 10/20/1967, and the few yearly photos are always night time blurry things that could easily be someone in a gorilla suit.
Long Histories: In this category, the two subjects appear to be about equally compelling.
Media Coverage: Same as previous. Both suffer disgraceful, ignorant, shallow, sarcastic coverage blended with amateurish attempts at humor.
Government Coverup: The easiest and first thing to determine in ufology is that there exists a government coverup. Of course, Bigfoot does not have that going for it, because government officials really do not care if there is a crypto animal roaming the world (unless the animal has a chance of having extraterrestrial ties.* This writer has always held the belief that if the chupacabra turns out to be real, it is an escaped alien pet.) In the case of UFOs, the government has been “hoist by its own petard”; i.e. its earnest efforts to hush the phenomenon up really goes a long way toward convincing the casual curious person that this is for real, otherwise why the coverup? Take a look at a redacted UFO FOIA document, or read the three different government versions of the Roswell incident for starters. The coverup methods used by the government work for the vegetative public which is in the majority, but they don’t work at all for the casual curious investigator. Unfortunately, the Bigfoot believers do not have the ludicrous government lies going for them, and this actually hurts them insofar as public backing goes for support.
Physical Proof: Both camps believe that to prove to the general public that their belief is real, a dead specimen will have to be obtained. A big issue in the Bigfoot camp is whether to kill one to prove it exists or to use other means. It’s virtually the same in the UFO camp, with a public dead alien, public crashed UFO, or public landing needed to convince the skeptics.
Each of us has a personal threshold at which the total evidence induces one to cross over into “believerhood”. For this writer, more evidence is needed for Bigfoot to “become real” in his mind. You may still believe in either one or both because your personal threshold is different than someone else’s. Regardless, the Ufonalyzer will definitely watch the next Bigfoot special that occurs with rapt attention.
* One of Timothy Good’s books has a photograph of a bird caught in Puerto Rico that actually has fangs like a snake. Alleged government agents confiscated the bird.
Apologies for the stupid and ignorant title. Of course there’s no competition between these two subjects. This writeup was inspired by a couple of things. The first was by going through 9000 capsule summaries of UFO/paranormal encounters by people at Albert Rosales’ website. Among these encounters were 20 to 30 encounters with large hairy beings, about 8 of which were observing a bigfoot type alien coming out of a landed UFO and bigfoot type aliens collaborating with other alien races visiting earth. The second was by watching the documentary, “Southern Fried Bigfoot” on television which was quite well done and kind of persuasive. The Ufonalyzer does not believe in Bigfoot, but hopes that he is wrong, while he does believe in UFOs and is convinced that he is right.
But why the difference? Both leave trace evidence, both have well documented sightings, both are worldwide phenomena, both have videos and photos, both have long histories extending back into time with native lore and legend, both get occasional newspaper coverage by lazy and ignorant journalists, but only one has a stealth coverup with FOIA clues and other strong evidence. Beyond this last point, the difference is simply an issue of magnitude.
Trace Evidence: UFOs leave a variety of trace evidence, be it psychological disorders of abductees, scorch marks, landing gear imprints, occasional fragments from crashes, refusal by vegetation to grow at a landing site and more. Bigfoot’s evidence is almost always a foot plaster cast and a recording of a howling. Both are easily faked.
Worldwide Phenomena: UFOs have a conservative unexplained, good 15,000 sightings per year. Bigfoot, including yetis, has what, about 10? Both, however, are undeniably worldwide phenomena.
Videos and Photos: UFOs have hundreds of videos and photos per year. Most of the UFO videos are of night lights and as such are virtually worthless, but often there is a daylight disc video which really makes you think. UFOs also have the advantage of simultaneous visual AND radar confirmation, and Bigfoot has none. Bigfoot has about zero videos per year, one exception being the famous Patterson footage shot in California on 10/20/1967, and the few yearly photos are always night time blurry things that could easily be someone in a gorilla suit.
Long Histories: In this category, the two subjects appear to be about equally compelling.
Media Coverage: Same as previous. Both suffer disgraceful, ignorant, shallow, sarcastic coverage blended with amateurish attempts at humor.
Government Coverup: The easiest and first thing to determine in ufology is that there exists a government coverup. Of course, Bigfoot does not have that going for it, because government officials really do not care if there is a crypto animal roaming the world (unless the animal has a chance of having extraterrestrial ties.* This writer has always held the belief that if the chupacabra turns out to be real, it is an escaped alien pet.) In the case of UFOs, the government has been “hoist by its own petard”; i.e. its earnest efforts to hush the phenomenon up really goes a long way toward convincing the casual curious person that this is for real, otherwise why the coverup? Take a look at a redacted UFO FOIA document, or read the three different government versions of the Roswell incident for starters. The coverup methods used by the government work for the vegetative public which is in the majority, but they don’t work at all for the casual curious investigator. Unfortunately, the Bigfoot believers do not have the ludicrous government lies going for them, and this actually hurts them insofar as public backing goes for support.
Physical Proof: Both camps believe that to prove to the general public that their belief is real, a dead specimen will have to be obtained. A big issue in the Bigfoot camp is whether to kill one to prove it exists or to use other means. It’s virtually the same in the UFO camp, with a public dead alien, public crashed UFO, or public landing needed to convince the skeptics.
Each of us has a personal threshold at which the total evidence induces one to cross over into “believerhood”. For this writer, more evidence is needed for Bigfoot to “become real” in his mind. You may still believe in either one or both because your personal threshold is different than someone else’s. Regardless, the Ufonalyzer will definitely watch the next Bigfoot special that occurs with rapt attention.
* One of Timothy Good’s books has a photograph of a bird caught in Puerto Rico that actually has fangs like a snake. Alleged government agents confiscated the bird.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
UFOs and Psychological Comparisons
In his book, “Flying saucers and Science,” Stanton Friedman tells of a man named Lester Grinspoon, MD, who in 1972 suggested that UFOs have some sort of Freudian connection. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He claimed that the round disc shape was inspired by female breasts and the cigar shapes were phallic symbols. He obviously believes that witnesses are seeing imaginary things shaped by their sexual Freudian tendencies. They all therefore must have untreated psychiatric disorders. Throughout the field of UFOs we can easily find highly educated non believers who don’t have a clue about that portion of reality occupied by UFOs. Stanton Friedman has pointed out that the better educated the person, the more likely that person is to believe in the UFO phenomenon, but here is an example where one’s education still did not open his mind to the evidence that is all around him. Many people, you see, are educated beyond their intelligence.
Another interesting and similar theory, but with more possibilities, is expressed by Greg Reece. Greg Reece holds a PhD in Religious Studies. On the Binnall of America radio show on 11/10/2007, he made some very interesting comparisons between UFOs and religion. The vast power of the US government in controlling the whole UFO situation is analogous to the omniscient power of God. Both have an element of mystery about them with so many unknowns that we all wish were revealed. The Men In Black represent dark angels who visit witnesses on behalf of the government (God). Aliens are able to provide the truth of creation as well as information on mankind’s redemption and destruction. They can also become our saviors if they wish. Disclosure is the second coming of Jesus. To this, the Ufonalyzer would add that reptilians may be analogous to the snake in the Garden of Eden. Reece states that the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote that UFOs are modern day scientific angels. This man (Reece) gave a very interesting and engaging interview, even though one can discern from his comments that he may not believe in UFOs. You can find more of his views in his book “UFO Religion: Inside Flying Saucer Cults and Culture”, 2007. You can buy a used one on the internet for about $1-$2 plus shipping.
Despite Dr. Reece coming across as a non believer in UFOs, he can still be correct in his theory about the connection between UFOs and religion. It is the opinion of this writer that many people are hardwired genetically with a religious/spiritual gene or need. Religion can be used to satisfy this need, but so can UFOs. One can tell from the points that Reece makes that UFOs fit pretty well with religious structure as we know it, so with a little bit of childhood religious indoctrination, this explains how so many UFO believers easily fall into the religious side of the UFO subject. The Ufonalzyer lives in a region where its MUFON chapter is dominated by spiritual people, and MUFON meetings and presenters are quite spiritual which is why he has not joined MUFON. As you know, religious interpretation of UFOs has been with the phenomenon from the very beginning and Reece’s comparative views summarized in the preceding paragraph easily explain how this came about. He further believes that as the years tick by with no further nuts and bolts progress/proof, more and more ufologists will be gravitating toward the religious side of ufology. This, by the way, is a belief shared by the Ufonalyzer and was mentioned in his writeup “Nuts and Bolts to Paranormal”. Some major ufologists already have or are in the process of crossing over. No names will be mentioned here. The Ufonalyzer believes that this “crossover” from nuts and bolts to religious (or spiritual) UFOs should be resisted because no progress to answer basic UFO questions will be made in the religious arena, or so he thinks. Mind you, this writer does not deny the paranormal aspects of UFOs. There’s abundant evidence of that. It’s just that this is so far beyond us that those who try to make money by talking/publishing about it are using shear guesswork with no possibility of progress.
The great genius, Isaac Newton, 1643-1727, was always a big time believer in his religion and alchemy. This combination is about as close to the spiritual and paranormal as you can get. He began his transition over to more and more alchemy in 1669, eventually devoting full time to it after many years until the end of his life. His great contributions in mathematics and physics were the first reflecting telescope, 1668; color theory of light, 1672; early calculus, 1665; his laws of motion/gravity, 1687. What were his contributions to the paranormal? Zero. This bears a repeat: ZERO. His writings in this field were so useless that the Royal Society decided that they were not fit to be printed. None of us can even hold a candle to Newton’s intellect, yet even he made no contributions whatsoever in the field of spiritual and paranormal, and his interest in this curtailed his contributions to math and science thereafter. Take a lesson from Newton: stick to the tangible aspects of UFOs. If you don’t want to stick to nuts and bolts, there are 39 openings in the Heaven’s Gate cult just waiting to be filled.
In his book, “Flying saucers and Science,” Stanton Friedman tells of a man named Lester Grinspoon, MD, who in 1972 suggested that UFOs have some sort of Freudian connection. He is currently an Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He claimed that the round disc shape was inspired by female breasts and the cigar shapes were phallic symbols. He obviously believes that witnesses are seeing imaginary things shaped by their sexual Freudian tendencies. They all therefore must have untreated psychiatric disorders. Throughout the field of UFOs we can easily find highly educated non believers who don’t have a clue about that portion of reality occupied by UFOs. Stanton Friedman has pointed out that the better educated the person, the more likely that person is to believe in the UFO phenomenon, but here is an example where one’s education still did not open his mind to the evidence that is all around him. Many people, you see, are educated beyond their intelligence.
Another interesting and similar theory, but with more possibilities, is expressed by Greg Reece. Greg Reece holds a PhD in Religious Studies. On the Binnall of America radio show on 11/10/2007, he made some very interesting comparisons between UFOs and religion. The vast power of the US government in controlling the whole UFO situation is analogous to the omniscient power of God. Both have an element of mystery about them with so many unknowns that we all wish were revealed. The Men In Black represent dark angels who visit witnesses on behalf of the government (God). Aliens are able to provide the truth of creation as well as information on mankind’s redemption and destruction. They can also become our saviors if they wish. Disclosure is the second coming of Jesus. To this, the Ufonalyzer would add that reptilians may be analogous to the snake in the Garden of Eden. Reece states that the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung wrote that UFOs are modern day scientific angels. This man (Reece) gave a very interesting and engaging interview, even though one can discern from his comments that he may not believe in UFOs. You can find more of his views in his book “UFO Religion: Inside Flying Saucer Cults and Culture”, 2007. You can buy a used one on the internet for about $1-$2 plus shipping.
Despite Dr. Reece coming across as a non believer in UFOs, he can still be correct in his theory about the connection between UFOs and religion. It is the opinion of this writer that many people are hardwired genetically with a religious/spiritual gene or need. Religion can be used to satisfy this need, but so can UFOs. One can tell from the points that Reece makes that UFOs fit pretty well with religious structure as we know it, so with a little bit of childhood religious indoctrination, this explains how so many UFO believers easily fall into the religious side of the UFO subject. The Ufonalzyer lives in a region where its MUFON chapter is dominated by spiritual people, and MUFON meetings and presenters are quite spiritual which is why he has not joined MUFON. As you know, religious interpretation of UFOs has been with the phenomenon from the very beginning and Reece’s comparative views summarized in the preceding paragraph easily explain how this came about. He further believes that as the years tick by with no further nuts and bolts progress/proof, more and more ufologists will be gravitating toward the religious side of ufology. This, by the way, is a belief shared by the Ufonalyzer and was mentioned in his writeup “Nuts and Bolts to Paranormal”. Some major ufologists already have or are in the process of crossing over. No names will be mentioned here. The Ufonalyzer believes that this “crossover” from nuts and bolts to religious (or spiritual) UFOs should be resisted because no progress to answer basic UFO questions will be made in the religious arena, or so he thinks. Mind you, this writer does not deny the paranormal aspects of UFOs. There’s abundant evidence of that. It’s just that this is so far beyond us that those who try to make money by talking/publishing about it are using shear guesswork with no possibility of progress.
The great genius, Isaac Newton, 1643-1727, was always a big time believer in his religion and alchemy. This combination is about as close to the spiritual and paranormal as you can get. He began his transition over to more and more alchemy in 1669, eventually devoting full time to it after many years until the end of his life. His great contributions in mathematics and physics were the first reflecting telescope, 1668; color theory of light, 1672; early calculus, 1665; his laws of motion/gravity, 1687. What were his contributions to the paranormal? Zero. This bears a repeat: ZERO. His writings in this field were so useless that the Royal Society decided that they were not fit to be printed. None of us can even hold a candle to Newton’s intellect, yet even he made no contributions whatsoever in the field of spiritual and paranormal, and his interest in this curtailed his contributions to math and science thereafter. Take a lesson from Newton: stick to the tangible aspects of UFOs. If you don’t want to stick to nuts and bolts, there are 39 openings in the Heaven’s Gate cult just waiting to be filled.
PEOPLE ARE STRANGE TOO by Ufonalyzer 5/10
The affairs of aliens are shrouded in high strangeness, but let us not forget that we are strange too. The Ufonalyzer thinks that he’s very good at spotting phonies but knows that he is bad at understanding how people think. One area that is completely outside of his understanding is hoaxers. Why do it? Is it fun? Does it make them feel smart or important? Do they hoax out of ignorance? Sometimes the reason is obvious, like in the case of the balloon boy’s dad. This idiot had money plus 15 minutes of fame as his goals. But for the most part, hoaxers are baffling, or maybe the answer is “all of the above.”
Ufologist Ellen Crystall witnessed another strange human behavior. There were two periods in her life in which she frequented areas with high number of UFO sightings. She diligently witnessed and recorded her experiences in her good book, “Silent Invasion”, 1991. The Ufonalyzer recommends reading it. One area was in California in the ‘70’s and the other was Pine Bush, NY in the ‘80’s. She realized from interviewing the locals in these areas that they did not wish the aliens and ships to be either chased or spied upon. How the locals reached this state was a mystery to her, and it prevented them from learning much of anything UFO-related that was occurring right in their locale. They had reached a state, not based on fear, but where they instead had almost a religious respect for them.
Another strange thing is Disclosure, but this time not by our paranoid and secrecy crazed government, but by ordinary citizens who have a juicy UFO tale to tell. There must be thousands of un-mined stories out there being hidden by employees of private industry, US government, and military. The Ufonalyzer has previously estimated that only 1 in 500 such people ever come forward to reveal their experience. This estimate was very crudely done, but it is the only estimate that this writer knows of. When you sit down and think about it, it kind of makes sense though. Just imagine how many military have participated in crash cleanups and UFO-plane chases, and how many civilians have experienced pilot sightings, control tower radar plus visual sightings, alien artifact analysis, alien autopsies, reverse engineering studies, and special studies regarding alien impact on this or that. The Ufonalyzer’s previous estimate is that there are currently 93,000 employees both in the public and private sector doing UFO work funded by our black budget. That is NOW. UFOs have been around 65 years in the public eye, so there have been two or three generations of such workers who have come and gone. Therefore, the information resource secretly carried by those who are in the USA and who could supply insider information on this subject is probably around 200,000 to 300,000 not counting those who have died. Where are all these people? The UFO skeptic would say that few come forward because the whole UFO thing is baloney. Steven Greer was able to scrounge up about 500 who were willing to speak openly about the secret. The best guess is that it is a minor issue in the lives of most of them. They also know that reprisals by the real powers controlling the UFO secrecy in addition to public ridicule are not worth going public. Take Edward Ruppelt for example. His classic book on UFOs was revised late in life to add chapters at the end to debunk what the previous chapters made clear—the reality of the UFOs. Someone had gotten to him. Although a career military man, threats against him probaby took the form of pension cancellation or family harm. This probably contributed a lot to his early death. These are just guesses.
If you allow that maybe 200,000-300,000 Americans have an insider UFO story to tell, what do you think, maybe 30,000 learned their story in the 50’s to the 60’s? Let’s see, a person who worked on a major UFO event in 1969 at say age 25 would be 66 today. That age is beyond the usual retirement age. 1949 would be 86; 1959 would be 76. This person does not have to fear reprisals from his employer, or the ridicule of his coworkers. He does have neighbors, and they might laugh at him. The really big question is will the government use its illegal computer hacking to destroy his pension and take away his social security? Will they smear his reputation? Will they prosecute him for security oath violations? Will they murder him? It is the opinion of this writer that the answer is ‘no’ for most people (unless they were a really big fish in the UFO knowledge department). Even retired ex-generals have come forward to reveal the truth, and we have not heard about any sort of reprisals against them so far. Now that the computer age is upon us, one beneficial result of it is that fewer CIA murders are occurring to maintain the coverup; they instead are opting for financial reprisals and reputation slurs. The goverment may also have perfected its mind control methods, so that the exit interviews of UFO employees include a selective memory erasure. The thugs who threaten families with the murders of their children are probably still living and in many cases and retired, having been given honorable discharges, but let us go forward believing that this illegal and ugly anti-American tactic has diminished. Naïve? Maybe.
Social psychology teaches us about compartmentalized thinking. This mode of thought is what allows the Cosa Nostra members to be good family men and churchgoers. They separate their negative and evil behavior from their good behavior with no conscience repercussions at all. Most of those who orchestrate, maintain, and enforce the coverup fall into this category. Other coverup people may think they are being patriotic and these people are wrong. Others think that they can handle the truth but most everyone else can’t. These people exist and they are repugnant.
Some believe that anyone subjected to the government’s secrecy pressure automatically wishes to expose the truths that they’ve learned, but this not the case. Some are perfectly happy with ultra secrecy and it does not bother them. In fact some react just the opposite of what you’d expect. When it is pointed out to them what the secrecy laws are and that what they know is allowed to be revealed under these laws, they decline and say that in their opinion the information is still “sensitive” and they will not reveal it. In other words, they have their own private secrecy rules, sometimes even more severe than the government’s! According to ufologist Anthony Bragalia, in one of his last interviews, Jessie Marcel Sr. told the interviewer, Linda Corley, the following: "There is a hell of a lot that I haven't said for the sake of my country." Yikes. You’ve just told us about a crashed Roswell saucer which represents one of the greatest historical events in history, so what are you holding back on other information for? WTF? One technique that does work to get a few good witnesses to come forward is for the investigator to absolutely guarantee the witnesses’ secrecy. Len Stringfield was successful with this approach. This also shows that there are many silent witnesses do want others to learn their stories. The problem with this approach is that the receiver of those secrets is then continuously, illegally monitored so that his phone, internet, and snail mail are intercepted and the witnesses becomes known. Another technique to avoid reprisals was used by Bob Lazar. He went public with his stories when he began to suspect that he was in danger. The sunlight of publicity suppressed the likelihood of reprisals against him (although it assured that the negative aspects of his life story would be publicized). When you think about it, though, it is understandable that the normal retired person maintains his silence because the social and financial downside threat still makes telling the story not worth it. Anyone who does come forward is to be admired.
What is hard to figure, though, is the lack of deathbed confessions. Thousands of the 200,000-300,000 could easily and safely do us all a public service by providing their own personal disclosure without any threat whatsoever if they disclose in their very final years. It must be that when you’re dying, you might have more important things to think about than an old UFO story. But why not do a signed affidavit while you still have your wits about you, and then have it revealed posthumously. That would work. What do you think?
Digression: The Ufonalyzer’s opinion follows: What should “Joe Citizen” do if he experiences a monstrously huge UFO happening, or finds a suspected alien artifact with great provenance? Should Joe contact the government or the local authorities? Hell no! History shows this is the worst thing to do, because it could result in personal threats and it will result in the artifact being confiscated with no feedback whatsoever. The newspaper or local TV? Don’t be ridiculous. Instead, Joe should contact a top ufologist whom he suspects has the financial resources to properly investigate the story and/or scientifically analyze the artifact. The best initial contact method would be to arrange a meeting with that ufologist so that the constantly illegal spying on the ufologist does not detect anything about Joe or his story. The second best method would be to contact MUFON, but be aware that MUFON does not have much money and it could be already infiltrated by CIA agents.
The affairs of aliens are shrouded in high strangeness, but let us not forget that we are strange too. The Ufonalyzer thinks that he’s very good at spotting phonies but knows that he is bad at understanding how people think. One area that is completely outside of his understanding is hoaxers. Why do it? Is it fun? Does it make them feel smart or important? Do they hoax out of ignorance? Sometimes the reason is obvious, like in the case of the balloon boy’s dad. This idiot had money plus 15 minutes of fame as his goals. But for the most part, hoaxers are baffling, or maybe the answer is “all of the above.”
Ufologist Ellen Crystall witnessed another strange human behavior. There were two periods in her life in which she frequented areas with high number of UFO sightings. She diligently witnessed and recorded her experiences in her good book, “Silent Invasion”, 1991. The Ufonalyzer recommends reading it. One area was in California in the ‘70’s and the other was Pine Bush, NY in the ‘80’s. She realized from interviewing the locals in these areas that they did not wish the aliens and ships to be either chased or spied upon. How the locals reached this state was a mystery to her, and it prevented them from learning much of anything UFO-related that was occurring right in their locale. They had reached a state, not based on fear, but where they instead had almost a religious respect for them.
Another strange thing is Disclosure, but this time not by our paranoid and secrecy crazed government, but by ordinary citizens who have a juicy UFO tale to tell. There must be thousands of un-mined stories out there being hidden by employees of private industry, US government, and military. The Ufonalyzer has previously estimated that only 1 in 500 such people ever come forward to reveal their experience. This estimate was very crudely done, but it is the only estimate that this writer knows of. When you sit down and think about it, it kind of makes sense though. Just imagine how many military have participated in crash cleanups and UFO-plane chases, and how many civilians have experienced pilot sightings, control tower radar plus visual sightings, alien artifact analysis, alien autopsies, reverse engineering studies, and special studies regarding alien impact on this or that. The Ufonalyzer’s previous estimate is that there are currently 93,000 employees both in the public and private sector doing UFO work funded by our black budget. That is NOW. UFOs have been around 65 years in the public eye, so there have been two or three generations of such workers who have come and gone. Therefore, the information resource secretly carried by those who are in the USA and who could supply insider information on this subject is probably around 200,000 to 300,000 not counting those who have died. Where are all these people? The UFO skeptic would say that few come forward because the whole UFO thing is baloney. Steven Greer was able to scrounge up about 500 who were willing to speak openly about the secret. The best guess is that it is a minor issue in the lives of most of them. They also know that reprisals by the real powers controlling the UFO secrecy in addition to public ridicule are not worth going public. Take Edward Ruppelt for example. His classic book on UFOs was revised late in life to add chapters at the end to debunk what the previous chapters made clear—the reality of the UFOs. Someone had gotten to him. Although a career military man, threats against him probaby took the form of pension cancellation or family harm. This probably contributed a lot to his early death. These are just guesses.
If you allow that maybe 200,000-300,000 Americans have an insider UFO story to tell, what do you think, maybe 30,000 learned their story in the 50’s to the 60’s? Let’s see, a person who worked on a major UFO event in 1969 at say age 25 would be 66 today. That age is beyond the usual retirement age. 1949 would be 86; 1959 would be 76. This person does not have to fear reprisals from his employer, or the ridicule of his coworkers. He does have neighbors, and they might laugh at him. The really big question is will the government use its illegal computer hacking to destroy his pension and take away his social security? Will they smear his reputation? Will they prosecute him for security oath violations? Will they murder him? It is the opinion of this writer that the answer is ‘no’ for most people (unless they were a really big fish in the UFO knowledge department). Even retired ex-generals have come forward to reveal the truth, and we have not heard about any sort of reprisals against them so far. Now that the computer age is upon us, one beneficial result of it is that fewer CIA murders are occurring to maintain the coverup; they instead are opting for financial reprisals and reputation slurs. The goverment may also have perfected its mind control methods, so that the exit interviews of UFO employees include a selective memory erasure. The thugs who threaten families with the murders of their children are probably still living and in many cases and retired, having been given honorable discharges, but let us go forward believing that this illegal and ugly anti-American tactic has diminished. Naïve? Maybe.
Social psychology teaches us about compartmentalized thinking. This mode of thought is what allows the Cosa Nostra members to be good family men and churchgoers. They separate their negative and evil behavior from their good behavior with no conscience repercussions at all. Most of those who orchestrate, maintain, and enforce the coverup fall into this category. Other coverup people may think they are being patriotic and these people are wrong. Others think that they can handle the truth but most everyone else can’t. These people exist and they are repugnant.
Some believe that anyone subjected to the government’s secrecy pressure automatically wishes to expose the truths that they’ve learned, but this not the case. Some are perfectly happy with ultra secrecy and it does not bother them. In fact some react just the opposite of what you’d expect. When it is pointed out to them what the secrecy laws are and that what they know is allowed to be revealed under these laws, they decline and say that in their opinion the information is still “sensitive” and they will not reveal it. In other words, they have their own private secrecy rules, sometimes even more severe than the government’s! According to ufologist Anthony Bragalia, in one of his last interviews, Jessie Marcel Sr. told the interviewer, Linda Corley, the following: "There is a hell of a lot that I haven't said for the sake of my country." Yikes. You’ve just told us about a crashed Roswell saucer which represents one of the greatest historical events in history, so what are you holding back on other information for? WTF? One technique that does work to get a few good witnesses to come forward is for the investigator to absolutely guarantee the witnesses’ secrecy. Len Stringfield was successful with this approach. This also shows that there are many silent witnesses do want others to learn their stories. The problem with this approach is that the receiver of those secrets is then continuously, illegally monitored so that his phone, internet, and snail mail are intercepted and the witnesses becomes known. Another technique to avoid reprisals was used by Bob Lazar. He went public with his stories when he began to suspect that he was in danger. The sunlight of publicity suppressed the likelihood of reprisals against him (although it assured that the negative aspects of his life story would be publicized). When you think about it, though, it is understandable that the normal retired person maintains his silence because the social and financial downside threat still makes telling the story not worth it. Anyone who does come forward is to be admired.
What is hard to figure, though, is the lack of deathbed confessions. Thousands of the 200,000-300,000 could easily and safely do us all a public service by providing their own personal disclosure without any threat whatsoever if they disclose in their very final years. It must be that when you’re dying, you might have more important things to think about than an old UFO story. But why not do a signed affidavit while you still have your wits about you, and then have it revealed posthumously. That would work. What do you think?
Digression: The Ufonalyzer’s opinion follows: What should “Joe Citizen” do if he experiences a monstrously huge UFO happening, or finds a suspected alien artifact with great provenance? Should Joe contact the government or the local authorities? Hell no! History shows this is the worst thing to do, because it could result in personal threats and it will result in the artifact being confiscated with no feedback whatsoever. The newspaper or local TV? Don’t be ridiculous. Instead, Joe should contact a top ufologist whom he suspects has the financial resources to properly investigate the story and/or scientifically analyze the artifact. The best initial contact method would be to arrange a meeting with that ufologist so that the constantly illegal spying on the ufologist does not detect anything about Joe or his story. The second best method would be to contact MUFON, but be aware that MUFON does not have much money and it could be already infiltrated by CIA agents.
Shot in the Forehead With a Diamond
Once in a while in one’s lifetime, a rare event occurs. This kind of event might happen only once every several years. This is when a sudden burst of understanding occurs, when the light bulb goes on, when an “ah hah!” response happens. In Zen Buddhism this is known as a satori, which is a sudden awakening. In the movie “Apocalypse Now”, it was described as “being shot in the forehead with a diamond.” It might also be that you are not the very first one who has had a particular awakening, but it is very satisfying nonetheless.
One of these happened to the Ufonalyzer when he was studying Close Encounters of the Third Kind cases. He decided to graph them with the x-axis being time, and noticed that they corresponded to past UFO waves. Not a big deal. The awakening occurred when the different alien descriptions were looked at within each wave and it was noticed that each wave had a large variety of different races within it. All races were participating in the wave! Wow! This suggests a common purpose across these races in their decision to come to earth more or less at once. It suggests communication across these races, and it further suggests cooperation. As corroboration of this last point, some alien CE3 crews have been observed to consist of 2 or more alien races.
Another realization occurred just a couple of weeks ago. The Ufonalyzer saw a UFO book in his local library entitled, “Silent Invasion” by Dr. Ellen Crystall published in 1991. It interested the Ufonalzyer because its title was so similar to his own writeup “the Secret Invasion”. The Ufonalzyer started reading with low expectations, expecting a wacko author. This woman was one of those people who had many, many sightings in her life. Most were at night, but many were close enough to resolve the crafts’ shapes, and some were extremely close. Normally, the Ufonalyzer dismisses nighttime sightings as containing little information and scientific value. However, Ellen Crystall did not want to go out to lonely, forested fields at night by herself so she always took people with her. In other words, her very impressive sightings almost always had two or more corroborating witnesses. She always claimed that she must have been targeted by aliens (although never abducted.) She draws conclusions in her book about the nature of the craft and their alien passengers, but never overreaches her data. Most impressive. She also has photos in her book, but they are almost all crappy in spite of the fact that she was an expert in photography. She does have photos of truncated light beams from the UFOs that look like Star Wars movie light sabers. The crappiness of the book’s photos is partially explained by the fact that they are black and white on normal book paper, not slick, but even if they had been given a more expensive treatment, they still would have looked crappy. Maybe in real life they are more impressive. She touches upon the unique problems of taking UFO photos and why so many of them don’t turn out presumably due to the types of radiation emanating from the craft. She also mentions once about needing a camera with a quartz lens instead of glass so that the radiation can be captured on film. This section of the book could have been improved upon. The Ufonalyzer became intrigued by this author and found that she died of pancreatic cancer in 2002 at only age 52. This was a sad finding.
The discovery of this good book is NOT the sudden revelation. A YouTube video was found of her being interviewed in about the mid-nineties. In the interview she happened to mention something about aliens’ home planets. The interviewer then asked her “but what about if they come from another dimension?” (paraphrased.) Here comes the revelation: She answered that even if they come from another dimension, they still must have come from a planet. Her response was a crystalline nugget of pure logical thought that was so rational that it blew the Ufonalyzer away, shot in the forehead again with a diamond. This may not sound like much to you, but to this writer, it was profound. The interviewer acted as though he did not even understand her response because he was tied up in thinking of trans-dimensional beings as beyond understanding. He also seemed to be hung up on the portal aspect of inter-dimensional travel. Of course she was right. In the TV series, Fringe, this is exactly the case, where a parallel universe occasionally links up with our own and strange crossovers occur. The beings from that universe have their planet just like we do.*
Before Ellen Crystall made her enlightening and clarifying statement, this writer believed that if UFOs come from other dimensions, then the whole phenomenon gets much stranger and more impossible to understand. That is, more impossible until she made him realize that they probably come from planets also, and are corporeal beings moving around in strange and wonderful machines just like other beings who come from our galaxy’s stars. Once you arrive at this conclusion, it helps you realize the following: The difference between the hypothetical trans-dimensional UFOs/beings and the other UFOs/beings who come from our own universe is simply that the trans-dimensional UFO craft can maneuver across the dimensional wall barrier while the galactic UFO craft from our own dimension can maneuver across light year distances in a reasonable length of time. Thus, one does not need a special category or different mode of thought to study those beings who may be from another dimension. They can be studied the same way as the long voyage Milky Way beings.
*Of course, given that there are earth size anomalies photographed near our sun also suggests that instead of a home planet, there might be whole races constantly voyaging and searching space or other dimensions in huge motherships. And it should be added that if beings of pure energy exist, they might have forever freed themselves from planetary constraints and connections.
Once in a while in one’s lifetime, a rare event occurs. This kind of event might happen only once every several years. This is when a sudden burst of understanding occurs, when the light bulb goes on, when an “ah hah!” response happens. In Zen Buddhism this is known as a satori, which is a sudden awakening. In the movie “Apocalypse Now”, it was described as “being shot in the forehead with a diamond.” It might also be that you are not the very first one who has had a particular awakening, but it is very satisfying nonetheless.
One of these happened to the Ufonalyzer when he was studying Close Encounters of the Third Kind cases. He decided to graph them with the x-axis being time, and noticed that they corresponded to past UFO waves. Not a big deal. The awakening occurred when the different alien descriptions were looked at within each wave and it was noticed that each wave had a large variety of different races within it. All races were participating in the wave! Wow! This suggests a common purpose across these races in their decision to come to earth more or less at once. It suggests communication across these races, and it further suggests cooperation. As corroboration of this last point, some alien CE3 crews have been observed to consist of 2 or more alien races.
Another realization occurred just a couple of weeks ago. The Ufonalyzer saw a UFO book in his local library entitled, “Silent Invasion” by Dr. Ellen Crystall published in 1991. It interested the Ufonalzyer because its title was so similar to his own writeup “the Secret Invasion”. The Ufonalzyer started reading with low expectations, expecting a wacko author. This woman was one of those people who had many, many sightings in her life. Most were at night, but many were close enough to resolve the crafts’ shapes, and some were extremely close. Normally, the Ufonalyzer dismisses nighttime sightings as containing little information and scientific value. However, Ellen Crystall did not want to go out to lonely, forested fields at night by herself so she always took people with her. In other words, her very impressive sightings almost always had two or more corroborating witnesses. She always claimed that she must have been targeted by aliens (although never abducted.) She draws conclusions in her book about the nature of the craft and their alien passengers, but never overreaches her data. Most impressive. She also has photos in her book, but they are almost all crappy in spite of the fact that she was an expert in photography. She does have photos of truncated light beams from the UFOs that look like Star Wars movie light sabers. The crappiness of the book’s photos is partially explained by the fact that they are black and white on normal book paper, not slick, but even if they had been given a more expensive treatment, they still would have looked crappy. Maybe in real life they are more impressive. She touches upon the unique problems of taking UFO photos and why so many of them don’t turn out presumably due to the types of radiation emanating from the craft. She also mentions once about needing a camera with a quartz lens instead of glass so that the radiation can be captured on film. This section of the book could have been improved upon. The Ufonalyzer became intrigued by this author and found that she died of pancreatic cancer in 2002 at only age 52. This was a sad finding.
The discovery of this good book is NOT the sudden revelation. A YouTube video was found of her being interviewed in about the mid-nineties. In the interview she happened to mention something about aliens’ home planets. The interviewer then asked her “but what about if they come from another dimension?” (paraphrased.) Here comes the revelation: She answered that even if they come from another dimension, they still must have come from a planet. Her response was a crystalline nugget of pure logical thought that was so rational that it blew the Ufonalyzer away, shot in the forehead again with a diamond. This may not sound like much to you, but to this writer, it was profound. The interviewer acted as though he did not even understand her response because he was tied up in thinking of trans-dimensional beings as beyond understanding. He also seemed to be hung up on the portal aspect of inter-dimensional travel. Of course she was right. In the TV series, Fringe, this is exactly the case, where a parallel universe occasionally links up with our own and strange crossovers occur. The beings from that universe have their planet just like we do.*
Before Ellen Crystall made her enlightening and clarifying statement, this writer believed that if UFOs come from other dimensions, then the whole phenomenon gets much stranger and more impossible to understand. That is, more impossible until she made him realize that they probably come from planets also, and are corporeal beings moving around in strange and wonderful machines just like other beings who come from our galaxy’s stars. Once you arrive at this conclusion, it helps you realize the following: The difference between the hypothetical trans-dimensional UFOs/beings and the other UFOs/beings who come from our own universe is simply that the trans-dimensional UFO craft can maneuver across the dimensional wall barrier while the galactic UFO craft from our own dimension can maneuver across light year distances in a reasonable length of time. Thus, one does not need a special category or different mode of thought to study those beings who may be from another dimension. They can be studied the same way as the long voyage Milky Way beings.
*Of course, given that there are earth size anomalies photographed near our sun also suggests that instead of a home planet, there might be whole races constantly voyaging and searching space or other dimensions in huge motherships. And it should be added that if beings of pure energy exist, they might have forever freed themselves from planetary constraints and connections.
CONSPIRACY RANT by Ufonalyzer 5/10
Conspiracy Rant
As you know, there is a conspiracy to cover up the existence of UFOs.* This is so apparent that it makes on wonder if the word conspiracy correctly applies anymore. It used to be the right word to use, but now it is so easy to detect that it makes you want to use another word for it. In 1953 the infamous Robertson panel revealed the course for the USA’s UFO secrecy policy. In 1956, the secrecy allegedly went global in a Geneva, Switzerland meeting of the USA, USSR, France, and England** in which the basic secrecy and repression of the Robertson panel’s policies were repeated for these countries as well as all countries under their influence. No one likes conspiracies. Some people jump onto just about every conspiracy that they hear about, but most of us can handle only a small few. This writer’s conspiracy beliefs are the UFO coverup, the inside job assassination of Kennedy aided by the CIA, and just one or two others.
In the last 3 or 4 decades, our scientists have very unhappily had to accept the fact that much of our world has been shaped by catastrophes. They much prefer to have smooth, linear, and gradual change explanations for the way things have evolved around us, but instead they have had to accept the fact that short term, violent events have had profound effects on our environment. These short term events are largely hidden having happened in the distant past, whereas the smooth linear processes are still occurring and visible if one knows how to look. Similarly, the Ufonalyzer is beginning to believe that there may be a lot more conspiracies around controlling our lives than we really want to know about. Conspiracies may be one of the biggest true explanations of how things really work here. Every conspiracy is a catastrophe although it may be slow and gradual. Conspiracies are always hidden as opposed to a process like government which is supposed to be open.
The problem nowadays is that the world might very well be controlled by secret conspiracies managed by individuals who are not politically prominent but who are wealthy and powerful. This really sounds paranoid, doesn’t it? Somebody must be managing things because it takes only a short look at Congress to realize their complete ineptitude, both houses included and both parties included. The recent ignorant decisions by our Supreme Court show that this group is incompetent as well. The country has lost its mojo, while a repressive country like mainland China appears to have found the mojo that we lost.
What is going on? The teachings of our schools about how the government and the Constitution work is still occurring, but this teaching is about the pre-1950’s when things actually did kind of work the way it is still taught in schools. Nowadays there’s something else going on, and it is not in the public eye. It is secret.
When you read the books and hear the lectures of both Jim Marrs and Richard Dolan, you begin to get a sense of the bad situation that the world is in. Oddly, UFO study provides the quickest and easiest way to prove to oneself that there is a shadow government whose main method of maintaining itself is through secrecy. Jim Marrs says that if you don’t study UFOs you are missing out on information about what is really going on in America. This is not a pleasant realization, and is yet another negative aspect of having UFOs as a hobby. After all, Richard Dolan’s research has shown him that the UFO topic was a principal driver toward developing the internet. Now we see that UFOs are being a driver toward revealing the true structure of the present world political scene in which nation states are dying, being replaced by global business entities.
*As stated in previous writings, it is always assumed that readers of this blog are smart enough to know that UFOs are real. If this is given, then the fact that there is a coverup logically follows.
** “The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain”, 1998, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, page 41
As you know, there is a conspiracy to cover up the existence of UFOs.* This is so apparent that it makes on wonder if the word conspiracy correctly applies anymore. It used to be the right word to use, but now it is so easy to detect that it makes you want to use another word for it. In 1953 the infamous Robertson panel revealed the course for the USA’s UFO secrecy policy. In 1956, the secrecy allegedly went global in a Geneva, Switzerland meeting of the USA, USSR, France, and England** in which the basic secrecy and repression of the Robertson panel’s policies were repeated for these countries as well as all countries under their influence. No one likes conspiracies. Some people jump onto just about every conspiracy that they hear about, but most of us can handle only a small few. This writer’s conspiracy beliefs are the UFO coverup, the inside job assassination of Kennedy aided by the CIA, and just one or two others.
In the last 3 or 4 decades, our scientists have very unhappily had to accept the fact that much of our world has been shaped by catastrophes. They much prefer to have smooth, linear, and gradual change explanations for the way things have evolved around us, but instead they have had to accept the fact that short term, violent events have had profound effects on our environment. These short term events are largely hidden having happened in the distant past, whereas the smooth linear processes are still occurring and visible if one knows how to look. Similarly, the Ufonalyzer is beginning to believe that there may be a lot more conspiracies around controlling our lives than we really want to know about. Conspiracies may be one of the biggest true explanations of how things really work here. Every conspiracy is a catastrophe although it may be slow and gradual. Conspiracies are always hidden as opposed to a process like government which is supposed to be open.
The problem nowadays is that the world might very well be controlled by secret conspiracies managed by individuals who are not politically prominent but who are wealthy and powerful. This really sounds paranoid, doesn’t it? Somebody must be managing things because it takes only a short look at Congress to realize their complete ineptitude, both houses included and both parties included. The recent ignorant decisions by our Supreme Court show that this group is incompetent as well. The country has lost its mojo, while a repressive country like mainland China appears to have found the mojo that we lost.
What is going on? The teachings of our schools about how the government and the Constitution work is still occurring, but this teaching is about the pre-1950’s when things actually did kind of work the way it is still taught in schools. Nowadays there’s something else going on, and it is not in the public eye. It is secret.
When you read the books and hear the lectures of both Jim Marrs and Richard Dolan, you begin to get a sense of the bad situation that the world is in. Oddly, UFO study provides the quickest and easiest way to prove to oneself that there is a shadow government whose main method of maintaining itself is through secrecy. Jim Marrs says that if you don’t study UFOs you are missing out on information about what is really going on in America. This is not a pleasant realization, and is yet another negative aspect of having UFOs as a hobby. After all, Richard Dolan’s research has shown him that the UFO topic was a principal driver toward developing the internet. Now we see that UFOs are being a driver toward revealing the true structure of the present world political scene in which nation states are dying, being replaced by global business entities.
*As stated in previous writings, it is always assumed that readers of this blog are smart enough to know that UFOs are real. If this is given, then the fact that there is a coverup logically follows.
** “The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain”, 1998, Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, page 41
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
WHY MOTHERSHIPS? by Ufonalyzer 4/28/2010
The following outline was created to help this writer think about why UFO motherships exist. It attempts to put 100% of ALL the possibilities into this short outline, but maybe some other possibilities exist which were omitted. Anyhow, the thinking was that as more is learned about UFOs, some of these possibilities could be eliminated, leaving a shrinking list of remaining possibilities for motherships’ existence. For example, if we were to learn that UFOs use instantaneous jumps for interstellar travel, then IV a, c, d, & e can be eliminated. It could even turn out that the single reason for motherships that we all know about and is undoubtedly true is the only reason for their existence: that is, their use by aliens to provide an “aircraft carrier” function (I.c.) Bottom line is that this outline did not help very much at all.
By the way, the possibilities are categorized with the acronyms VR and EMR, which stand for “Voyage Related” and “Earth Mission Related” possibilities respectively.
I. Supply Ships-EMR
a. Raw materials for earth projects (e.g. base construction)
b. Machinery for earth projects
c. “Aircraft carrier” function to house & extend range of smaller UFOs
d. Transport mass quantities of aliens to earth
II. Base Ships-EMR
a. To act as orbiting bases on earth, Mars, moon to supplement fixed bases
b. Laboratories
c. Alien breeding facilities
d. To serve as undersea bases
III. Resource Transport & Processing Ships-EMR
a. Water*, ore*, & biomass (including humans) back to home planet
IV. Voyage Ships-VR
a. To house machinery for backup propulsion
b. “ “ “ dimensional jumps
c. “ “ “ interstellar propulsion
d. To store fuel for backup propulsion
e. To provide social, home environment for aliens
* Not likely, according to KGB Russians as described in “The Soviet UFO Files” by Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 1998. There’s plenty of frozen water and ore throughout space. This is discussed in Ufonalyzer’s writeup, “Secret Invasion”.
The following outline was created to help this writer think about why UFO motherships exist. It attempts to put 100% of ALL the possibilities into this short outline, but maybe some other possibilities exist which were omitted. Anyhow, the thinking was that as more is learned about UFOs, some of these possibilities could be eliminated, leaving a shrinking list of remaining possibilities for motherships’ existence. For example, if we were to learn that UFOs use instantaneous jumps for interstellar travel, then IV a, c, d, & e can be eliminated. It could even turn out that the single reason for motherships that we all know about and is undoubtedly true is the only reason for their existence: that is, their use by aliens to provide an “aircraft carrier” function (I.c.) Bottom line is that this outline did not help very much at all.
By the way, the possibilities are categorized with the acronyms VR and EMR, which stand for “Voyage Related” and “Earth Mission Related” possibilities respectively.
I. Supply Ships-EMR
a. Raw materials for earth projects (e.g. base construction)
b. Machinery for earth projects
c. “Aircraft carrier” function to house & extend range of smaller UFOs
d. Transport mass quantities of aliens to earth
II. Base Ships-EMR
a. To act as orbiting bases on earth, Mars, moon to supplement fixed bases
b. Laboratories
c. Alien breeding facilities
d. To serve as undersea bases
III. Resource Transport & Processing Ships-EMR
a. Water*, ore*, & biomass (including humans) back to home planet
IV. Voyage Ships-VR
a. To house machinery for backup propulsion
b. “ “ “ dimensional jumps
c. “ “ “ interstellar propulsion
d. To store fuel for backup propulsion
e. To provide social, home environment for aliens
* Not likely, according to KGB Russians as described in “The Soviet UFO Files” by Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, 1998. There’s plenty of frozen water and ore throughout space. This is discussed in Ufonalyzer’s writeup, “Secret Invasion”.
GALAPAGOS EARTH by Ufonalyzer 2/28/2010
As you may know, there have been nearly 450 planets discovered so far circling other suns.* As of January, 2010, 45 stars have been found to have more than one planet. The first non-Sol planet was detected 18 years ago. One method of discovery is the star wobble caused by a planet circling its sun making it (the sun) wobble back and forth. Even our own earth causes the sun to have a yearly wobble roughly equal to an infant’s crawling speed.** This wobble is too slow for us to detect, but it has been calculated. The most common method of discovery is caused by the planet’s sun getting closer and then receding from the earth as it is tugged by its planet orbiting around it; this causes a Doppler shift in the light from the star as it moves back and forth with respect to the earth, creating a “spectral wobble”. Another newer method is the planet transit where the planet crosses over its sun while we are looking at it, and this causes the star’s received light to dim. Still another method is gravitational microlensing in which a planet and its star may have its light pass close by another star, and the gravity of star bends the light in accordance with the combined gravity of the planet and its star. The other day, the Ufonalyzer was listening to National Public Radio and accidentally heard a talk entitiled “The Fruitless Search for Solar System Like Ours.” This was on a broadcast on 4/1/2010, hosted by Robert Krulwich and Mike Brown, astronomy professor at Cal Tech. This show can be listened to at the NPR website.
Here’s the “problem” revealed by the hosts of this broadcast. The overwhelming majority of the discoveries are of big Jupiter-like gas giants which surprisingly always orbit close to the sun. We’re talking really close here, like inside the orbit of Mercury close. This placement of gas giants close to the sun violates the theory of planetary formation long accepted by astronomers. In this very nicely reasoned out theory, rocky planets should form close in to the sun, next should be gas giants, and last should be ice ball planets. So far, we are finding that this is not the case. Many astronomers like our planetary formation theory so much that they want to keep it intact, so they subsequently theorize that these gas giants must have formed farther out where the theory said they should be formed and then for some reason migrated in towards their sun. If that is the case, then why hasn’t our Jupiter done that? If it did do that, rest assured that would be the end of life on earth and even the earth itself, not to mention Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
By now, you must be thinking the following: the reason we’ve discovered only the close in gas giants near their suns is because the bigger they are and the closer in they are, the bigger the star wobble, and the faster the planet’s orbit. This means a planet can be detected faster and easier. Jupiter’s orbit takes 12 years, so we would have to watch our sun for 12 years to get a complete Sol wobble caused by Jupiter. Professor Mike Brown said that time is running out to detect a long term wobble at another star. If one is detected, it will mean that solar systems do exist where gas giant planets are farther out where they are “supposed to be” just like in our solar system. This leaves room for the rocky planets to be closer in where water based life could emerge. If nothing like that is detected in another year or two, astronomers are going to begin to revise their beliefs about how common earthlike planets may actually be in the galaxy (as well as how the solar system formed, to be sure.) Instead of ordinary, earth may be extraordinary in that our solar arrangement is uncommon, even rare.
However, based on the study of UFOs we can conclude that we are not so rare that we are the only beings around. As you know, the Ufonalyzer has counted at least 48 different races visiting us, and a the Kevin Smith talk radio show had a recent guest who says the government has counted 70 such races and has photos of most.
So maybe we are a rare find in our galactic region, as would be each of the other 70 races’ origins as well. Based on UFO activity here, we could very well be the Galapagos of our region: rare enough to be interesting, full of enough life to be worthy of study, and isolated, not by distance, but by our overt hostility. How rare is rare? Let’s do a gross estimate. Based on the Ufonalyzer’s own study and other studies as well, there might be about 48-70 separate species visiting us. Let’s say it’s 60. Now let’s go with our common sense and assume that they are all from within our region of the galaxy. How big is “our region” of our galaxy? Let’s say these races come from within 300 light years of our sun. Why 300? Read Ufonalyzer’s blog article entitled “You Can’t Get Here From There.”Given that there are 2000 stars within 50 light years from earth, it can be estimated that 300 light years would contain 432,000 stars. This calculates out to 1 starfaring race for every 7200 suns in our neighborhood. This is pretty rare, don’t you think? By the way, this estimate looks like a solution to the Frank Drake equation.
* The Economist Magazine, April 17, 2010, “A Trick of the Light”, page 90
** National Geographic Magazine, December 2009, “Are We Alone?”, page 92
As you may know, there have been nearly 450 planets discovered so far circling other suns.* As of January, 2010, 45 stars have been found to have more than one planet. The first non-Sol planet was detected 18 years ago. One method of discovery is the star wobble caused by a planet circling its sun making it (the sun) wobble back and forth. Even our own earth causes the sun to have a yearly wobble roughly equal to an infant’s crawling speed.** This wobble is too slow for us to detect, but it has been calculated. The most common method of discovery is caused by the planet’s sun getting closer and then receding from the earth as it is tugged by its planet orbiting around it; this causes a Doppler shift in the light from the star as it moves back and forth with respect to the earth, creating a “spectral wobble”. Another newer method is the planet transit where the planet crosses over its sun while we are looking at it, and this causes the star’s received light to dim. Still another method is gravitational microlensing in which a planet and its star may have its light pass close by another star, and the gravity of star bends the light in accordance with the combined gravity of the planet and its star. The other day, the Ufonalyzer was listening to National Public Radio and accidentally heard a talk entitiled “The Fruitless Search for Solar System Like Ours.” This was on a broadcast on 4/1/2010, hosted by Robert Krulwich and Mike Brown, astronomy professor at Cal Tech. This show can be listened to at the NPR website.
Here’s the “problem” revealed by the hosts of this broadcast. The overwhelming majority of the discoveries are of big Jupiter-like gas giants which surprisingly always orbit close to the sun. We’re talking really close here, like inside the orbit of Mercury close. This placement of gas giants close to the sun violates the theory of planetary formation long accepted by astronomers. In this very nicely reasoned out theory, rocky planets should form close in to the sun, next should be gas giants, and last should be ice ball planets. So far, we are finding that this is not the case. Many astronomers like our planetary formation theory so much that they want to keep it intact, so they subsequently theorize that these gas giants must have formed farther out where the theory said they should be formed and then for some reason migrated in towards their sun. If that is the case, then why hasn’t our Jupiter done that? If it did do that, rest assured that would be the end of life on earth and even the earth itself, not to mention Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
By now, you must be thinking the following: the reason we’ve discovered only the close in gas giants near their suns is because the bigger they are and the closer in they are, the bigger the star wobble, and the faster the planet’s orbit. This means a planet can be detected faster and easier. Jupiter’s orbit takes 12 years, so we would have to watch our sun for 12 years to get a complete Sol wobble caused by Jupiter. Professor Mike Brown said that time is running out to detect a long term wobble at another star. If one is detected, it will mean that solar systems do exist where gas giant planets are farther out where they are “supposed to be” just like in our solar system. This leaves room for the rocky planets to be closer in where water based life could emerge. If nothing like that is detected in another year or two, astronomers are going to begin to revise their beliefs about how common earthlike planets may actually be in the galaxy (as well as how the solar system formed, to be sure.) Instead of ordinary, earth may be extraordinary in that our solar arrangement is uncommon, even rare.
However, based on the study of UFOs we can conclude that we are not so rare that we are the only beings around. As you know, the Ufonalyzer has counted at least 48 different races visiting us, and a the Kevin Smith talk radio show had a recent guest who says the government has counted 70 such races and has photos of most.
So maybe we are a rare find in our galactic region, as would be each of the other 70 races’ origins as well. Based on UFO activity here, we could very well be the Galapagos of our region: rare enough to be interesting, full of enough life to be worthy of study, and isolated, not by distance, but by our overt hostility. How rare is rare? Let’s do a gross estimate. Based on the Ufonalyzer’s own study and other studies as well, there might be about 48-70 separate species visiting us. Let’s say it’s 60. Now let’s go with our common sense and assume that they are all from within our region of the galaxy. How big is “our region” of our galaxy? Let’s say these races come from within 300 light years of our sun. Why 300? Read Ufonalyzer’s blog article entitled “You Can’t Get Here From There.”Given that there are 2000 stars within 50 light years from earth, it can be estimated that 300 light years would contain 432,000 stars. This calculates out to 1 starfaring race for every 7200 suns in our neighborhood. This is pretty rare, don’t you think? By the way, this estimate looks like a solution to the Frank Drake equation.
* The Economist Magazine, April 17, 2010, “A Trick of the Light”, page 90
** National Geographic Magazine, December 2009, “Are We Alone?”, page 92
THE SECRET INVASION by Ufonalyzer 4/28/2010
THE SECRET INVASION by Ufonalzyer 4/2010
The two most basic questions in ufology are
1. Are they real?
2. Why are they here?
Because of our government’s ignorant handling of UFOs, we have added two more questions to these two basic ones:
3. Is there a government coverup?
4. Assuming a coverup, what will bring about disclosure?
Questions 1 & 3 were answered long ago, and continue to be answerable with ease by any curiosity seeker with an open mind and the will to read a few key publications. Tons of stuff is available on Question number 4.
This leaves Question number 2 as the one with the least progress and effort to answer it. This writer is frankly surprised at the complete lack of progress on this question. Recently this question came to mind again while reading Philip Mantle’s and Paul Stonehill’s book, “The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain”, 1998. Two pages (pp 40-41) of this book deal with a Soviet KGB study group assigned to work on Question number 2, but only from a military invasion perspective. This group was created during the era of Nikita Khruschev and was headed by a man named Ivan Vasilyevich. This group would model various alien invasion hypotheses and scenarios and follow them to logical conclusions.
One of the first things the group decided was that the aliens are not here for our minerals or water. There are ample supplies of both ore and water in outer space for their use/gathering without any interference from us locals. The group went on to reason that we would not be invaded by them using weapons of mass destruction. They reasoned that the only time something like that could possibly happen would be if a rogue cast out UFO and its crew decided it would attack earth on its own. Such an occurrence would certainly be met with defeat of the UFO by earth. The group also hypothesized that some aliens could be so advanced that they would not even notice us or our planet.
Another modeling of the invasion question reasoned that alien interest in earth is targeted at the most rare item in the galaxy: living, growing biomass which has self replication capability and unconsciously always seeks a higher level of consciousness, awareness and refinement. That means all life, and that includes humanity. The aliens would seek to mold our biomass to meet their goals. To suit their ends, they would launch an invasion which would not be overt; it would be secret. The invasion would be to manipulate the biomass with planned, irreversible genetic changes implemented gradually enough to maintain the program’s secrecy. Techniques to keep the secret would be programs like fringe religious groups, contactees, and psychics who create misdirection and misinformation. The word “invasion” is used by the authors of this book, but the Ufonalzyer thinks the term “genetic infiltration” would be more fitting.
The book did not speculate what the alien’s end goal or underlying purpose of the genetic manipulation would be other than to create a new social system, new psychology, and new reflexes for ourselves.
Nikita Khrushchev was in power from 1958-1964, so this KGB study group was created in that time period (and disbanded by Gorbachev in 1985.) Their conclusion about genetic manipulation is very prescient because our awareness of alien abduction started in 1961 with the Betty and Barney Hill incident. There must be a “tipping point” in a whole population where a genetic alteration can become a permanent, dominant, inherited trait in that population; i.e. a minimum seed population which will deliver that trait permanently into us humans. Not being a geneticist, the Ufonalyzer does not know if it would be 0.5%, 5%, or even 25% to become permanently embedded into our makeup. Indeed, there have been studies which claim that as many as 5-6% of the US population has been abducted, although this is hard to believe. Furthermore, in analyzing close encounters of the third kind, whenever aliens are described as performing an activity (in non-abduction cases), 54% of the time they are gathering of earth’s dirt, fauna and flora. This indicates a focus on earth’s life.
A search for more information on this KGB group was not successful.This book was found in our local library system, and is very readable with lots of pictures and sidebar facts. The Ufonalyzer recommends it.
The two most basic questions in ufology are
1. Are they real?
2. Why are they here?
Because of our government’s ignorant handling of UFOs, we have added two more questions to these two basic ones:
3. Is there a government coverup?
4. Assuming a coverup, what will bring about disclosure?
Questions 1 & 3 were answered long ago, and continue to be answerable with ease by any curiosity seeker with an open mind and the will to read a few key publications. Tons of stuff is available on Question number 4.
This leaves Question number 2 as the one with the least progress and effort to answer it. This writer is frankly surprised at the complete lack of progress on this question. Recently this question came to mind again while reading Philip Mantle’s and Paul Stonehill’s book, “The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain”, 1998. Two pages (pp 40-41) of this book deal with a Soviet KGB study group assigned to work on Question number 2, but only from a military invasion perspective. This group was created during the era of Nikita Khruschev and was headed by a man named Ivan Vasilyevich. This group would model various alien invasion hypotheses and scenarios and follow them to logical conclusions.
One of the first things the group decided was that the aliens are not here for our minerals or water. There are ample supplies of both ore and water in outer space for their use/gathering without any interference from us locals. The group went on to reason that we would not be invaded by them using weapons of mass destruction. They reasoned that the only time something like that could possibly happen would be if a rogue cast out UFO and its crew decided it would attack earth on its own. Such an occurrence would certainly be met with defeat of the UFO by earth. The group also hypothesized that some aliens could be so advanced that they would not even notice us or our planet.
Another modeling of the invasion question reasoned that alien interest in earth is targeted at the most rare item in the galaxy: living, growing biomass which has self replication capability and unconsciously always seeks a higher level of consciousness, awareness and refinement. That means all life, and that includes humanity. The aliens would seek to mold our biomass to meet their goals. To suit their ends, they would launch an invasion which would not be overt; it would be secret. The invasion would be to manipulate the biomass with planned, irreversible genetic changes implemented gradually enough to maintain the program’s secrecy. Techniques to keep the secret would be programs like fringe religious groups, contactees, and psychics who create misdirection and misinformation. The word “invasion” is used by the authors of this book, but the Ufonalzyer thinks the term “genetic infiltration” would be more fitting.
The book did not speculate what the alien’s end goal or underlying purpose of the genetic manipulation would be other than to create a new social system, new psychology, and new reflexes for ourselves.
Nikita Khrushchev was in power from 1958-1964, so this KGB study group was created in that time period (and disbanded by Gorbachev in 1985.) Their conclusion about genetic manipulation is very prescient because our awareness of alien abduction started in 1961 with the Betty and Barney Hill incident. There must be a “tipping point” in a whole population where a genetic alteration can become a permanent, dominant, inherited trait in that population; i.e. a minimum seed population which will deliver that trait permanently into us humans. Not being a geneticist, the Ufonalyzer does not know if it would be 0.5%, 5%, or even 25% to become permanently embedded into our makeup. Indeed, there have been studies which claim that as many as 5-6% of the US population has been abducted, although this is hard to believe. Furthermore, in analyzing close encounters of the third kind, whenever aliens are described as performing an activity (in non-abduction cases), 54% of the time they are gathering of earth’s dirt, fauna and flora. This indicates a focus on earth’s life.
A search for more information on this KGB group was not successful.This book was found in our local library system, and is very readable with lots of pictures and sidebar facts. The Ufonalyzer recommends it.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
YOU CAN’T GET HERE FROM THERE by Ufonalzyer 3/2010
YOU CAN’T GET HERE FROM THERE by Ufonalyzer 3/2010
Vast interstellar distance is what causes many rational people to not believe in UFOs. They have been told over and over that even the closest stars are so far away that it would take too many years to come here. In this writeup, different sources will be drawn upon and combined to indicate that it is likely that you CAN get here from there, especially if “there” is less than 200-300 light years away.
Linda Moulton Howe’s “Earthfiles” website recently had a six part series of interviews with two physicists, Dr. Edward Leverne Moragne and Dr. Alan Holt. The Dr. Moragne interviews covered 5 of the 6 installments and one installment was with Dr. Holt who had read LMH’s first installment on Dr. Moragne and contacted LMH about it. The Dr. Moragne interviews took place in 1997 when he was about 82, and the Holt interview occurred during the week of Jan 7, 2010. Dr. Moragne and Dr. Holt, who is about 30 years younger than Moragne, worked together for a time as physicists and shared a common interest in exotic propulsion systems. Moragne died in 2000 at about age 85.
First of all, it must be revealed that Dr. Moragne is none other than the pseudonym’d Dr. Epigoni, described in Leonard Stringfield’s Status Report VI, written in 1991. In that Status Report, Stringfield provides details of a series of interviews done in 1990 by another ufologist named Ron Madeley. Both Stringfield and Madeley noted changes in Epigoni’s story over the course of the interview series about a UFO landing in 1964. Neither Madeley nor LMH made mention of any apparent dementia in Dr. Moragne (Epigoni). Stringfield concluded that Moragne might be a government disinformation supplier because of these story changes, while both Stringfield and Madeley opined that maybe Moragne changed his story because a relatively new (in 1990) UFO control group had gotten to him to change his story so as to reduce its believability. Dr. Moragne claimed to have 319 patents, yet only one can be found for a magnetic separator, the other 318 he said were classified. This guy was really high up in secret government research, so his story is probably more true than false. Holt’s interview with LMH supports some aspects of Dr. Moragne’s story, but he could not recall any discussion with Dr. Moragne about the 1964 landing. He said that Dr. Moragne and he mostly discussed physics and their ideas on faster than light propulsion systems, and that Dr. Moragne also discussed UFOs with him too.
Dr. Moragne’s main story was about a UFO landing that he helped investigate. But this writeup is not about the landing. For those who are interested in it, a few details about it are as follows: A 300 ft oval UFO landed in northern Nevada in 1964 witnessed by two ranchers. A staircase opened up and three 5’ manlike beings with tanned skin came out and laid on the ground. The UFO closed up. Subsequent analysis of the beings showed that their blood was like oil, and they had apparent metal klystron tubes in their heads, presumably to transmit data back to whoever or whatever was controlling their mission. They were like robots. The government is still waiting for them to reactivate or for their “masters” to come and get them and to reactivate the ovoid disc as well. They do not decay and have been in suspended animation since the landing.
Now let us digress and discuss one aspect of people’s behavior and belief systems. It is a very true fact that once people are shown that something is possible, then they go ahead and make it happen over and over. This was shown with the 4 minute mile, the climbing of Mt. Everest, Columbus’s voyage to America, and it is true of technology development as well. Scientists who are brought into a consulting relationship with the US Government to work on UFO technology fall into this category because they see what the aliens can do and know from that point forward that it is real, it is repeatable, and that humans could do it too, eventually if not now. Apparently Moragne was one of these, for somewhere along the path of his career he became certain that he could develop a faster than light drive that would propel a craft 30 to 60 times faster than the speed of light. Dr. Holt conceived of his own method to achieve a faster than light drive as well (although he may never have been exposed to UFO technology), and his used different methods which would result in faster speeds than Moragne’s, maybe even near instantaneous travel. From reading their interviews, it sounded like they really wanted to work on these projects, and it further sounded like they never got funding to do these projects. Both project ideas depended on field resonance to affect space. Dr. Holt’s system might have exceeded the speed achievable by Dr. Moragne's method (which was 30c to 60c, where “c” is the popular means to indicate the speed of light) and would be to some degree be near instantaneous transport.
Let’s think about this for a minute. Here’s two top scientists working on top secret government projects, and each wants to develop a faster than light drive about 30 years ago. Both are confident that they can do so. Furthermore, the government who would do the funding knows that such a thing already exists in alien technology, yet they apparently decline to give these guys funding. Now why would that be? If these stories are true, then it means that the government already had this project well in hand under development by other compartmentalized groups. To put it another way, it was already or soon to become a fait accompli without even utilizing the efforts of these physicists. But be careful of the word “government”, for it is very likely that although the government’s money was used for the propulsion system project, it was conceived, controlled, and details kept secret (even from the government funders) by the shadow government in the private sector. The hypothetical project could have been a reverse engineered drive from a crashed or captured saucer, much like Bob Lazar claimed to have worked on (who perhaps not so coincidentally came on the scene in 1989 which is the same decade that Moragne and Holt were thinking about greater-than-lightspeed propulsion. Moragne and Holt met in ’81 or ’82. Lazar claimed that the star drive that he studied at Area 51 also worked by instantaneous jumps across space using antigravity.) Also please be aware that by about 1959, the government clamped a secrecy lid on all antigravity research and publications.
The Ufonalyzer has long been bothered by the concept of using antigravity as the propulsion system between the stars. Although he is convinced that it is the means of travel while here on earth and other planets, it seems to have shortcomings for interstellar travel, unless antigravity really can be used to provide near instaneous jumps across space as Bob Lazar claimed it can. (And now we learn that Dr. Alan Holt also thought such jumps were possible, although he did not state if it was by antigravity.) Dr. Paul R. Hill believed that it could be used in a more conventional way, however, and described how in his book, “Unconventional Flying Objects.” The Ufonalzyer addresses these shortcomings in his writeup "Dr Paul R. Hill Part 2b." For this writeup here, let us now hypothesize that the aliens have a 60c light drive, where c = the speed of light. After all, if two humans can conceive of something like this, for sure the aliens probably already are using something as good that actually works, if not better.
The table at the end of this paper contains a compilation of close encounter cases in which aliens allegedly told humans how far their homes were from earth. The cases where these occurred are all documented in Albert Rosales’ website* and are all unfiltered. Just take the case number and its year of occurrence from the following table and then go to Albert Rosales’ website if you wish to learn more about any particular case. The Ufonalyzer has split these cases at an aribitrary 1000 light years from earth to highlight that there is a “near” or “neighbor” group of claims, and a long distance group of claims. Stanton Friedman in his book, “Flying Saucers and Science” believes that virtually all the aliens that have been sighted over the years are from the neighboring star region, i.e. the “neighbor” group, and that claims about coming from “other galaxies” are dubious. The Ufonalyzer agrees. People seem to like the word “galaxy”; eg “from a galaxy far, far away” and so forth, but it does not make much sense to visit here from, say, Andromeda, when it is a certainty that their neighboring stars in that galaxy have similar population densities nearby as our Milky Way has. Within 50 light years of earth, there are 2000 stars which comprise 1400 star systems. 133 of these stars are sun-like which is a good thing insofar as providing a stable, long term energy output for the development of life. If you assume that stars are homogeneously distributed in our region of the Milky Way, then a 200 light year radius sphere would enclose (200/50)cubed times 1400 star systems, or 90,000 star systems, all of which could harbor planets, some with civilizations. We now suspect that most stars have planets, plus we now know that non-sun-like stars also have planets so these could develop life too. It is the Ufonalyzer’s opinion that if we humans ever get so far as to achieve star travel, there is so much life out there that we won’t find any habitable but unoccupied planets to colonize.
The main thing to look at in this table is the bottom half of the 5th column which is yellow highlighted. Just look at the many star voyages that take only months to go one way. This gives the on board time that it would take to voyage here assuming no protracted acceleration/deceleration time, and a constant 60c and without any relativity effects. The reason relativity was left out is because this writer has not the slightest idea if relativity would even come into play using this type of technology drive. On the other hand, use of another drive which linearly accelerates the craft to 0.99c is straightforward enough to know that relativity would apply, so the on board time would be about one seventh of what it would be if relativity did not exist (actually, 0.141). The reason 0.99c was chosen and not 0.999c or 0.9999c is that the mass increase at 0.99c might be “manageable.” (It would go up seven times.)
Some people believe that aliens have been bred for star travel. They seem to be patient and emotionless which would be good attributes for a long voyage. Most reports on their age give a lifespan in the 150-500 year category, so they might not mind wasting some of it on a 3 or 4 year voyage to go 250 light years. After all, we humans are now talking about a Mars voyage of a few years for people with a lifespan of 80 years.
Some useful facts are as follows:
Andromeda is the nearest galaxy and is 2.5 million light years distant
The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 light years.
c = the speed of light = 186,000 miles per second
Closest star to sun = Proxima Centauri 4.2 light years distant
* Rosales’ website:
Vast interstellar distance is what causes many rational people to not believe in UFOs. They have been told over and over that even the closest stars are so far away that it would take too many years to come here. In this writeup, different sources will be drawn upon and combined to indicate that it is likely that you CAN get here from there, especially if “there” is less than 200-300 light years away.
Linda Moulton Howe’s “Earthfiles” website recently had a six part series of interviews with two physicists, Dr. Edward Leverne Moragne and Dr. Alan Holt. The Dr. Moragne interviews covered 5 of the 6 installments and one installment was with Dr. Holt who had read LMH’s first installment on Dr. Moragne and contacted LMH about it. The Dr. Moragne interviews took place in 1997 when he was about 82, and the Holt interview occurred during the week of Jan 7, 2010. Dr. Moragne and Dr. Holt, who is about 30 years younger than Moragne, worked together for a time as physicists and shared a common interest in exotic propulsion systems. Moragne died in 2000 at about age 85.
First of all, it must be revealed that Dr. Moragne is none other than the pseudonym’d Dr. Epigoni, described in Leonard Stringfield’s Status Report VI, written in 1991. In that Status Report, Stringfield provides details of a series of interviews done in 1990 by another ufologist named Ron Madeley. Both Stringfield and Madeley noted changes in Epigoni’s story over the course of the interview series about a UFO landing in 1964. Neither Madeley nor LMH made mention of any apparent dementia in Dr. Moragne (Epigoni). Stringfield concluded that Moragne might be a government disinformation supplier because of these story changes, while both Stringfield and Madeley opined that maybe Moragne changed his story because a relatively new (in 1990) UFO control group had gotten to him to change his story so as to reduce its believability. Dr. Moragne claimed to have 319 patents, yet only one can be found for a magnetic separator, the other 318 he said were classified. This guy was really high up in secret government research, so his story is probably more true than false. Holt’s interview with LMH supports some aspects of Dr. Moragne’s story, but he could not recall any discussion with Dr. Moragne about the 1964 landing. He said that Dr. Moragne and he mostly discussed physics and their ideas on faster than light propulsion systems, and that Dr. Moragne also discussed UFOs with him too.
Dr. Moragne’s main story was about a UFO landing that he helped investigate. But this writeup is not about the landing. For those who are interested in it, a few details about it are as follows: A 300 ft oval UFO landed in northern Nevada in 1964 witnessed by two ranchers. A staircase opened up and three 5’ manlike beings with tanned skin came out and laid on the ground. The UFO closed up. Subsequent analysis of the beings showed that their blood was like oil, and they had apparent metal klystron tubes in their heads, presumably to transmit data back to whoever or whatever was controlling their mission. They were like robots. The government is still waiting for them to reactivate or for their “masters” to come and get them and to reactivate the ovoid disc as well. They do not decay and have been in suspended animation since the landing.
Now let us digress and discuss one aspect of people’s behavior and belief systems. It is a very true fact that once people are shown that something is possible, then they go ahead and make it happen over and over. This was shown with the 4 minute mile, the climbing of Mt. Everest, Columbus’s voyage to America, and it is true of technology development as well. Scientists who are brought into a consulting relationship with the US Government to work on UFO technology fall into this category because they see what the aliens can do and know from that point forward that it is real, it is repeatable, and that humans could do it too, eventually if not now. Apparently Moragne was one of these, for somewhere along the path of his career he became certain that he could develop a faster than light drive that would propel a craft 30 to 60 times faster than the speed of light. Dr. Holt conceived of his own method to achieve a faster than light drive as well (although he may never have been exposed to UFO technology), and his used different methods which would result in faster speeds than Moragne’s, maybe even near instantaneous travel. From reading their interviews, it sounded like they really wanted to work on these projects, and it further sounded like they never got funding to do these projects. Both project ideas depended on field resonance to affect space. Dr. Holt’s system might have exceeded the speed achievable by Dr. Moragne's method (which was 30c to 60c, where “c” is the popular means to indicate the speed of light) and would be to some degree be near instantaneous transport.
Let’s think about this for a minute. Here’s two top scientists working on top secret government projects, and each wants to develop a faster than light drive about 30 years ago. Both are confident that they can do so. Furthermore, the government who would do the funding knows that such a thing already exists in alien technology, yet they apparently decline to give these guys funding. Now why would that be? If these stories are true, then it means that the government already had this project well in hand under development by other compartmentalized groups. To put it another way, it was already or soon to become a fait accompli without even utilizing the efforts of these physicists. But be careful of the word “government”, for it is very likely that although the government’s money was used for the propulsion system project, it was conceived, controlled, and details kept secret (even from the government funders) by the shadow government in the private sector. The hypothetical project could have been a reverse engineered drive from a crashed or captured saucer, much like Bob Lazar claimed to have worked on (who perhaps not so coincidentally came on the scene in 1989 which is the same decade that Moragne and Holt were thinking about greater-than-lightspeed propulsion. Moragne and Holt met in ’81 or ’82. Lazar claimed that the star drive that he studied at Area 51 also worked by instantaneous jumps across space using antigravity.) Also please be aware that by about 1959, the government clamped a secrecy lid on all antigravity research and publications.
The Ufonalyzer has long been bothered by the concept of using antigravity as the propulsion system between the stars. Although he is convinced that it is the means of travel while here on earth and other planets, it seems to have shortcomings for interstellar travel, unless antigravity really can be used to provide near instaneous jumps across space as Bob Lazar claimed it can. (And now we learn that Dr. Alan Holt also thought such jumps were possible, although he did not state if it was by antigravity.) Dr. Paul R. Hill believed that it could be used in a more conventional way, however, and described how in his book, “Unconventional Flying Objects.” The Ufonalzyer addresses these shortcomings in his writeup "Dr Paul R. Hill Part 2b." For this writeup here, let us now hypothesize that the aliens have a 60c light drive, where c = the speed of light. After all, if two humans can conceive of something like this, for sure the aliens probably already are using something as good that actually works, if not better.
The table at the end of this paper contains a compilation of close encounter cases in which aliens allegedly told humans how far their homes were from earth. The cases where these occurred are all documented in Albert Rosales’ website* and are all unfiltered. Just take the case number and its year of occurrence from the following table and then go to Albert Rosales’ website if you wish to learn more about any particular case. The Ufonalyzer has split these cases at an aribitrary 1000 light years from earth to highlight that there is a “near” or “neighbor” group of claims, and a long distance group of claims. Stanton Friedman in his book, “Flying Saucers and Science” believes that virtually all the aliens that have been sighted over the years are from the neighboring star region, i.e. the “neighbor” group, and that claims about coming from “other galaxies” are dubious. The Ufonalyzer agrees. People seem to like the word “galaxy”; eg “from a galaxy far, far away” and so forth, but it does not make much sense to visit here from, say, Andromeda, when it is a certainty that their neighboring stars in that galaxy have similar population densities nearby as our Milky Way has. Within 50 light years of earth, there are 2000 stars which comprise 1400 star systems. 133 of these stars are sun-like which is a good thing insofar as providing a stable, long term energy output for the development of life. If you assume that stars are homogeneously distributed in our region of the Milky Way, then a 200 light year radius sphere would enclose (200/50)cubed times 1400 star systems, or 90,000 star systems, all of which could harbor planets, some with civilizations. We now suspect that most stars have planets, plus we now know that non-sun-like stars also have planets so these could develop life too. It is the Ufonalyzer’s opinion that if we humans ever get so far as to achieve star travel, there is so much life out there that we won’t find any habitable but unoccupied planets to colonize.
The main thing to look at in this table is the bottom half of the 5th column which is yellow highlighted. Just look at the many star voyages that take only months to go one way. This gives the on board time that it would take to voyage here assuming no protracted acceleration/deceleration time, and a constant 60c and without any relativity effects. The reason relativity was left out is because this writer has not the slightest idea if relativity would even come into play using this type of technology drive. On the other hand, use of another drive which linearly accelerates the craft to 0.99c is straightforward enough to know that relativity would apply, so the on board time would be about one seventh of what it would be if relativity did not exist (actually, 0.141). The reason 0.99c was chosen and not 0.999c or 0.9999c is that the mass increase at 0.99c might be “manageable.” (It would go up seven times.)
Some people believe that aliens have been bred for star travel. They seem to be patient and emotionless which would be good attributes for a long voyage. Most reports on their age give a lifespan in the 150-500 year category, so they might not mind wasting some of it on a 3 or 4 year voyage to go 250 light years. After all, we humans are now talking about a Mars voyage of a few years for people with a lifespan of 80 years.
Some useful facts are as follows:
Andromeda is the nearest galaxy and is 2.5 million light years distant
The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 light years.
c = the speed of light = 186,000 miles per second
Closest star to sun = Proxima Centauri 4.2 light years distant
* Rosales’ website:

Saturday, February 6, 2010
What’s in a Name?
In one of Timothy Good’s books, he relates the story of Ludwig Pallman, who as a traveling salesman of food processing equipment in the 1960s, meets and befriends an alien visitor to our planet Earth. The alien’s mission is to do good here while collecting seeds and plant specimens which would be of food value to beings across all races. The alien tells Ludwig Pallman that earth is one of many planets where spontaneous cancer springs up, and as such is known as a “Cancer Planet.” Ufonalyzer can’t remember which of Timothy Good’s five or so books has this in it, but Pallman wrote of his experiences in his own book, “UFO Contact from Itibi-Ra: Cancer Planet Mission”, 1970. It is available as an ebook on line for $9.95. Everything that this writer has read about Mr. Pallman is that he was a very hard man to find and pin down to get an interview so as to assess the truth in his stories, but as far as can be found, no one was able to locate him for this purpose because he seemed to be constantly on the move in backwater regions of the world.
So we are known as a Cancer Planet. It’s a good bet that Earth has other names in the alien community as well. One of the U’s guilty pleasures is zombie movies, and prefers the slow zombies over those fast ones. There just aren’t enough of those movies made. A weak analogy could be made that we are “Zombie Planet.” We are always attacking and trying to kill every single alien ship we see, but our means of doing so is just as slow and inept as those darn zombies. Compared to aliens’ apparent mental capacities, ours must seem minuscule just as a zombie’s is to our own. Once in a while for circumstantial causes, we succeed in getting one of them just like the slow zombies do in the movies. If we capture a live alien, we try to pick its brain which one could say corresponds to eating its brain. For sure, every alien knows that if captured, it is their death sentence. It is like the roach motel down here—you check in, but never check out.
But at least these names are better than one of the planets that aliens allegedly came from. One contactee claimed he met beings who were the Dodonians, so they must have come from the Dodo planet. Still another race said that they came from the planet Urin. Maybe this planet is next to Uranus. (These names were obtained from encounters described in Albert Rosales’ website at ).
But earth’s alien name that would ring truest to this writer would be “A**hole Planet.” Aliens, however, might not have that portion of the anatomy, so it could also be “Planet of the Insane.” In fact, in Case # 19 in Albert Rosales’ website for 1947*, a Russian youth asked a 9’ tall alien why they didn’t contact humanity openly. The alien’s response was, "Why don't humans contact those in an insane asylum?" In the recent movie remake of “the Day the Earth Stood Still”, Keanu Reeves was told by an alien secret agent who had lived here on earth for the last several decades that we all know we are doomed yet cannot seem to do anything about it, so we continue on our path to self destruction. Just extrapolate our population growth, our use of non renewable resources, and our polluting tendencies and figure this out for yourselves. Aliens must shake their heads in bewilderment at some of the antics that occur here. Timothy Good has stated that abductions may be for the possible purpose of breeding our chimpanzee-like aggressive tendencies out of our genetic makeup. He stated that it could be about a hundred year project. Based on our abduction history it appears that this project is in its 5th decade or so with 50 years to go, plus or minus a decade or two. So far, it looks like the project will fail. This makes one wonder what the aliens will do after that.
In one of Timothy Good’s books, he relates the story of Ludwig Pallman, who as a traveling salesman of food processing equipment in the 1960s, meets and befriends an alien visitor to our planet Earth. The alien’s mission is to do good here while collecting seeds and plant specimens which would be of food value to beings across all races. The alien tells Ludwig Pallman that earth is one of many planets where spontaneous cancer springs up, and as such is known as a “Cancer Planet.” Ufonalyzer can’t remember which of Timothy Good’s five or so books has this in it, but Pallman wrote of his experiences in his own book, “UFO Contact from Itibi-Ra: Cancer Planet Mission”, 1970. It is available as an ebook on line for $9.95. Everything that this writer has read about Mr. Pallman is that he was a very hard man to find and pin down to get an interview so as to assess the truth in his stories, but as far as can be found, no one was able to locate him for this purpose because he seemed to be constantly on the move in backwater regions of the world.
So we are known as a Cancer Planet. It’s a good bet that Earth has other names in the alien community as well. One of the U’s guilty pleasures is zombie movies, and prefers the slow zombies over those fast ones. There just aren’t enough of those movies made. A weak analogy could be made that we are “Zombie Planet.” We are always attacking and trying to kill every single alien ship we see, but our means of doing so is just as slow and inept as those darn zombies. Compared to aliens’ apparent mental capacities, ours must seem minuscule just as a zombie’s is to our own. Once in a while for circumstantial causes, we succeed in getting one of them just like the slow zombies do in the movies. If we capture a live alien, we try to pick its brain which one could say corresponds to eating its brain. For sure, every alien knows that if captured, it is their death sentence. It is like the roach motel down here—you check in, but never check out.
But at least these names are better than one of the planets that aliens allegedly came from. One contactee claimed he met beings who were the Dodonians, so they must have come from the Dodo planet. Still another race said that they came from the planet Urin. Maybe this planet is next to Uranus. (These names were obtained from encounters described in Albert Rosales’ website at ).
But earth’s alien name that would ring truest to this writer would be “A**hole Planet.” Aliens, however, might not have that portion of the anatomy, so it could also be “Planet of the Insane.” In fact, in Case # 19 in Albert Rosales’ website for 1947*, a Russian youth asked a 9’ tall alien why they didn’t contact humanity openly. The alien’s response was, "Why don't humans contact those in an insane asylum?" In the recent movie remake of “the Day the Earth Stood Still”, Keanu Reeves was told by an alien secret agent who had lived here on earth for the last several decades that we all know we are doomed yet cannot seem to do anything about it, so we continue on our path to self destruction. Just extrapolate our population growth, our use of non renewable resources, and our polluting tendencies and figure this out for yourselves. Aliens must shake their heads in bewilderment at some of the antics that occur here. Timothy Good has stated that abductions may be for the possible purpose of breeding our chimpanzee-like aggressive tendencies out of our genetic makeup. He stated that it could be about a hundred year project. Based on our abduction history it appears that this project is in its 5th decade or so with 50 years to go, plus or minus a decade or two. So far, it looks like the project will fail. This makes one wonder what the aliens will do after that.
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