In one of his books, Timothy Good relates the story of Ludwig Pallman, who as a traveling salesman of food processing equipment in the 1960s, meets and befriends an alien visitor to our planet Earth. The alien’s mission is to do good here while collecting seeds and plant specimens which would be of food value to beings across all races. The alien tells Ludwig Pallman that earth is one of many planets where spontaneous cancer springs up, and as such is known as a “Cancer Planet.” Ufonalyzer can’t remember which of Timothy Good’s five or so books has this in it, but Pallman wrote of his experiences in his own book, “UFO Contact from Itibi-Ra: Cancer Planet Mission”, 1970. It is available as an ebook on line for $9.95. Everything that this writer has read about Mr. Pallman is that he was a very hard man to find and pin down to get an interview so as to assess the truth in his stories, but as far as can be found, no one was able to locate him for this purpose because he seemed to be constantly on the move in backwater regions of the world.
So we are known as a Cancer Planet. It’s a good bet that Earth has other names in the alien community as well. One of the Ufonalyzer’s guilty pleasures is zombie movies, and he prefers the slow zombies over those fast ones. There just aren’t enough of those movies made. A weak analogy could be made that we are “Zombie Planet.” We are always attacking and trying to kill every single alien ship we see, but our means of doing so is just as slow and inept as those darn zombies. Compared to aliens’ apparent mental capacities, ours must seem minuscule just as a zombie’s is to our own. Once in a while due to various reasons, we succeed in catching one of them (i.e. an alien) just like the slow zombies do in the movies when they catch a human. If we capture a live alien, we try to pick its brain which one could say corresponds to eating its brain. For sure, every alien knows that if captured, it is their death sentence. It is like the roach motel down here—you check in, but never check out.
But at least these names are better than a couple of the planets’ names that aliens allegedly came from. One contactee claimed he met beings who were the Dodonians, so they must have come from the Dodo planet. Still another race said that they came from the planet Urin. Maybe this planet is next to Uranus. (These names were obtained from encounters described in Albert Rosales’ website at ).
But earth’s alien name that would ring truest to this writer would be “A**hole Planet.” Aliens, however, might not have that portion of the anatomy, so it could also be “Planet of the Insane.” In fact, in Case # 19 in Albert Rosales’ website for 1947*, a Russian youth asked a 9’ tall alien why they didn’t contact humanity openly. The alien’s response was, "Why don't humans contact those in an insane asylum?" In the recent movie remake of “the Day the Earth Stood Still”, Keanu Reeves was told by an alien secret agent who had lived here on earth for the last several decades that we all know we are doomed yet cannot seem to do anything about it, so we continue on our path to self destruction. Aliens must shake their heads in bewilderment at some of the antics that occur here. Timothy Good has stated that abductions may be for the possible purpose of breeding our chimpanzee-like aggressive tendencies out of our genetic makeup. He stated that it could be about a hundred year project. Based on our abduction history it appears that this project is in its 5th decade or so with 50 years to go, plus or minus a decade or two.** So far, it looks like the project will fail. This makes one wonder what the aliens will do after that.
** In a May, 2010 podcast, noted abduction researcher, Budd Hopkins, stated that he has some elderly abductee subjects who started experiencing their abductions in the 1920’s.
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