High Speed UFOs: A Couple of Thoughts on Why UFOs Aren’t Noticed
Until Photo/Video Viewing
There are many apparently non-hoaxed shots of UFOs
in the sky where the camera person never noticed the object until his/her
photos/videos were developed. What are some reasons why the UFOs were not
noticed in real time as the event was being recorded?
There are a few prevailing reasons for this, and all
are probably true. Here are a couple of reasons why humans did not notice the
object in real time.
1. The
Recording Instrument captures a broader range of radiation frequencies than the
human eye can see. The easiest to
explain example of this theory is that if, say, the UFO is in its stealth mode
yet is heated up (i.e. emanating infrared), then an infrared camera would
capture the presence of it on film even though it was invisible to the human
eye. UFO stealth technology may be so advanced that it can control ALL of the
craft’s radiation absorptions and emissions. This would explain why some
encounters appear to exhibit both controllable radar invisibility and sight
invisibility. UFO stealth technology may be more than
“simply” re-routing light rays to go around the craft (I say “simply” even
though we cannot do that yet). Instead, it could be a controllable absorption
of the energy impacting the UFO with a subsequent controllable re-emanation of
that energy at any frequency so desired by the pilot. He/she/it could choose
ultraviolet, normal light, infrared, or none at all (invisibility.)
Controllable absorption ties in nicely with those UFOs sighted above power
companies which are apparently absorbing the plant’s energy.
2. This
next reason is obvious. High speed UFOs are in many videos in which the UFO is
going so fast that it was not noticed until the video was viewed. I have seen about five or six of these
videos. This writeup was inspired by a recent YouTube high speed UFO video shot
from inside a car. A decade or two ago,
there were a couple of documentary videos showing the same thing: one was a UFO
emerging from a cloud and the other was a UFO zipping by the top of a farm windmill.
When the videos are slowed down to frame by frame viewing, it is always an
ellipsoid shape that emerges. Of course, still photographs can also
accidentally capture a high speed UFO as well. The impression that I get from
these videos is that the UFO is at a much lower altitude than a commercial
airplane which normally fly around 30,000 to 40,000 feet. I think these UFOs
are only a mile or two in altitude at most. I go into this kind of stuff more
deeply in my book, “Alien Radix”, but what follows is a hypothetical example
that is not contained in that book.
Consider, for example, a six foot
tall person standing on a featureless plain which is flat as a pancake as far
as the eye can see. Lots of places in this country are like that such as
central Illinois, Kansas, the Dakotas, and so forth. On this type of terrain,
one has a 180 degree view of the arc of the sky. Now consider a high speed,
30,000 mph UFO approaching that person at a mile height. How long would it take
that UFO to fly from true horizon to true horizon, thus going completely into
and out of the man’s view? Would it be so brief a time that you would all agree
that he almost certainly wouldn’t notice it?
Take a look at the diagram below.
Shown is a man stick figure whose eye level is 6’ above the ground looking toward the true horizon,
which is designated by ‘T’, the tangent point. How far away is that man from ‘T’?
That is, let’s calculate distance ‘a’. As you can see, the line of sight from
the man to the tangent point makes a right triangle to the radius of the earth.
Therefore we have a right triangle, and our job is to calculate distance ‘a’ of
a right triangle whose hypotenuse is the radius of the earth plus 6 feet, and
the other leg of the triangle is simply earth’s radius, 4000 miles. You all
learned this Pythagorean calculation in grade or high school, and there are
charts on the internet which gives the answers to this. A 6’ eye level is 1.829
meters, and the calculation for this is about 5 km. So ‘a’ equals 5 km. A
30,000 mph UFO would take only 0.375 seconds to traverse that 5 km from the
true horizon , and it would take another 0.375 seconds to disappear behind him.
So the UFO would be visible only for 2 x 0.375 = 0.75 seconds. The man, even if
he noticed the UFO from its initial appearance, probably would not even have
time to turn around to see it leave. Three fourths of a second goes by pretty
fast. In the real world, most people do not have expansive views of the sky, so
the chance of noticing any high speed UFO in a portion of the sky gets even
lower because the viewing time opportunity gets even smaller.
But there’s more to
consider. The hypothetical UFO is a mile up above the earth, so the man could
theoretically see the UFO just as it comes into view beyond the true horizon
point ‘T’. Under this consideration, the UFO is viewable for a considerably
longer distance, and therefore, time. Thus we can use the right triangle
approach used previously and now calculate the distance ‘b’ in the diagram. For
1 mile altitude, ‘b’ equals 89.4 miles. I doubt that even a large UFO would be
“seeable” by the human eye right at the horizon for from a distance of 92.5
miles (89.4mi + 5 km) because a large UFO at such a long distance would look
like a dot at best, and also due to near earth atmospheric conditions (shimmer,
haze, dust, etc.). Just to finish the
calculation, though, it would take a 30,000 mph UFO 22.2 seconds to go the
distance twice (a+b). If a person had
the vision of an eagle, he could watch that fast UFO for more than enough time
to record it, consider it, whatever.
For the critical
reader, these are crude calculations, and they could have been made more
accurate by considering the increase in time due to horizontal light rays
tending to bend toward the earth due to increasing atomospheric density close
to earth, and calculating for the curvature of the earth instead of calculating
straight line distances. Also, Earth’s radius is not exactly 4000 miles. Doing
these corrections would not have changed the result more than 20%, while the
general results regarding time would remain the same.
3. We
have mistaken bugs/birds for a UFO. I wrote this a couple of months ago and at
that time there was a popular video going around about some high speed ufos in
Chile shown in the following video:
I had intended to use this video to
illustrate a high speed UFO. I am ashamed to admit that I was taken in by it
due to the provenance of the video because it came from a Chilean government
organization whose job it is to be Chile’s official group for the study of
UFOs. It is known as the Committee
for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA). Shortly
after its release, a UFO skeptic came forward and pointed out that there are
bugs in the foreground of the UFO which, if you follow their flight paths, show
that the objects zipping along that were shot against the blue sky are bugs
also. Another warning sign about this video that is just as
disturbing is that it has already been pre-processed for our consumption, with
carefully chosen stop frames and such. It is as though we are being guided
toward the UFO conclusion. Supposedly
the CEFAA has gone back and is restudying their early conclusions about this
video and its subsequent release. Recall that years ago, the USA had a
government sponsored committee charged with investigating UFOs, just like
CEFAA. However, our committee, which was Project Blue Book, was really formed
to debunk them. The behavior of the CEFAA appears like it wishes to
do just the opposite! I wish to thank the UFO skeptic who discovered this (this
is the first time I have ever been grateful to a UFO skeptic.) As far as I
know, the CEFAA still has not issued any explanation for their probable error regarding
this video. The major conclusion that we must take away from this video is that
even official sources who are supposed to be open minded about UFOs can still
be tempted to be too pro-UFO, and that bugs and possibly hummingbirds can still
be mistaken for high speed UFOs. Prior to this video, I was of the opinion that
a video of a bug/hummingbird would turn out to be a “rod”, which is a video of
a bug shot at too slow of a speed such that the body of the bug apprears
elongated, and its wings make a wavy, rippling line down the axis of the
elongated body.
For your viewing pleasure here are a couple of more
UFO videos: the first two are moderately high speed UFOs and the third is just
a neat video of a really big UFO.
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