Antigravity Propulsion by Humans Jan, 2013 ©
In 2008, Dr. Paul LaViolette published a book, Secrets
of Antigravity Propulsion. After reading my copy of it, I felt inspired to
revisit my own beliefs in how UFOs propel themselves. My own book, Alien
Radix, chose antigravity (aka “counterbary”) as the motive force for UFO travel, and
arrived at this conclusion from empirical observations of UFO movement and
witness close up encounters. Assisted by Dr. Paul Hill’s great book, Unconventional
Flying Objects, I decided that rotation is involved with the creation of
the UFO’s antigravity field, but declined (read as “unable to”) to go further into
the cause. Dr. LaViolette does go further into the cause. I recommend this book
for anyone curious about UFO propulsion, although as an ex-technical person, I
understood only about half of it. Maybe if I had reviewed my own coursework
from decades ago and had set myself down to go through the field explanations
with more of a fine tooth comb, I could have extracted another 15% of
understanding, but that would have been about it for me. I apologize for this
writeup coming across like a big book review, but it is a good book.
Dr. LaViolette’s book has about 400 pages not
counting a lengthy appendix. About 300 pages are allocated to the work of T.
Townsend Brown, genius inventor and discoverer of the Biefeld-Brown effect. As
a teenager, Brown noted that when a capacitor is charged up to a very high
voltage, there is a measurable force created toward the positive electrode, and
this force is now named the Biefeld-Brown effect, a.k.a. the electrogravitic
force, or simply electrogravitics. If
the capacitor’s charged up voltage is sufficiently high, the whole capacitor
will physically move. All of Brown’s subsequent work on levitation and
propulsion was based on maximizing, controlling, and understanding this
This force is still believed by some to be simply the
electrostatic attraction or repulsion of charged particles. This belief is sourced by the fact that for
the electrogravitic force to be even measurable, the capacitor has to be
charged to at least 10 kilovolts, and the higher one goes in voltage, the more
powerful the forces (both electrogravitic and electrostatic) become. In fact,
the electrogravitic force increases at approximately as the voltage to the
second or third power. Given the high voltages involved, ionization of the air
around the electrodes does occur, and these ions are thought by some to be the
explanation for everything about the Biefeld-Brown effect, because the ion wind
caused by charged particle attraction causes the measured force from the
negative side of the capacitor to the positive side. For this to be confirmed,
all one has to do is put the capacitor in a vacuum and apply the kilovolt
charge and measure away because in a vacuum, there is nothing to ionize. A
couple of years ago, I read a T.
Townsend Brown story on the internet which said that this has been done and that
the force disappears in a vacuum, thereby proving that the Biefeld-Brown effect
was nothing but electrostatic ionization attraction/repulsion all along. After
I read this, I discounted electrogravitics as a serious candidate for UFO
propulsion. Well, guess what? Dr. LaViolette has found in T. Townsend Brown’s
notes some experiments described in which the electrogravitic force was
measured in a vacuum. Not only was the electrogravitic force present in a
vacuum, it was increased in magnitude above what it would have been in the atmosphere.
Now why are there sources which say the opposite? I don’t know. T. Townsend
Brown also proved to his own satisfaction that the force was gravitational in
nature, and not due to any of the other common force causes, such as magnetism,
electrostatics, ion wind pressure, and so forth. How did he conclude it was gravitational?
Because it acted equally on all matter, regardless of whether it was charged,
neutral, organic, metallic, inorganic, solid, liquid, or gas. In other words,
just like gravity does. {Digression: In the early 90’s, the B-2 bomber received
quite a bit of rumored publicity that it was using antigravity technology to
boost its performance. It was publicized that the B-2 saves an immense amount
of fuel by ionizing its jet exhaust gasses such that the leading edge of its
wings are charged up to a very high voltage with respect to its trailing
exhaust gases. This gives the plane a push as its own exhaust ion wind flows
toward the leading edge of the wing because they have opposite charges, so it acts
like a tail wind. Flying in ionized air also reduces drag. With sufficiently
high voltage, additional push and lift occurs due to the Biefeld-Brown effect
which is independent of and additive to the ion wind effect. Those who know the
truth about the B-2 are keeping mum. LaViolette believes that this technology
should be released to the commercial airline industry so as to save fuel and
About the same time as Brown’s most advanced work in
electrogravitics in the mid-fifties, another guy named John R. R. Searl came up
with the Searl Effect Generator (SEG), and this invention is afforded about 35
pages in the book. You can see versions
of this machine on YouTube, but none of them appear to operate with the fantastic success
claimed by Searl for his invention. The attractive thing to me about the SEG is
that it reminds me of the outer rotating rim of a UFO which I strongly
associate with its antigravity propulsion drive. This rotating outer ring also rises to a very
high voltage, high enough to cause ionization of surrounding gas, something
that also reminds me of UFO operation. The SEG was intended to be a low-to-free
power generator, but had the unexpected property that once it exceeded a
threshold of rpm speed, it ceased to require external energy input to operate
and it broke free of its tethers and flew away, never to be seen again. That
is, it had the property that maybe it could be used as an antigravity drive as
well. Searl supposedly built several prototype generators, about 4 of them each
14 feet in diameter, and they all took off and got lost. There is something “Lazar-esque”
about Searl, because his prototype should be duplicate-able by even a hobbyist
with several thousand dollars to spend on special magnets and machined circular
frames, but no one seems to have done it “successfully” (i.e. the prototypes do
not take flight). They do rotate as several YouTube videos prove, but none of
what I saw on those videos looked even remotely like it was going to go into a
self sustaining mode of operation and even take off. {The Biefeld-Brown effect,
on the other hand, is more easily duplicate-able by the home hobbyist
providing he owns a generator capable of generating 100 kilovolts and is
willing to live with the danger of operating it. It would also help the
hobbyist to own a piece of high K dielectric material (where K (also denoted by Greek letter epsilon) equals the
relative dielectric of an insulator, aka permittivity) to use between the
plates of the experimental capacitor. In the cellular telephone industry,
filtering structures made of barium tetratitanate were once used, and maybe
still are, with a K of 18,000-36,000 as I recall.} Why doesn’t Searl have a video of one of his
several escaped prototypes flying away? One would think that after the first 2
or 3 that escaped, one would want to video a self powered rotating generator
taking flight. Searl now claims to have discovered how to dampen the runaway
energy so that no more of his generators take off on him, and even worse,
explode. Fortunately, there are two Russian physicists named Vladimir Roschin and
Serge Goden in the mid-nineties who did build what is essentially a Searl
device. They used a different design than Searl called the magnetic energy
converter (MEC) whose operating principles were identical to the SEG. They got it
to work, and verified all of Searl’s claims about its weight reduction during
operation and the tendency accelerate to higher and higher rpm while using less
and less energy. They also confirmed the temperature-drop-in-the-room
phenomenon during operation as well as the surrounding ionization. They took
measurements for all of the preceding phenomena. No mention was made in the
book about it breaking its tether and flying away because they had a governor
fail safe to prevent such runaway. Per LaViolette in his book, “…in May 1982,
government agents broke into Searl’s home, confiscated an SEG unit that was
under test supplying electricity to his house, and tore out all the electrical
wiring from his house. Citing as evidence a sequence of unusually low metered
electrical bills, the Southern Electricity Board then prosecuted him on
trumped-up charges of ‘stealing electricity by means of a unique device,’ and
sued him for a large sum of money. As a result, Searl’s family broke up and he
became very depressed. The Court had him
confined to jail for about a year and while so detained an arsonist set his
house on fire, destroying most of his records and equipment.” Where there’s
smoke, there’s fire, and this story gives credence to some of Searl’s claims.
It reminds me of how government agents allegedly confiscated Tesla’s files
immediately after his death.
Now, one
might ask, if these two guys found such potentially useful technologies for
space travel, why did the government essentially dump on them and ignore them,
instead of taking them under its wing and nurturing their technologies into
something for the next generation? Well,
in his book, The Hunt for Zero Point, Nick Cook speculates that, at
least for Brown, the government was already researching Brown’s technologies in
black projects and was well on their way to developing antigravity propulsion.
It had no further need of T. Townsend Brown or his ideas. A bit more about this will be
mentioned later.
One thing that I wish Dr. LaViolette would have done
in his book is explain what possible effects, if any, that these separate
technologies would have on the occupants of an “electrogravitics UFO” and a
“Searl UFO”. For example, in the electrogravitics version of the UFO, parts of
the hull would have to be electrically insulated from one another and a voltage
of possibly a million volts applied between those hull sections. Essentially,
the craft would be a flying capacitor, and the region between the plates of the
capacitor would be the region of strongest artificial gravity. The voltage
gradient between the plates is tailored for maximum non-linearity (which
results in the most electrogravitic force) through dissimilar capacitor plate
shapes and irregular dielectric shape and permittivity between the hull
sections (capacitor plates.) Therefore, you have the occupants walking around
inside this non-linear voltage gradient inside the capacitor (craft). Is the artificial gravity field within the
craft also non-linear? In other words, if a six foot occupant is in a UFO which
is 14 feet thick and 50 feet in diameter, and if the UFO is in its lift mode
where a plate in the floor of the UFO might be charged negatively with a
million volts with respect to the upper hull, does this mean the occupant’s
head would be in a different g-field than his feet? Would the occupant feel the effects of a
sudden right angle turn due to the different gravities? Also, what about metal
objects on his body, such as a belt buckle? Any effects there? The same
questions would apply when inside a hypothetical “Searl UFO”? {Another
Digression: Notice that the Biefeld-Brown effect works with DC or AC applied
voltage. When it is AC, the waveform should be as non-linear as possible and
the electrode shape should be dissimilar. It also helps to have a non-homgeneous
capacitor dielectric between the capacitor plates. A Russian scientist named Evegny
Podkletnov did some experiments with a single non-linear discharge of
capacitors charged to a high voltage. He was able to generate a single gravity
pulse which appeared to traverse through impressive thicknesses of walls and
steel, undiminished in strength. These pulses I like to think of as a gravity
piston, although this piston does not go back and forth—it just goes on
forever. Although his experimental apparatus bears little physical resemblance
to what one would expect an electrogravitics setup to be, LaViolette links the
two by saying that the Biefeld-Brown phenomenon uses some sort of linkage
between charge and gravity as does Podkletnov’s. Anyhow, with a few million
volt discharge, Podkletnov was able to put a big dent into a 1” thick steel
plate and shatter a concrete block. LaViolette corresponded with Podkletnov at
least through 2007, but LaViolette noted that the Russian government is now
“resisting export of this technology”, presumably as they explore weaponizing
it. From memory, I seem to recall that Podkletnov also is discussed in Nick
Cook’s book, The Search for Zero Point.}
Dr. LaViolette goes into a third technology that
could also provide thrust. In 1986 Dr. LaViolette learned of a black research
project named Project Skyvault that started in the 1952-1957 time frame. The
early version of this project was to successfully levitate an object by aiming
a microwave beam at it from the ground. It had been noted in earlier years that
a microwave beam could move some objects, depending on what they were made of.
Objects with a special magnetic property were the best candidates. High
energies and frequencies were involved in Skyvault, so the ground based
equipment in the early fifties was quite large. Later, the ground based
equipment was reduced in size such that it could be located on the levitated
object itself, and its microwave beam could be aimed at the ground. Many of the
principles of this project involved radar technologies plus the technologies
that T. Townsend Brown was experimenting with at the same time. The
government’s technology was ahead of Brown’s which could explain why Brown was
advised to drop his work and really did not get support for his research--he
was not needed. This project apparently used an early form of something called
microwave phase conjugation, which is a way to aim a microwave beam at
something and cause the reflected energy from that beam to get back in phase
with the source beam. This can result in higher and higher power being stored
in the beam system. This technology can be used to lock radars onto targets,
and also to provide a tightly collimated beam that is difficult to detect
and/or jam unless it is aimed right at you. For example, if an incoming missile
is heading your way, you can aim a microwave beam at it, or a laser, detect the
energies from the reflections, and get the reflections back in phase with the
original beam, lock on to the target, and blast the target from the sky using
the locked on beam as a unerring guide.
Where does thrust enter the picture? If the microwave signal is sent
through a non-linear dielectric, the microwave signal becomes non linear, and
as such is capable of providing electrogravitic thrust in the manner of T.
Townsend Brown. In this discussion LaViolette makes no mention of capacitor
plates and is kind of unclear where and what the transducer is that provides
the thrust. I think it is the dielectric itself. He also speculates that the
material need not be a dielectric (he gives barium titanite as a likely
dielectric example), but it could also be a “metamaterial”. A “metamaterial” is
one that at particular frequency or frequencies exhibits a negative permittivity
and permeability (commonly denoted as greek alphabet epsilon and mu), so this
necessitates that the microwave frequency of the system be right at or near
this frequency. This stuff is really complicated, literally involving mirrors,
special high power oscillators, lenses, and waveguides. It also involves the
usual high voltage and powers associated with electrogravitics. Dr. Laviolette
dedicates about 70 pages to this technology. If I had to bet on what technology
is used in our own black triangle crafts, it is this one. In my layman’s view,
unlike true alien UFO operation, this Skyvault technology does not appear to
protect the occupants of the craft or the craft itself from sudden
accelerations, starts, stops, and so forth because they are outside of the
artificial gravitational field(s) of the craft’s generator(s). (At least that
is my interpretation of LaViolette’s Skyvault microwave phase conjugation
diagrams.) They are just mechanically attached to it and carried along by it.
However, LaViolette’s explanations/diagrams for non-Skyvault antigravity
machinery (i.e. Searl and T.T.Brown) indicate that the artificial g-field
surrounds the whole apparatus, in which case the occupants could indeed benefit
from the protection of the generator’s gravity field.
The only limitation to antigravity propulsion occurs
when the craft is in deep outer space, say between stars. If a UFO is coasting
between stars (assuming, of course, that they don’t teleport or jump
dimensions) and if a reason comes up for that UFO to change course, speed up,
stop and then start again, there is a problem. The problem is that it can’t use
its antigravity propulsion to do any of these things because its propulsion
system needs another gravity field to interact with to provide push or pull
thrust. There is precious little gravitational field between stars to allow the
UFO to do much of anything with its antigravity drive. Paul R. Hill recognized
this shortcoming and in his book, Unconventional Flying Objects,
hypothesized that an interstellar UFO most likely therefore would need a second
type of on-board propulsion system. He analyzes several ideas in this area, all
of which are based on ejecting energy or matter to provide thrust; in other
words, they are all based on Newton’s third law: for every reaction there’s an
equal and opposite reaction. In my book, I hypothesize that this is possibly
one reason for motherships: Perhaps the reason that motherships are so huge is
not for cargo, but for space needed to house this second type of propulsion
system and/or the matter to fuel it. Anyhow, the electrogravitics drive
propulsion system appears to overcome this limitation. If my reading about this
technology is correct, all the stalled-between-the-stars UFO would have to do
is charge up one side or other of its hull with respect to the other to a huge
voltage, and the craft would begin accelerating toward its positive side. This
seems too good to be true, because no Newton’s third law or matter expulsion
would be needed. But if electrogravitics works so conveniently in outer space,
plus knowing that it works on earth, why would an interstellar UFO be using
anything else because there would be no need for a backup propulsion system?
(Of course, if it operated like Project Skyvault, there would be nothing to aim
its microwave beam at and as a result it would be “dead in the water” if
stalled between the stars.)
Both Brown and Searl did their work in the early to
mid fifties. Here are two or three separate technologies, discovered by humans,
which could be developed into UFO propulsion drives. The SEG may or may not be
legitimate, but the Biefeld-Brown effect is very real. No alien technology reverse
engineering was involved as far as I know, even though one or all could be a
technology used by our alien visitors. The Searl generator has magnetics plus
rotation as its basis whereas the Townsend invention has electric charge as its
basis. The Searl design starts off using low voltage but once it starts self
operating, the voltages get very high. The Townsend design uses high voltage
from the start. The electrogravitics UFO, including the phase conjugate
version, would have far fewer moving parts and would seem to be inherently more
reliable. According to both inventors and the Russian duplicator of the Searl
device, both designs when operating smoothly and successfully, create a visible
and spreading ionizing field around them accompanied by a noticeable cooling as
they somehow suck energy from their surroundings to maintain their motion; no
external energy from a conventional source is needed for them to continue
operating. This brings me to the next subject, which is ether and physics
Before there was Einstein, there was ether. No, I’m
not talking about what teenage stoners smell out of a can to get high; I’m
talking about the concept of ether as an invisible medium pervading all space. Then
along came the Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 and then Einstein and the
concept of ether as an invisible medium pervading all of space became obsolete.
Then Einstein had to make something equivalent to ether come back into the
picture again when he invented his Gravitational constant G to make universe
expansion data make sense. It is almost
forbidden in the physics world to disagree with Einstein, not if you want to
keep your job. In the book, Hitler’s Flying Saucers, the author, Henry
Stevens, claims that German scientists were comfortable with using the concept
of ether in order to think out of the box as they searched for a cheap, low-to-no
fuel drive for the next generation flying war machine secret weapon. Dr.
LaViolette claims that some operational characteristics of the Biefeld-Brown
effect and of the SEG violate certain law or laws of thermodynamics, some of
Einstein’s theories, and some of Newton’s laws. Nick Cook in his book, The
Search for Zero Point, says that in the late fifties antigravity research
went into a secrecy mode imposed by the government when it realized that there
may be something to this antigravity stuff that could be weaponized. Dr.
LaViolette also noticed the secrecy clamp down on antigravity research at this
time and claims that the scientists working on these gravitational black
projects have had to re-instate ether into their theoretical thinking in order
to arrive at how antigravity really works. Many scientists of the late fifties firmly
believed that an antigravity craft was in the very near future. LaViolette
speculates that our black project scientists could have taken antigravity
research to fruition such that we could have our own secret space fleet built
using antigravity technology, and that we might have been visiting our solar
system planets in secret for almost six decades. In my book, Alien Radix.
the chapter entitled “Does America Have a Secret Space Program?” concludes that
IF we have antigravity technology, then we most certainly do have a secret
space fleet which is partially garrisoned in outer space. I concluded this
before I even read LaViolette’s book, so now, having read it, I am pushed
further toward the belief that we have had such a fleet for many years.
Dr. LaViolette also claims that the patent office
now has a rule that whenever a perpetual motion machine patent is submitted,
they will automatically reject it. (Plus they will also turn it over to the
proper agents to study it for technological ideas that they can steal.) Now
here is what is wrong and stupid with that policy. Remember how both the
Biefeld-Brown devices and the SEG were claimed to perpetuate their motion while
cooling down their surroundings as they presumably sucked the energy needed to
sustain their motion?(This also suggests that the devices could suck energy from nearby occupants of the UFO as well. Yikes! A vampire space drive!) What if they were also sucking energy from somewhere
else? In the last couple of decades the physicists have discovered both dark
matter and dark energy. Doesn’t that sound suspiciously like ether to you? As
we all know, inventors sometimes stumble across a great invention by accident
without even knowing how it works. What if one of these perpetual motion machine
inventions was somehow, quite by fortuitous accident, able to tap into dark
energy? It could run forever, and this
discovery would be rejected by the patent office “experts.”
Last but not least, Dr. LaViolette has developed his
own physics theories which are compatible with antigravity work. He calls the
collection of these theories “subquantum kinetics”. Throughout his book, he
describes repeatedly how subquantum kinetics explains and allows accurate
predictions about how antigravity phenomena
does and will operate, and illustrates how the traditionally accepted dogmatic
laws of physics don’t work for the observed phenomena associated with
Biefeld-Brown and the SEG. It also explains some astronomical phenomena as
well. However, LaViolette claims that subquantum
kinetics predicts that the centers of galaxies do not have black holes in them
(they do) and also that matter particles are created through spontaneous
creation, which to me sounds like the continuous creation theory that was rejected
when the Big Bang theory was accepted. I tried to use the internet to see if
there are any college courses which teach subquantum kinetics and could find
nothing.* The only thing I found was LaViolette’s own book on the subject. The
physics community can be like a college fraternity or club, and one should not
deviate too far in one’s theories from the majority beliefs or else you will be
ostracized. LaViolette also is said to
have some New Age ideas on things as well, and although these ideas may fall
outside of physics, I am sure that they taint the opinions that his fellow
physicists have of him. Someday, Dr. LaViolette’s theories may be recognized as
being visionary and accurate, and his name might be included in the lists of
famous physicists, but probably not in his lifetime. Dr. LaViolette, now age 67,
lives in Greece.
*For those of you who are interested, here is a
recent internet blurb about current attempts to explore gravity under different
theories. “Loop Quantum Gravity” might be similar to subquantum mechanics—I
just don’t know:
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