March, 2013
One sadly neglected area of ufology is the study of
alien species. The only good data available is from close encounters of the 3rd
and 4th kinds, and these encounters occur only at about once every
300-1100 UFO sightings, and are usually at a distance. The best data base for study
of these encounters is the website created by Albert Rosales*; the other extant
databases are virtually unusable for broad UFO alien study. I am aware of two published
books which use data from Mr. Rosales’ excellent website: one is 60 Years of
Neglected Evidence: Analysis of global Humanoid Encounter Reports by Ahmad
Jamaludin, and the other is my own book, Alien Radix: The Shape of Things
That Come. One feature of Mr. Rosales’ data is that it comes from many filtered
and unfiltered sources (meaning “investigated” and “not investigated”), and
many of the sources are completely disconnected from UFOs. This is not a
criticism of his website. It contains over 9,000 humanoid encounter short
descriptions, a few of which do not have humanoids in them, and most of which
do not even have a UFO in them. In addition to alien study, this website would
be useful for a variety of studies which are independent of UFOs, such as by a
psychiatrist who is studying hallucinations, religious visions, bigfoot
studiers, and so forth. It even has some vampire, werewolf, and fairy stories.
I found it necessary to filter the UFO data out from the other stories using
rigid, pre-determined objective criteria, and the filtering process resulted in
only about 10% of the data being used. After all, if one is baking a cake using
flour that has 90% pebbles in it, that person had better sift that flour a few
times to purify it. Mr. Jamaludin, on the other hand, did no pre-filtering
under the theory that core truths could still emerge even though corrupted data
was being processed. This is true but only if there is a sufficiently strong
signal embedded in all that non-UFO noise. However, that noise can introduce
false secondary pseudo signals as well.
With this information in mind, let us continue to the main point of this
It is logical that Darwin’s evolutionary principles
work on other planets too. These principles apply to all developing life via
survival of the fittest and result in a species always heading toward greater
consciousness and adaptation. BUT they
apply only until a species’ technological/social development advances to a
point where it overwhelms the “survival of the fittest” after which some back
sliding occurs in consciousness and adaptation. We see this occurring today in
the human race. In this writeup, a
couple of earth’s animal species will be used to make a guess at the original planetary
environment of the Grays. One’s initial reaction might be that making this
guess would be a blind stab in the dark, but we are not totally denied any
clues with which to make our guess.
Gray skinned aliens dominate alien sightings. Jamaludin
says 48.79% (345/707) of all sightings are gray colored, but this could include
their clothing. When skin color is specifically given, 24.68% (159/644) had
gray skin. Alien Radix says 30.79% of sightings from 2000-2009 were grays, and only 2.96% of the sightings
in the 1950’s were grays. Shown below is a great ape with all his hair and a
great ape with no hair. (The 1st
is a gorilla and the 2nd is probably a chimpanzee with a skin condition which
caused hair loss. These facts are not important.) The chimpanzee has evolved in
a hot sunny climate for a few million years, yet its skin has not seen the
light of day for all of that time because its hair has blocked all light for
all of that time (except for face, hands, soles of feet.) The end result of its
evolution is a gray skin (unless that gray skin is a symptom of mange, which it can be.)
It is now widely believed by scientists that modern,
functionally hairless humans emerged from Africa 70,000 to 120,000 years ago in
either one or two waves. What is not widely discussed is that these people had
very dark skin; they were for all practical purposes black. As they moved into
more temperate and less sunny climates, their skin got lighter plus they
probably started wearing more clothing due to the lower temperatures. Thus the
color variation of the peoples of the earth is an evolutionary development of
only 70,000 to 120,000 years. The
reduction of light exposure has lightened our skin, although no human race has
gray skin like the great apes’ skin which has never been exposed to the
sun. Thus, we can reach about 3 possible scenarios for the origin of the grays:
1) They evolved on a planet with dim sunlight, or 2) They were an underground
species which was primarily nocturnal, or 3) The race is so old and has been wearing
clothing plus living indoors for so long that its skin has since developed its
gray hue.
Using another of our animal species as a clue, we
can eliminate number 3 as impacting the origin of the grays (although it could
still be true.) Grays have large eyes compared to humans. Jamaludin says 95.18%
(1067/1121) of humanoid sightings have large eyes when the size was reported.
Alien Radix says 33.8% (22/65) have large eyes. This big difference is
undoubtedly related to using filtered vs non-filtered sightings. Below is a
picture of a lemur which a nocturnal animal. Animals which evolve in low
ambient lighting tend to have large eyes.
The giant squid which lives several thousand feet
down in the black depths of the ocean has eyes which measure several inches
across. Unlike skin color which is a minor
characteristic, eye size is not; it probably would take a lot longer to evolve
away from large sized eyes. The large eye size of the grays likely indicates
that they probably evolved either nocturnally (most UFOs are seen at night) or
are from a dark planet. However, if a planet is dark, it would tend to be cold,
and there is nothing to suggest that UFOs and alien sightings are more
prevalent in colder climates. Plus grays do not show any other cold weather
adaptations such as fur, long noses, large and/or spherical compact shapes. Therefore,
it can be hypothesized that grays evolved nocturnally and still prefer low
ambient lighting. Maybe those one or two stories about large sun glasses
contact lenses for those big alien eyes are not so far-fetched after all.
* http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/index.shtml
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