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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

ALIEN EVOLUTION--A NEW TWIST by Ufonalyzer 12/09; updated 3/10

ALIEN EVOLUTION—A NEW TWIST by Ufonalyzer 12/09, updated 3/10

Recently the Ufonalyzer updated his spreadsheet* of Alien CE3 (close encounters of the third kind) incidents. This update brought the number of CE3 cases documented by top ufologists of the highest integrity to 298 over a 63 year time span. About 48 different alien races were estimated to have visited based on their different descriptions reported by the witnesses. This led the Ufonalzyer to speculate on why so many alien races seem to be enjoying the benefits of star travel technology while we have not even returned to our moon in 37 years. Maybe we are just too slow.

Modern man first appeared on the scene around 120,000-200,000 years ago. Of course we know he did not just abruptly appear, but evolved to his present state over a period of time. Civilization first appeared about 5,500 years ago, about 3,500BC. Throughout this whole time, mankind always had a struggle to survive against hostile animals, disease, climate, and hostile fellow humans. In addition, mankind always has had a strong belief in religion with its arguable benefit toward his happiness and well being. Animals, climate, hostile social groups, religion, and microbes have all served to impede technological progress. You must admit that we have not followed an efficient, linear path toward arriving at where we are now. Another impediment to progress, particularly toward civilization, was the lack of numbers in the human race. There were so few humans for so long that insufficient numbers to form a group of people large enough to develop social organization, art, government, labor specialization, etc (in other words, civilization) just was not possible, nor were these things even necessary given the sparseness of our numbers. Eventually, in recent millenia sufficient numbers became available that groupings large enough to trigger civilization occurred, resulting in Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and a few other civilizations which independently appeared within about 500 years of each other. But on the whole, one could say that man’s potential and attributes which have existed for 120,000 to 200,000 years have been wasted, resulting in a very low standard of living for most of that time**. We have had civilization for about 2%-4% of that time, and the civilized portion of our existence has not been much to brag about either.

It is likely that alien races can trace their own emergence into their current form and intelligence back to a certain time of beginning too, just as we have done. Most people believe that the reason they are so advanced compared to us is because their race is so much older than ours. After all, UFO sightings have been occurring for thousands of years.

It is just as likely that many alien races who have visited earth are much younger than ours, and that we are laggards, having shown poor progress toward high tech relative to the aliens. Believing that all these races are so much older than our own assuages the human ego, just as so many other of our beliefs are ego driven. Consider a hypothetical new alien race with few emotions which has evolved into its present form 120,000-200,000 years ago on a planet where worldwide benign climatic conditions with no ice ages have existed for eons, much as our dinosaurs used to enjoy. Also hypothesize an average IQ of, say, 140 (ours is 100), few lethal microbes, few natural predators, and a reasonablly low birth rate. It is very reasonable to expect that this alien race, due to its unemotional and unexcitable psyche plus optimal planetary environment, would not be overly aggressive toward one another and try to kill each other off, nor would they lock themselves into thousands of years of non-progress while they pursue dogmatic belief systems. Nor would they continuously tell themselves that they are something special and are top dog in the universe. This race could achieve the “threshold” population level necessary to start civilization in a fraction of the time that it took us humans, say 20,000 years. From that point, it could be a mostly smooth upward progression without dark ages, famine, wars of annihilation, and technical stagnation brought about by incorrect beliefs. It is conceivable that they could have achieved our own current level of technical sophistication after 1,000-2,000 years after their version of civilization began as compared to our own 5,500 years. Going onward from there, they achieve star travel by some means or in another 200-2,000 years, so that they could have started visiting neighboring stars in perhaps 25,000 years after emerging from whatever primordial environment that spawned them. This would give such a civilization about 95,000 to 175,000 years to explore and pull further ahead of us even though they emerged as a race at the same time we did.

Another couple of reasons exist for our slow progress compared to aliens. One is our own lifespan. We each have about 70-80 good mental years on our agendas. Aliens, due to their superior technology and simpler physiologies have anywhere from 150-500 years of mental acuity according to close encounter information. Our knowledge base is built by stacking one generation's learnings onto the previous generations' learnings. Each successive generation must relearn it's previous generations' knowledge before adding new knowledge. Aliens probably must go through this same process, but living two to eight times longer gives a huge boost in efficiency towards progress. Another possible reason is their mental telepathy. This ability probably helps in acquiring base learning so that our process of going through K-12 plus another 4 college years might actually be compressed into only a couple of years for telepathic variety aliens.

This hypothetical scenario is not really that far fetched. One can see that even a race that may have emerged even 50,000 years ago still would have had plenty of time (25,000 years based on the previous assumptions) to explore other solar systems and to appear as glyphs on our rocks and as UFO’s in our Renaissance paintings.

Of course we are doing the best we can given the script that we're given inherent in our makeup. But let's not cop out and use the excuse that they have had more time to develop. It just may not be true at all.

All of the previous has been about technology, and not about much else. Due to humanity’s long and rich history of tragedy, retrenchment, and fitful development, we have learned to appreciate things cast in the light of our past. We carry our past with us, in our surroundings, and in our behavior all of the time. Aliens do not seem to do this. Perhaps this means that they have not had the time to develop in the social area even though they are technically advanced.

After all is said and done, the Ufonalzyer still favors the theory that most of the alien visitors belong to races that are older than ours, but certainly one has to allow that quite a few could be younger.

*spreadsheet located at:

**This is not all mankind’s fault as can be shown by the near extinction of all mankind 60,000 to 2,000,000 years ago as revealed by DNA mutation rate studies. Many scientists believe that 74,000 years ago appears to be the most favored date for this population “bottleneck” and most believe this really almost happened. The prevailing belief for the cause is volcanism.

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