Vanishing UFOs? A Phoenix Lights UFO?
By Ufonalzyer 12/2009
Many good visual UFO sightings end when the UFO vanishes. It takes only an instant and suddenly it is gone from view. Consider the following case.
Mr and Mrs X were on their front porch in Chino Valley, Arizona around March, 1997. It was spring, early evening, getting dark, and a clear sky. Their porch faced west. The neighborhood was sparsely settled, with houses every few acres. Suddenly above their house right in front of them a large UFO appeared. It was a huge, oval shape object which suddenly was just there. It was totally silent and its sudden appearance was also silent. It was black in color, but the evening sky still was light enough to allow viewing it as a structured object, but it was too dark out to see if it had rivets or seams. They viewed it for about 2 minutes. Mr. X said, “It was three times bigger than a blimp.” Mr. X, currently age 60, has flown on a blimp, so he is familiar with how large they can be. When most people compare something to a blimp, they usually mean the Goodyear blimp even though many blimps are much smaller. The Goodyear blimp is 192 feet long, so 3 times bigger could mean almost 600 feet. It had two rows of lights or windows one above the other of about 15-20 windows per row. In addition, it had lights on the bottom. They could not make a more quantitative estimate of its dimensions, height, or distance. They stared at the hovering object for about 2 minutes after which it disappeared instantly. They did not report their sighting. The Ufonalyzer made a search to see if someone else reported this sighting, and no reference was found. Mr and Mrs X, however, claimed that it was on the news from Tucson to back east. However, the only Chino Valley sighting with wide news coverage was the the Phoenix Lights sighting in 1997 (not the alleged flares, but the boomerang shape that occurred a few hours before the flares.) It is possible that their sighting is totally independent of the Phoenix Lights which may have occurred within a few days of their own (meaning their memories incorrectly combined their sighting with the news of the Phoenix Lights) OR their sighting actually occurred on March 13, 1997 and is a previously unknown part of the Phoenix Lights famous sighting. Chino Valley was the second northernmost town in AZ that reported the boomerang object (Paulden being the farthest north, 10 miles farther), but no one has ever reported a huge oval UFO as part of that famous sighting. It is a mystery. Either way, their sighting is a completely unknown one to this time.
The above sketch of the UFO was done by Mrs X in about 20 seconds. Mr. and Mrs. X are hard working, solid citizens and are not wild eyed crazy nuts. They have no reason whatsoever to have invented this story. They are personally known to the Ufonalzyer.
Four theories exist for what might be occurring with vanishing UFOs:
The oldest theory is that the UFO takes off so fast that the human eye just can’t follow it. Paul R. Hill, author of “Unconventional Flying Objects”, was a proponent of that theory. UFOs have been tracked at well over 10,000 mph in our atmosphere, but whether or not they can accelerate in milliseconds so as to fool the human eye into believing they vanished is another thing altogether. A bullet coming out of a gun could be going about 1800 mph and it can’t be seen; everything seems instantaneous. However, if that bullet were a tracer bullet and the observer was somewhat behind the shooter or far away from the shooter, the observer and the shooter can see the (lit up) bullet traveling. Even a non illuminated bullet could be seen at conventional gun velocities if it were, say, as big as a car or even a basketball. A UFO is a pretty large machine and it is generally observed from a distance. Thus it probably could be seen to fly away even it it instantly accelerated to thousands of miles an hour.
Let’s do some estimates. The average diameter of the average sighted UFO is only about 15 feet. Most people think it’s about 40-50 feet, but please see Ufonalyzer’s writeup “Analysis of Historical Alien Close Encounters.” The human reaction time for a visual stimulus is an average of 20-40 milliseconds, so we will use 30 msec. (This is the time it takes for the nerve impulse to get to the brain from the eye and for the brain to notice the movement, and is NOT the time for muscles to react which would be on the order of 200 msec.) The human eye macula (the part of the eye that provides the clear vision area, as opposed to your peripheral vision) subtends an angle of about 16.7 degrees, average. Let’s further assume you are watching a UFO at a quarter mile distance. Let us further assume the impossible that the UFO instantly achieves its full speed from a standstill. How fast would that UFO have to move from a standstill for it to get out of your macula’s field of view within 30 milliseconds? Doing the math, one finds that the macula subtends an arc of 192 feet at a quarter mile. But because the UFO is centered in your vision, the UFO need only move 96 feet to be at the edge of your visual detection. If it moves 96 feet in 30 msec, then it’s traveling 2182 miles per hour. If the UFO were one half mile away, then the speed below which you could discern its travel away from you in a lateral direction would be 4364 mph. At a higher speed than that, it would look like it vanished. But here is a big BUT. BUT, human vision for detecting movement is even more acute outside of the macular area. We have all heard this and it’s true. This means that a human could detect that the UFO traveled away at an even faster speed than 2182 mph instead of vanishing because he would still be able to detect its movement over a wider arc as defined by his peripheral vision. Furthermore, the Ufonalyzer does not believe that UFOs can achieve instant final velocity with zero acceleration time. If this is the case, then the average velocity of the UFO in its first 30 milliseconds of acceleration would mean that the takeoff of the UFO from your field of vision is even more noticeable. This means that even if the quarter mile distant UFO were to achieve a final speed well over 2182, say, 20000 or 30000 miles an hour, once it really gets going, if its average speed within that 1st 30 milliseconds stays below 2182, you should still detect that it flew away, and that it did not vanish. Furthermore, when UFOs generally are seen to accelerate rapidly from a standstill, they often change color as their propulsion system “powers up” immediately prior to leaving or it may exhibit pre-acceleration tilt before it takes off. The vanishing UFOs don’t exhibit either of these traits.
Another theory is that the UFO enters another dimension, or goes into a wormhole, or enters “warp speed” mode of operation. This is how many people believe they got here because these hypothetical means of travel avoid the long slower than light voyages between stars. (A variation on these ideas is that the UFO dematerialized. The few UFO cases that have observed this say that a misty area slowly builds around the UFO and it then starts to lose visual clarity. This continues until the mist and visual clarity dissipates into nothingness. The reverse of this process is when the UFO first appears. The process takes several seconds. In this case, the Ufonalyzer believes that what you see is really what is happening: some UFOs have a mode of travel in which its atoms dissociate somehow and coalesce somewhere else.) One of these methods could very well be the means that UFOs use to go between stars. This means, however, might not be very safe to use so close to earth, or it may take large machinery to achieve it, hence the aliens’ use of motherships. After all, if it were easy or safe to use near earth, it would be used most of the time, yet it is not. The vast majority of sightings are of continuously traveling, moving UFOs, and not discontinuously traveling, vanishing, jumping UFOs. Another thing to consider is this: the dimensional and warp speed methods would be so fast as to leave a “hole” in our atmosphere. UFOs do control the atmosphere around them which prevents air friction and this also prevents sonic booms, but both of these features depend on the presence of the UFO to control its surroundings. When or if the UFO vanishes into another dimension, it just suddenly is not there anymore. The vanishing act would leave a vacuum hole in our atmosphere which would rapidly fill with inrushing air from all directions. When the air meets, one should expect to hear a loud pop or crack. It would be like breaking a UFO size light bulb. No one has reported this noise.
is an alleged project by the government to project huge holograms into the sky. This capability could be used for diversions in time of war or mass propaganda. Simply turning off the holographic projector will cause the image to vanish. It is doubtful that the Chino Valley sighting was a hologram because there would be no reason whatsoever to project a UFO over Chino Valley.
A fourth theory is that the UFO simply turns on its cloaking capability. This hypothesis for vanishing UFOs avoids the negatives of the other three hypotheses. UFOs seem to be cloaking themselves more these days than in the early UFO years of sightings. They can turn on either radar or visual invisibility separately. This writeup deals solely with visual invisibility. As you know, other UFOs have been videoed with a dual camera simultaneously in both the visible light spectrum and infrared with the result being that the UFO was visible in the infrared light video but invisible in the normal light video. This capability hints at the complete command of photon physics that aliens possess. This theory, by the way, is the one preferred by the Ufonalyzer.
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