The following spreadsheet was derived using the unfiltered data from Albert Rosales’ website located at:
A keyword search was made for the words “emblem” and “insignia” on over 9000 unfiltered thumbnail case descriptions. These 42 hits are what came out plus one more from Linda Moulton Howe's website, "Earthfiles", not including another 10 or so which gave no physical description whatsoever of the insignia.
Why do this at all? Maybe there’s a common insignia which would pop out. Second, using amateur psychology, maybe we can extract another drop of understanding of the situation in the galaxy. This writer is unaware of this ever having been done, so why not give it a try?
One of the first things to notice is that there are only 12 insignias described on the crafts themselves, while the rest are on the aliens’ clothing. If on the craft, the insignia is probably a planetary or local star federation symbol, much like a flag in function. If on the alien body, it could mean the same as on the craft, but additionally it could mean a faction or work group of a planet.
A second thing to notice is that most of the insignias show a stylized, artistic sense never before described in alien sighting literature, but there it is right in front of us, providing of course the sighting is true. Recall that these are unfiltered sightings being used here. There is no sense in trying to decode the abstract meaning of the emblem, because that cannot even be done for emblems used here on earth, so alien emblems would be impossible to figure out what the underlying symbology of the emblem is.
A third thing to consider is this: the emblems show that despite the secrecy that aliens always show to humanity while on their earth missions, there is still a need while on the mission to visually identify themselves. To whom? It has to be other aliens of the same or different species. Therefore, interaction does occur on these missions.
Now let us look at the few very similarly described insignias.
WINGED SNAKE (5 cases)
The most common one is a winged snake. Now why would an alien planet have a snake, or winged animals? Sure it’s possible. We here on earth have lots of ancient cultures that talk about feathered serpents. Ever hear of Quetzalcoatl? Probably a coincidence. Maybe the winged snake is their symbol for us because they are assigned to earth duty. Their craft don’t have wings, but ours do. The cases had little commonality among them, except to say that five occurred in the USA.
Both were greys, and both were in the USA.
These two cases had no commonality.
In conclusion, this study did not reaveal a whole lot about aliens, but it is hoped you found it interesting.

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