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Friday, January 29, 2010

HUGE UFOS NEAR THE SUN by Ufonalyzer 1/29/2019

HUGE UFOS NEAR THE SUN by Ufonalzyer 1/29/2010

On January 25, 2010, the Ufonalyzer saw the video at the following location for the first time. Location:
This video made a big impression to say the least.

The first thing to do was to confirm the size of these apparent objects to corroborate that they are earth size. On the Ufonalzyer’s monitor, he looked at the arc of the sun’s surface, and extrapolated it to be about 15”, and then he measured the diameter of one of the “objects”. It was 3/16”. The diameter of the sun is 870,000 miles. Using simple grade school arithmetic, the object calculated out to be 10,000 to 11,000 miles diameter, which is close enough to the earth’s 8,000 miles to validate the claim that these are indeed earth size.

The second thing was to do a search of the internet to see if this has been seen before. What was found is at the Jeff Rense website which shows what looks like the same object near the sun within its corona. This is dated September 29, 2000, and is at:
If this object from 2000 is the same as the recent object(s), it helps confirm that maybe these are real objects and not photographic and computer processing artifact defects. Notice on the 2000 image, there is a circular area around the object. The Ufonalzyer believes this could be a magnetic field which is protecting the object somewhat from the solar wind particles that are blasting by it. Some of the wind is going over the top of the object too, so that is why it looks like the wind is getting past its (hypothesized) magnetic field.

The third thing was to calculate the period of revolution around the sun under the assumption that it is a natural body orbiting the sun. Seeing as how they (the word “they” is used because there appears to be at least 4 of these things) are within the corona of the sun, an estimate of coronal size was made to be half the diameter of the sun, which is 435,000 miles, so these objects are roughly twice as far from the sun’s surface as the moon is from earth. They are about 870,000 miles from the sun’s center of gravity. Using these estimates, these objects should have a 3.27 day orbit around the sun, give or take. If it can be confirmed that the orbit is about this magnitude, it would go a long way toward confirming that these are natural, passive objects orbiting the sun.

There are big problems with this, however. First, the temperature of the corona is about one million degrees, These objects should have melted or vaporized a long time ago assuming they are made out of normal materials. {UPDATE: 8/29/2010: On a very recent "Universe" tv show on the History Channel, the Ufonalyzer learned that the corona's temperature can be withstood. In fact, we are readying a satellite with a good heat shield which will be sent into the corona. The explanation given is that although the particles in the corona are very high velocity, indicating a high heat reading, there are so relatively few of them that the the effect of these hot particles in not great. Therefore, even mankind can create objects that can withstand the corona.} Or else our coronal temperature measurements are wrong. Or else they are not natural. Second, there are several of these objects in pretty close orbits, so why haven’t they collided by now if natural? Third, the solar wind should have contributed so much frictional loss to the objects’ kinetic energy, that they would have plunged into the sun eons ago.

The Ufonalyzer just saw a posting on the internet that NASA has removed these images. Yikes! The idea of an earth sized UFO is almost inconceivable. And if they exist, why are they so close to the sun? Are they hiding? Come on, NASA. Earn that $17 billion budget of yours.


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