HUGE UFOS NEAR THE SUN by Ufonalzyer 1/29/2010
On January 25, 2010, the Ufonalyzer saw the video at the following location for the first time. Location:
This video made a big impression to say the least.
The first thing to do was to confirm the size of these apparent objects to corroborate that they are earth size. On the Ufonalzyer’s monitor, he looked at the arc of the sun’s surface, and extrapolated it to be about 15”, and then he measured the diameter of one of the “objects”. It was 3/16”. The diameter of the sun is 870,000 miles. Using simple grade school arithmetic, the object calculated out to be 10,000 to 11,000 miles diameter, which is close enough to the earth’s 8,000 miles to validate the claim that these are indeed earth size.
The second thing was to do a search of the internet to see if this has been seen before. What was found is at the Jeff Rense website which shows what looks like the same object near the sun within its corona. This is dated September 29, 2000, and is at:
If this object from 2000 is the same as the recent object(s), it helps confirm that maybe these are real objects and not photographic and computer processing artifact defects. Notice on the 2000 image, there is a circular area around the object. The Ufonalzyer believes this could be a magnetic field which is protecting the object somewhat from the solar wind particles that are blasting by it. Some of the wind is going over the top of the object too, so that is why it looks like the wind is getting past its (hypothesized) magnetic field.
The third thing was to calculate the period of revolution around the sun under the assumption that it is a natural body orbiting the sun. Seeing as how they (the word “they” is used because there appears to be at least 4 of these things) are within the corona of the sun, an estimate of coronal size was made to be half the diameter of the sun, which is 435,000 miles, so these objects are roughly twice as far from the sun’s surface as the moon is from earth. They are about 870,000 miles from the sun’s center of gravity. Using these estimates, these objects should have a 3.27 day orbit around the sun, give or take. If it can be confirmed that the orbit is about this magnitude, it would go a long way toward confirming that these are natural, passive objects orbiting the sun.
There are big problems with this, however. First, the temperature of the corona is about one million degrees, These objects should have melted or vaporized a long time ago assuming they are made out of normal materials. {UPDATE: 8/29/2010: On a very recent "Universe" tv show on the History Channel, the Ufonalyzer learned that the corona's temperature can be withstood. In fact, we are readying a satellite with a good heat shield which will be sent into the corona. The explanation given is that although the particles in the corona are very high velocity, indicating a high heat reading, there are so relatively few of them that the the effect of these hot particles in not great. Therefore, even mankind can create objects that can withstand the corona.} Or else our coronal temperature measurements are wrong. Or else they are not natural. Second, there are several of these objects in pretty close orbits, so why haven’t they collided by now if natural? Third, the solar wind should have contributed so much frictional loss to the objects’ kinetic energy, that they would have plunged into the sun eons ago.
The Ufonalyzer just saw a posting on the internet that NASA has removed these images. Yikes! The idea of an earth sized UFO is almost inconceivable. And if they exist, why are they so close to the sun? Are they hiding? Come on, NASA. Earn that $17 billion budget of yours.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
ALIEN CONFLICT by Ufonalyzer 1/2010
ALIEN CONFLICT by Ufonalzyer 1/2010
In a couple of the Ufonalzer’s other writeups, he provides evidence that logically suggests the existence of a Galactic Federation. An organization such as a Federation obviously has members, and they participate in whatever advantages such membership provides. They are the insiders. The theory that a Federation exists also implies that there would be planets who are not members. So there probably are insiders and outsiders in whatever region of space the Federation occupies. Outsiders can be in in physical conflict with the Federation members.
Stories can be found in ufology that describe alien conflict. Some of these stories are several hundred years old. We have all seen UFO specials on TV which invariably mention the conflicts of 1561 above Nuremberg, Germany and 1566 above Basel, Switzerland. The Ufonalyzer just learned of another very old story which describes an aerial battle related by Jesuit missionary Alonso Ovalle, 1603-1651, in his “Historica Relacion del Reino de Chile” 1646. This account is now reproduced in a new book by Juan Guillermo Prado and Luis Altamirano, entitled, “Historia de la Ufologia en Chile”. The battle occurred near Villarica volcano.These books are on order through the local Inter Library Loan system, so if one of them is obtained (which is doubtful), this article will be updated with a description of that ancient event. Then, too, are the very old battles described in India’s Ramayana and Mahabarata. One can only wonder if these aliens in conflict are fighting over some old grudge or are fighting over earth. Given that just about everything has changed radically on earth in the last 500 years since these fights were first witnessed, the nod has to be given to this being an old war that has nothing to do with us, unless they happen to be fighting over some natural resource that earth has that they all want.
But this writeup intends to deal with more current evidence of the continuing hostilities because evidence says that they are continuing. The Ufonalyzer will merely act as a collector and disseminator of these accounts of conflict. He has made bold and italicized the sentences which describe the conflict of the different races.
1. From Linda Moulton Howe’s website, “Earthfiles”: January 3, 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico - -Continuation of LMH's May 8, 1997, interview with Edward Leverne Moragne, Ph.D., at his Houston, Texas, home: LMH: “Do you think there is any evidence of warring planets, or some kind of extraterrestrial conflict? Did anyone at EdwardsAFB talk about that? Dr. Moragne: “Not from Edwards, but I met a man who seemed to know a lot about three different planets at war with each other and non-humans that use some kind of powerful weapons. But I don't know any details.” .....
2. From Linda Moulton Howe’s website, “Earthfiles”: May 20, 2008, “High Strangeness in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, by Lake Okanagan” town: Kelowna, British Columbia, July 2, 2007:
Only one year ago on Monday, July 2, 2007, around 10:45 to 11 PM, several eyewitnesses from the Kelowna to Winfield region of Lake Okanagan saw differently shaped aerial craft, which seemed to be at war with each other. One July 2nd, Kelowna eyewitness reported that around 10:45 PM, “I saw two objects in the sky just hovering. One craft was thin and long. The other was triangular in shape. They kept hovering there so I got up quickly to run and grab my camera. But the next thing I know before I take any photos, I hear a small bang, almost like a gunshot. The long object begins to hurtle towards earth on fire, making a deep bass sound like a nuclear generator. And I’m thinking to myself, ‘What the hell?!’
“I watched the falling object and it disappeared at low altitude behind a small hill between my neighborhood and the lake. I look up and see the triangular object make a small circle in the sky and then come a little lower and then I see it start to hurtle towards the sky at a fast rate.
“Then the long thing reappears from behind the hill. It’s no longer on fire and it’s ascending at breakneck speed and it gets higher going after the triangle-shaped object. I see the long thing literally shoot something at the triangle object and then a very loud bang and then the triangular craft was no longer visible. The long thing started to search the sky. It was going north, the south, then east and west – very quickly, almost like a hummingbird when it goes side-to-side.
“Then the object disappeared and I suppose its departure broke the sound barrier because immediately I heard that sonic boom when the sound barrier is broken. After my many years of watching the skies, I finally saw what seemed like two E. T.s duking it out.”
Fifteen minutes later at 11 PM, another eyewitness of warring UFOs in Westbank near Kelowna also saw a flaming object splash into Lake Okanagan and from there, rose back out of the water chasing after another aerial object in the sky. It is assumed that the eyewitnesses were watching the same astounding event, but estimated the two different times of 10:45 and 11 PM.
A woman walking her dog said that it looked like a “torpedo on fire crashed into the lake and created a big splash of water.” She also heard a loud, base “womp, womp, womp” sound as the fiery torpedo came down. That woman emailed Brian Vike of Houston, British Columbia UFO Research and she wrote: “I don’t know what happened last night, but it was the most frightening, incredible and down right terrifying thing I have ever seen.” She described the fiery torpedo - that the other person called “long” – falling into the lake and then explained, “it, or something, came literally shooting back out of the water and I saw it hurtle towards a different-looking object very high in the sky.” The woman said the higher object she saw looked cone-shaped. In her email, she wrote: “I saw what looked like you see in a Star Wars movie and they have bullets or lasers that are kind of blasting out of things (that were) coming from that torpedo-object that was in the lake and I heard a loud bang that knocked me off my feet. I looked up to see what the heck was going on and the cone-shaped object was gone and the torpedo-shaped craft was just hovering, moving from side-to-side, almost like it was confused. Then there was a loud sonic boom and it was gone.”…..
3. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case #79 Location--Near Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil Date: August 2003, Time: night:
Andre Villa and his girlfriend had camped out on a hill overlooking a valley and had started a small bonfire when they noticed a bright bluish light descend over the area, within the light they could see a large disc-shaped craft. The illuminated craft approached their position at very high speed and landed on a nearby field. Terrified both witnesses ran and hid behind some bushes, the whole time keeping their eyes on the object. They could see that the craft was really hovering at about 3 meters from the ground, illuminating its surroundings like daytime. The craft did not have windows, doors or openings; it was completely smooth and was encased in a bright bluish glow. Despite his girlfriend's loud objections Andres approached to within 200 meters of the craft and hid behind a pile of rocks near the bonfire in order to obtain a better look at the strange craft. After about 20 minutes an opening became visible on the craft that still floated close to the ground, from the opening a small ladder-like protrusion dropped to the ground. Two short humanoid creatures then climbed down to the ground from inside the object, these had child-like bodies, very pale features, huge heads, but the witnesses could not see their facial features due to the glaring blue light around the craft. The two humanoids looked around and seemed to talk among themselves, soon 3 more similar creatures emerged from the craft. The group walked around the area near the object as if looking for something. Moments later the witness watched another bright light descending from the sky. The light hovered briefly changing colors from red to orange tones. Suddenly the short humanoids that had been milling around the bluish disc-shaped craft appeared to become agitated and began running towards their craft, while the other craft, a sphere shaped object dotted with bright beams of light quickly descended over the scene. The sphere descended to within 50 meters of the disc and landed. The witnesses then heard a loud roaring noise and a bright flash from the sphere temporarily blinded and seemed to incapacitate several of the short humanoids, since a couple dropped to the ground. The glare now gone the witnesses saw three figures come out of the sphere. These were described as taller, human-like, wearing transparent glass-like helmets, and very tight-fitting black jumpsuits. These aliens ran in the direction of the shorter humanoids, which were still stunned and appeared confused. Three of the short humanoids managed to enter their craft, but two were unable to and remained behind to confront the other three apparently threatening aliens. The stunned witnesses watched as a brief but violent struggle ensued. To their horror they watched as the two short humanoids were apparently struck down by the taller aliens, while their bluish disc-shaped craft pulled up the ladder, closed the opening and shot away at incredible speed, living behind their two fallen comrades. The three tall aliens then proceeded to pick up the limp bodies of the short humanoids and dragged them inside their sphere-shaped craft. The witnesses could not tell if the humanoids were dead or still alive. The aliens quickly entered the sphere, which then rose up into the sky and vanished in plain sight. Terrified the two witnesses left the area, promising never to return to the area.
4. From “Unearthly Disclosure” by Timothy Good, 2000. Summarized by Ufonalyzer:
Rubens Junqueira Villela , a Brazilian meteorologist and explorer, had multiple contacts over an extended time with aliens through communications with him and through other humans. Based on reading his accounts, he never met any face to face. On the night of 4/21/1996, Villela told T. Good the following story: “We had seen small moving lights(‘sondes’) and two small craft flying together. The ETs said they would give a demonstration of their weapons by shooting down a “rival’s” observation device, hovering in the sky. The object blew up silently, growing from a star-like point to a larger, tear-drop shape. The ETs said it had been disintegrated before it hit the ground so as not to disturb the neighbourhood, and it emitted only a high frequency sound.”
5. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case # 201 Location. Near Kapustin Yar range, Astrakhan or Volgograd region, Russia Date: August 12 1989, Time: night:
Shot down by another UFO during a dogfight an extraterrestrial disk was damaged by some type of alien beam weapon. The craft lost control and fell at very high speed on a flat terrain outside the State Central Test Range # 4 at Kapustin Yar. The crash was probably noticed by military personnel or reported to them and a retrieval team was sent to the range. UFO observations over Kapustin Yar State Central Test Range # 4 on the night of July 28-29 1989 had caused a stir (confirmed by authentic KGB documents). This was another case and the military was informed about the downed disk-shaped object partially embedded on the ground, in a tilted position. The disk was about 5 to 8 meters in diameter, convexo, shaped like a lens……...
6. From Location: Russia Date: Sept 16, 1989:
Russian UFO investigator Nikolay Subbotin relates an amazing story of a battle of flying saucers. This incident allegedly took place in the skies of Zaostrovka, in Russia in 1989. On September 16, six circular, silver, flying saucers ganged up and fought a seventh, golden saucer, in full view of the residents of the town and surrounding areas. Hundreds of witnesses watched the gang of six chase the golden saucer out of a cloud bank. All of the saucers made unbelievable maneuvers during this dog fight, and at times, the UFOs flew as low as 5,000 feet. The weapon of choice was a strong beam of light or energy fired at and from the escaping golden UFO. According to the RUFORS Internet newsletter, an account of this event was published in the local newspaper, "Semipalatinsk." According to this report, written by a Russian helicopter commander in the Afghan war, the energy emitted during this battle shut down the local power grid in Zaostrovka, plunging the city into total darkness for a time. The author, named Sichenko, interviewed witnesses of the event, publishing many of their fantastic accounts of the events that day. The witnesses claimed that the outnumbered golden UFO finally was defeated, losing altitude due to the continued hits by the energy beams. The failing saucer at first seemed to be attempting to make a controlled landing, but eventually it lost control, disappearing from view behind a house as it plunged to the ground. The six assaulting saucers soon disappeared from view, heading into the clouds.
Subbotin discovered that the lost saucer had crashed into a bog on a military test rangeThis area was “offflimits" to the general public. It would be about a year before he and accompanying researchers could reach the site of the crash, but by that time, the area was clean, free of any trace of a crashed vehicle. Subbotin would learn that a military team had descended on the boggy area, and conducted a full search and rescue operation. There were reported injuries during this operation. Russian Ufologist Emil Bachurin was able to see medical files which confirmed details of injuries to military personnel involved in the mission. It would be reported that several members of the search and rescue team had leaked information about the operation, but their breach of confidence was discovered, and security was made even tighter.
Also, an airplane attempting to fly over the area and gather details about the crash had to abort its mission because of instrument malfunction.
7. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case #4 Location--Near Marynsk, border of Amur & Khabarovsk regions, Far East, Russia Date: 1982, Time: unknown:
After a dogfight between UFOs a cylinder-shaped alien spacecraft was shot down in a remote area of taiga (dense northern pine forest) in northeastern Siberia, Evenkian autonomous region of Krasnoyarsk beyond the polar circle. The closest habitable place was the tiny Evenkian village of Murukta. Several months after the crash the UFO was accidentally located from the air. The military was notified. An-12 reconnaissance airplane was dispatched to check and the crew reported seeing a metallic object imbedded into the taiga, reflecting the sun. The military dispatched a special team of experts to the crash site by helicopter and organized a retrieval operation. The crashed object was cylinder shaped approximately 10 meters long and 2.5-3 meters in diameter. The craft was split open by an explosion and separated into two fragments, with lacerated edges. The larger fragment was retrieved. It was burnt and melted from the inside obviously by intense heat of some alien weapon used against it. Very few of its inner structure remained. The craft was metallic silver, having 2 small horizontal protrusions along its hull on the sides on its front part. The recovered fragment was about 5 meters long. As was established, the craft was piloted, but what remained of the crew was only ash and slag. But even those remains of the alien biological payload were intensively studied in governmental Soviet laboratories. The fragment was suspended under a helicopter and most likely moved to the Norilsk aerodrome. The whole operation was under the aegis of Kazakhstan based mobile airborne units of military space forces that had extensive experience and trained for rescue and evacuation of Soviet space vehicles. From Norilsk in order to provide proper secrecy, it was reportedly transported inside a military cargo airplane to Leninsk airbase in the isolated Tura-Tam (Baykonur) NIIP-5 range in Kazakhstan, where it was hidden in an underground bunker. According to the information it is still being kept there in an agreement between Russian and Kazakh governments. The metal alloy and remaining chemical compounds of the craft were studied in several different labs.
8. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case #142. Location. Northwest of Kandalaksha, Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region Russia Date: September 1965Time: unknown:
A UFO reportedly crashed in the location. The retrieved fragments were very small particles of melted debris. The craft was totally pulverized, no bodies were found at the site. The craft was apparently shot down by another alien craft. No other information.
In a couple of the Ufonalzer’s other writeups, he provides evidence that logically suggests the existence of a Galactic Federation. An organization such as a Federation obviously has members, and they participate in whatever advantages such membership provides. They are the insiders. The theory that a Federation exists also implies that there would be planets who are not members. So there probably are insiders and outsiders in whatever region of space the Federation occupies. Outsiders can be in in physical conflict with the Federation members.
Stories can be found in ufology that describe alien conflict. Some of these stories are several hundred years old. We have all seen UFO specials on TV which invariably mention the conflicts of 1561 above Nuremberg, Germany and 1566 above Basel, Switzerland. The Ufonalyzer just learned of another very old story which describes an aerial battle related by Jesuit missionary Alonso Ovalle, 1603-1651, in his “Historica Relacion del Reino de Chile” 1646. This account is now reproduced in a new book by Juan Guillermo Prado and Luis Altamirano, entitled, “Historia de la Ufologia en Chile”. The battle occurred near Villarica volcano.These books are on order through the local Inter Library Loan system, so if one of them is obtained (which is doubtful), this article will be updated with a description of that ancient event. Then, too, are the very old battles described in India’s Ramayana and Mahabarata. One can only wonder if these aliens in conflict are fighting over some old grudge or are fighting over earth. Given that just about everything has changed radically on earth in the last 500 years since these fights were first witnessed, the nod has to be given to this being an old war that has nothing to do with us, unless they happen to be fighting over some natural resource that earth has that they all want.
But this writeup intends to deal with more current evidence of the continuing hostilities because evidence says that they are continuing. The Ufonalyzer will merely act as a collector and disseminator of these accounts of conflict. He has made bold and italicized the sentences which describe the conflict of the different races.
1. From Linda Moulton Howe’s website, “Earthfiles”: January 3, 2010, Albuquerque, New Mexico - -Continuation of LMH's May 8, 1997, interview with Edward Leverne Moragne, Ph.D., at his Houston, Texas, home: LMH: “Do you think there is any evidence of warring planets, or some kind of extraterrestrial conflict? Did anyone at EdwardsAFB talk about that? Dr. Moragne: “Not from Edwards, but I met a man who seemed to know a lot about three different planets at war with each other and non-humans that use some kind of powerful weapons. But I don't know any details.” .....
2. From Linda Moulton Howe’s website, “Earthfiles”: May 20, 2008, “High Strangeness in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, by Lake Okanagan” town: Kelowna, British Columbia, July 2, 2007:
Only one year ago on Monday, July 2, 2007, around 10:45 to 11 PM, several eyewitnesses from the Kelowna to Winfield region of Lake Okanagan saw differently shaped aerial craft, which seemed to be at war with each other. One July 2nd, Kelowna eyewitness reported that around 10:45 PM, “I saw two objects in the sky just hovering. One craft was thin and long. The other was triangular in shape. They kept hovering there so I got up quickly to run and grab my camera. But the next thing I know before I take any photos, I hear a small bang, almost like a gunshot. The long object begins to hurtle towards earth on fire, making a deep bass sound like a nuclear generator. And I’m thinking to myself, ‘What the hell?!’
“I watched the falling object and it disappeared at low altitude behind a small hill between my neighborhood and the lake. I look up and see the triangular object make a small circle in the sky and then come a little lower and then I see it start to hurtle towards the sky at a fast rate.
“Then the long thing reappears from behind the hill. It’s no longer on fire and it’s ascending at breakneck speed and it gets higher going after the triangle-shaped object. I see the long thing literally shoot something at the triangle object and then a very loud bang and then the triangular craft was no longer visible. The long thing started to search the sky. It was going north, the south, then east and west – very quickly, almost like a hummingbird when it goes side-to-side.
“Then the object disappeared and I suppose its departure broke the sound barrier because immediately I heard that sonic boom when the sound barrier is broken. After my many years of watching the skies, I finally saw what seemed like two E. T.s duking it out.”
Fifteen minutes later at 11 PM, another eyewitness of warring UFOs in Westbank near Kelowna also saw a flaming object splash into Lake Okanagan and from there, rose back out of the water chasing after another aerial object in the sky. It is assumed that the eyewitnesses were watching the same astounding event, but estimated the two different times of 10:45 and 11 PM.
A woman walking her dog said that it looked like a “torpedo on fire crashed into the lake and created a big splash of water.” She also heard a loud, base “womp, womp, womp” sound as the fiery torpedo came down. That woman emailed Brian Vike of Houston, British Columbia UFO Research and she wrote: “I don’t know what happened last night, but it was the most frightening, incredible and down right terrifying thing I have ever seen.” She described the fiery torpedo - that the other person called “long” – falling into the lake and then explained, “it, or something, came literally shooting back out of the water and I saw it hurtle towards a different-looking object very high in the sky.” The woman said the higher object she saw looked cone-shaped. In her email, she wrote: “I saw what looked like you see in a Star Wars movie and they have bullets or lasers that are kind of blasting out of things (that were) coming from that torpedo-object that was in the lake and I heard a loud bang that knocked me off my feet. I looked up to see what the heck was going on and the cone-shaped object was gone and the torpedo-shaped craft was just hovering, moving from side-to-side, almost like it was confused. Then there was a loud sonic boom and it was gone.”…..
3. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case #79 Location--Near Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil Date: August 2003, Time: night:
Andre Villa and his girlfriend had camped out on a hill overlooking a valley and had started a small bonfire when they noticed a bright bluish light descend over the area, within the light they could see a large disc-shaped craft. The illuminated craft approached their position at very high speed and landed on a nearby field. Terrified both witnesses ran and hid behind some bushes, the whole time keeping their eyes on the object. They could see that the craft was really hovering at about 3 meters from the ground, illuminating its surroundings like daytime. The craft did not have windows, doors or openings; it was completely smooth and was encased in a bright bluish glow. Despite his girlfriend's loud objections Andres approached to within 200 meters of the craft and hid behind a pile of rocks near the bonfire in order to obtain a better look at the strange craft. After about 20 minutes an opening became visible on the craft that still floated close to the ground, from the opening a small ladder-like protrusion dropped to the ground. Two short humanoid creatures then climbed down to the ground from inside the object, these had child-like bodies, very pale features, huge heads, but the witnesses could not see their facial features due to the glaring blue light around the craft. The two humanoids looked around and seemed to talk among themselves, soon 3 more similar creatures emerged from the craft. The group walked around the area near the object as if looking for something. Moments later the witness watched another bright light descending from the sky. The light hovered briefly changing colors from red to orange tones. Suddenly the short humanoids that had been milling around the bluish disc-shaped craft appeared to become agitated and began running towards their craft, while the other craft, a sphere shaped object dotted with bright beams of light quickly descended over the scene. The sphere descended to within 50 meters of the disc and landed. The witnesses then heard a loud roaring noise and a bright flash from the sphere temporarily blinded and seemed to incapacitate several of the short humanoids, since a couple dropped to the ground. The glare now gone the witnesses saw three figures come out of the sphere. These were described as taller, human-like, wearing transparent glass-like helmets, and very tight-fitting black jumpsuits. These aliens ran in the direction of the shorter humanoids, which were still stunned and appeared confused. Three of the short humanoids managed to enter their craft, but two were unable to and remained behind to confront the other three apparently threatening aliens. The stunned witnesses watched as a brief but violent struggle ensued. To their horror they watched as the two short humanoids were apparently struck down by the taller aliens, while their bluish disc-shaped craft pulled up the ladder, closed the opening and shot away at incredible speed, living behind their two fallen comrades. The three tall aliens then proceeded to pick up the limp bodies of the short humanoids and dragged them inside their sphere-shaped craft. The witnesses could not tell if the humanoids were dead or still alive. The aliens quickly entered the sphere, which then rose up into the sky and vanished in plain sight. Terrified the two witnesses left the area, promising never to return to the area.
4. From “Unearthly Disclosure” by Timothy Good, 2000. Summarized by Ufonalyzer:
Rubens Junqueira Villela , a Brazilian meteorologist and explorer, had multiple contacts over an extended time with aliens through communications with him and through other humans. Based on reading his accounts, he never met any face to face. On the night of 4/21/1996, Villela told T. Good the following story: “We had seen small moving lights(‘sondes’) and two small craft flying together. The ETs said they would give a demonstration of their weapons by shooting down a “rival’s” observation device, hovering in the sky. The object blew up silently, growing from a star-like point to a larger, tear-drop shape. The ETs said it had been disintegrated before it hit the ground so as not to disturb the neighbourhood, and it emitted only a high frequency sound.”
5. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case # 201 Location. Near Kapustin Yar range, Astrakhan or Volgograd region, Russia Date: August 12 1989, Time: night:
Shot down by another UFO during a dogfight an extraterrestrial disk was damaged by some type of alien beam weapon. The craft lost control and fell at very high speed on a flat terrain outside the State Central Test Range # 4 at Kapustin Yar. The crash was probably noticed by military personnel or reported to them and a retrieval team was sent to the range. UFO observations over Kapustin Yar State Central Test Range # 4 on the night of July 28-29 1989 had caused a stir (confirmed by authentic KGB documents). This was another case and the military was informed about the downed disk-shaped object partially embedded on the ground, in a tilted position. The disk was about 5 to 8 meters in diameter, convexo, shaped like a lens……...
6. From Location: Russia Date: Sept 16, 1989:
Russian UFO investigator Nikolay Subbotin relates an amazing story of a battle of flying saucers. This incident allegedly took place in the skies of Zaostrovka, in Russia in 1989. On September 16, six circular, silver, flying saucers ganged up and fought a seventh, golden saucer, in full view of the residents of the town and surrounding areas. Hundreds of witnesses watched the gang of six chase the golden saucer out of a cloud bank. All of the saucers made unbelievable maneuvers during this dog fight, and at times, the UFOs flew as low as 5,000 feet. The weapon of choice was a strong beam of light or energy fired at and from the escaping golden UFO. According to the RUFORS Internet newsletter, an account of this event was published in the local newspaper, "Semipalatinsk." According to this report, written by a Russian helicopter commander in the Afghan war, the energy emitted during this battle shut down the local power grid in Zaostrovka, plunging the city into total darkness for a time. The author, named Sichenko, interviewed witnesses of the event, publishing many of their fantastic accounts of the events that day. The witnesses claimed that the outnumbered golden UFO finally was defeated, losing altitude due to the continued hits by the energy beams. The failing saucer at first seemed to be attempting to make a controlled landing, but eventually it lost control, disappearing from view behind a house as it plunged to the ground. The six assaulting saucers soon disappeared from view, heading into the clouds.
Subbotin discovered that the lost saucer had crashed into a bog on a military test rangeThis area was “offflimits" to the general public. It would be about a year before he and accompanying researchers could reach the site of the crash, but by that time, the area was clean, free of any trace of a crashed vehicle. Subbotin would learn that a military team had descended on the boggy area, and conducted a full search and rescue operation. There were reported injuries during this operation. Russian Ufologist Emil Bachurin was able to see medical files which confirmed details of injuries to military personnel involved in the mission. It would be reported that several members of the search and rescue team had leaked information about the operation, but their breach of confidence was discovered, and security was made even tighter.
Also, an airplane attempting to fly over the area and gather details about the crash had to abort its mission because of instrument malfunction.
7. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case #4 Location--Near Marynsk, border of Amur & Khabarovsk regions, Far East, Russia Date: 1982, Time: unknown:
After a dogfight between UFOs a cylinder-shaped alien spacecraft was shot down in a remote area of taiga (dense northern pine forest) in northeastern Siberia, Evenkian autonomous region of Krasnoyarsk beyond the polar circle. The closest habitable place was the tiny Evenkian village of Murukta. Several months after the crash the UFO was accidentally located from the air. The military was notified. An-12 reconnaissance airplane was dispatched to check and the crew reported seeing a metallic object imbedded into the taiga, reflecting the sun. The military dispatched a special team of experts to the crash site by helicopter and organized a retrieval operation. The crashed object was cylinder shaped approximately 10 meters long and 2.5-3 meters in diameter. The craft was split open by an explosion and separated into two fragments, with lacerated edges. The larger fragment was retrieved. It was burnt and melted from the inside obviously by intense heat of some alien weapon used against it. Very few of its inner structure remained. The craft was metallic silver, having 2 small horizontal protrusions along its hull on the sides on its front part. The recovered fragment was about 5 meters long. As was established, the craft was piloted, but what remained of the crew was only ash and slag. But even those remains of the alien biological payload were intensively studied in governmental Soviet laboratories. The fragment was suspended under a helicopter and most likely moved to the Norilsk aerodrome. The whole operation was under the aegis of Kazakhstan based mobile airborne units of military space forces that had extensive experience and trained for rescue and evacuation of Soviet space vehicles. From Norilsk in order to provide proper secrecy, it was reportedly transported inside a military cargo airplane to Leninsk airbase in the isolated Tura-Tam (Baykonur) NIIP-5 range in Kazakhstan, where it was hidden in an underground bunker. According to the information it is still being kept there in an agreement between Russian and Kazakh governments. The metal alloy and remaining chemical compounds of the craft were studied in several different labs.
8. From Albert Rosales’ website, “Humanoid Sighting Reports,” Case #142. Location. Northwest of Kandalaksha, Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region Russia Date: September 1965Time: unknown:
A UFO reportedly crashed in the location. The retrieved fragments were very small particles of melted debris. The craft was totally pulverized, no bodies were found at the site. The craft was apparently shot down by another alien craft. No other information.
Monday, January 18, 2010
ALIEN INSIGNIAS by Ufonalyzer 1/2010
ALIEN INSIGNIAS by Ufonalyzer 1/16/2010
The following spreadsheet was derived using the unfiltered data from Albert Rosales’ website located at:
A keyword search was made for the words “emblem” and “insignia” on over 9000 unfiltered thumbnail case descriptions. These 42 hits are what came out plus one more from Linda Moulton Howe's website, "Earthfiles", not including another 10 or so which gave no physical description whatsoever of the insignia.
Why do this at all? Maybe there’s a common insignia which would pop out. Second, using amateur psychology, maybe we can extract another drop of understanding of the situation in the galaxy. This writer is unaware of this ever having been done, so why not give it a try?
One of the first things to notice is that there are only 12 insignias described on the crafts themselves, while the rest are on the aliens’ clothing. If on the craft, the insignia is probably a planetary or local star federation symbol, much like a flag in function. If on the alien body, it could mean the same as on the craft, but additionally it could mean a faction or work group of a planet.
A second thing to notice is that most of the insignias show a stylized, artistic sense never before described in alien sighting literature, but there it is right in front of us, providing of course the sighting is true. Recall that these are unfiltered sightings being used here. There is no sense in trying to decode the abstract meaning of the emblem, because that cannot even be done for emblems used here on earth, so alien emblems would be impossible to figure out what the underlying symbology of the emblem is.
A third thing to consider is this: the emblems show that despite the secrecy that aliens always show to humanity while on their earth missions, there is still a need while on the mission to visually identify themselves. To whom? It has to be other aliens of the same or different species. Therefore, interaction does occur on these missions.
Now let us look at the few very similarly described insignias.
WINGED SNAKE (5 cases)
The most common one is a winged snake. Now why would an alien planet have a snake, or winged animals? Sure it’s possible. We here on earth have lots of ancient cultures that talk about feathered serpents. Ever hear of Quetzalcoatl? Probably a coincidence. Maybe the winged snake is their symbol for us because they are assigned to earth duty. Their craft don’t have wings, but ours do. The cases had little commonality among them, except to say that five occurred in the USA.
Both were greys, and both were in the USA.
These two cases had no commonality.
In conclusion, this study did not reaveal a whole lot about aliens, but it is hoped you found it interesting.

The following spreadsheet was derived using the unfiltered data from Albert Rosales’ website located at:
A keyword search was made for the words “emblem” and “insignia” on over 9000 unfiltered thumbnail case descriptions. These 42 hits are what came out plus one more from Linda Moulton Howe's website, "Earthfiles", not including another 10 or so which gave no physical description whatsoever of the insignia.
Why do this at all? Maybe there’s a common insignia which would pop out. Second, using amateur psychology, maybe we can extract another drop of understanding of the situation in the galaxy. This writer is unaware of this ever having been done, so why not give it a try?
One of the first things to notice is that there are only 12 insignias described on the crafts themselves, while the rest are on the aliens’ clothing. If on the craft, the insignia is probably a planetary or local star federation symbol, much like a flag in function. If on the alien body, it could mean the same as on the craft, but additionally it could mean a faction or work group of a planet.
A second thing to notice is that most of the insignias show a stylized, artistic sense never before described in alien sighting literature, but there it is right in front of us, providing of course the sighting is true. Recall that these are unfiltered sightings being used here. There is no sense in trying to decode the abstract meaning of the emblem, because that cannot even be done for emblems used here on earth, so alien emblems would be impossible to figure out what the underlying symbology of the emblem is.
A third thing to consider is this: the emblems show that despite the secrecy that aliens always show to humanity while on their earth missions, there is still a need while on the mission to visually identify themselves. To whom? It has to be other aliens of the same or different species. Therefore, interaction does occur on these missions.
Now let us look at the few very similarly described insignias.
WINGED SNAKE (5 cases)
The most common one is a winged snake. Now why would an alien planet have a snake, or winged animals? Sure it’s possible. We here on earth have lots of ancient cultures that talk about feathered serpents. Ever hear of Quetzalcoatl? Probably a coincidence. Maybe the winged snake is their symbol for us because they are assigned to earth duty. Their craft don’t have wings, but ours do. The cases had little commonality among them, except to say that five occurred in the USA.
Both were greys, and both were in the USA.
These two cases had no commonality.
In conclusion, this study did not reaveal a whole lot about aliens, but it is hoped you found it interesting.

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