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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PEOPLE ARE STRANGE TOO by Ufonalyzer 5/10


The affairs of aliens are shrouded in high strangeness, but let us not forget that we are strange too. The Ufonalyzer thinks that he’s very good at spotting phonies but knows that he is bad at understanding how people think. One area that is completely outside of his understanding is hoaxers. Why do it? Is it fun? Does it make them feel smart or important? Do they hoax out of ignorance? Sometimes the reason is obvious, like in the case of the balloon boy’s dad. This idiot had money plus 15 minutes of fame as his goals. But for the most part, hoaxers are baffling, or maybe the answer is “all of the above.”

Ufologist Ellen Crystall witnessed another strange human behavior. There were two periods in her life in which she frequented areas with high number of UFO sightings. She diligently witnessed and recorded her experiences in her good book, “Silent Invasion”, 1991. The Ufonalyzer recommends reading it. One area was in California in the ‘70’s and the other was Pine Bush, NY in the ‘80’s. She realized from interviewing the locals in these areas that they did not wish the aliens and ships to be either chased or spied upon. How the locals reached this state was a mystery to her, and it prevented them from learning much of anything UFO-related that was occurring right in their locale. They had reached a state, not based on fear, but where they instead had almost a religious respect for them.

Another strange thing is Disclosure, but this time not by our paranoid and secrecy crazed government, but by ordinary citizens who have a juicy UFO tale to tell. There must be thousands of un-mined stories out there being hidden by employees of private industry, US government, and military. The Ufonalyzer has previously estimated that only 1 in 500 such people ever come forward to reveal their experience. This estimate was very crudely done, but it is the only estimate that this writer knows of. When you sit down and think about it, it kind of makes sense though. Just imagine how many military have participated in crash cleanups and UFO-plane chases, and how many civilians have experienced pilot sightings, control tower radar plus visual sightings, alien artifact analysis, alien autopsies, reverse engineering studies, and special studies regarding alien impact on this or that. The Ufonalyzer’s previous estimate is that there are currently 93,000 employees both in the public and private sector doing UFO work funded by our black budget. That is NOW. UFOs have been around 65 years in the public eye, so there have been two or three generations of such workers who have come and gone. Therefore, the information resource secretly carried by those who are in the USA and who could supply insider information on this subject is probably around 200,000 to 300,000 not counting those who have died. Where are all these people? The UFO skeptic would say that few come forward because the whole UFO thing is baloney. Steven Greer was able to scrounge up about 500 who were willing to speak openly about the secret. The best guess is that it is a minor issue in the lives of most of them. They also know that reprisals by the real powers controlling the UFO secrecy in addition to public ridicule are not worth going public. Take Edward Ruppelt for example. His classic book on UFOs was revised late in life to add chapters at the end to debunk what the previous chapters made clear—the reality of the UFOs. Someone had gotten to him. Although a career military man, threats against him probaby took the form of pension cancellation or family harm. This probably contributed a lot to his early death. These are just guesses.

If you allow that maybe 200,000-300,000 Americans have an insider UFO story to tell, what do you think, maybe 30,000 learned their story in the 50’s to the 60’s? Let’s see, a person who worked on a major UFO event in 1969 at say age 25 would be 66 today. That age is beyond the usual retirement age. 1949 would be 86; 1959 would be 76. This person does not have to fear reprisals from his employer, or the ridicule of his coworkers. He does have neighbors, and they might laugh at him. The really big question is will the government use its illegal computer hacking to destroy his pension and take away his social security? Will they smear his reputation? Will they prosecute him for security oath violations? Will they murder him? It is the opinion of this writer that the answer is ‘no’ for most people (unless they were a really big fish in the UFO knowledge department). Even retired ex-generals have come forward to reveal the truth, and we have not heard about any sort of reprisals against them so far. Now that the computer age is upon us, one beneficial result of it is that fewer CIA murders are occurring to maintain the coverup; they instead are opting for financial reprisals and reputation slurs. The goverment may also have perfected its mind control methods, so that the exit interviews of UFO employees include a selective memory erasure. The thugs who threaten families with the murders of their children are probably still living and in many cases and retired, having been given honorable discharges, but let us go forward believing that this illegal and ugly anti-American tactic has diminished. Naïve? Maybe.

Social psychology teaches us about compartmentalized thinking. This mode of thought is what allows the Cosa Nostra members to be good family men and churchgoers. They separate their negative and evil behavior from their good behavior with no conscience repercussions at all. Most of those who orchestrate, maintain, and enforce the coverup fall into this category. Other coverup people may think they are being patriotic and these people are wrong. Others think that they can handle the truth but most everyone else can’t. These people exist and they are repugnant.

Some believe that anyone subjected to the government’s secrecy pressure automatically wishes to expose the truths that they’ve learned, but this not the case. Some are perfectly happy with ultra secrecy and it does not bother them. In fact some react just the opposite of what you’d expect. When it is pointed out to them what the secrecy laws are and that what they know is allowed to be revealed under these laws, they decline and say that in their opinion the information is still “sensitive” and they will not reveal it. In other words, they have their own private secrecy rules, sometimes even more severe than the government’s! According to ufologist Anthony Bragalia, in one of his last interviews, Jessie Marcel Sr. told the interviewer, Linda Corley, the following: "There is a hell of a lot that I haven't said for the sake of my country." Yikes. You’ve just told us about a crashed Roswell saucer which represents one of the greatest historical events in history, so what are you holding back on other information for? WTF? One technique that does work to get a few good witnesses to come forward is for the investigator to absolutely guarantee the witnesses’ secrecy. Len Stringfield was successful with this approach. This also shows that there are many silent witnesses do want others to learn their stories. The problem with this approach is that the receiver of those secrets is then continuously, illegally monitored so that his phone, internet, and snail mail are intercepted and the witnesses becomes known. Another technique to avoid reprisals was used by Bob Lazar. He went public with his stories when he began to suspect that he was in danger. The sunlight of publicity suppressed the likelihood of reprisals against him (although it assured that the negative aspects of his life story would be publicized). When you think about it, though, it is understandable that the normal retired person maintains his silence because the social and financial downside threat still makes telling the story not worth it. Anyone who does come forward is to be admired.

What is hard to figure, though, is the lack of deathbed confessions. Thousands of the 200,000-300,000 could easily and safely do us all a public service by providing their own personal disclosure without any threat whatsoever if they disclose in their very final years. It must be that when you’re dying, you might have more important things to think about than an old UFO story. But why not do a signed affidavit while you still have your wits about you, and then have it revealed posthumously. That would work. What do you think?

Digression: The Ufonalyzer’s opinion follows: What should “Joe Citizen” do if he experiences a monstrously huge UFO happening, or finds a suspected alien artifact with great provenance? Should Joe contact the government or the local authorities? Hell no! History shows this is the worst thing to do, because it could result in personal threats and it will result in the artifact being confiscated with no feedback whatsoever. The newspaper or local TV? Don’t be ridiculous. Instead, Joe should contact a top ufologist whom he suspects has the financial resources to properly investigate the story and/or scientifically analyze the artifact. The best initial contact method would be to arrange a meeting with that ufologist so that the constantly illegal spying on the ufologist does not detect anything about Joe or his story. The second best method would be to contact MUFON, but be aware that MUFON does not have much money and it could be already infiltrated by CIA agents.

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