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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

CROP CIRCLE MUSINGS by Ufonalyzer 12/09

CROP CIRCLE MUSINGS by Ufonalyzer 12/09

Crop circles appear to have now been embraced as a branch of ufology. Ufonalyzer does not agree with this, but has to go along with it. The UFO field is huge and complicated, and adding this field muddies the waters even further. This one time writeup on crop circles will give his views on this phenomenon for what they are worth which is probably nothing.

Let us go back to basics to get one obvious thing out of the way. You probably recall Doug and Dave with their rope on a board which they used many times to press down the crop to make a hoax crop circle. Is this still going on? Is this the sole way crop circles are formed? This writer believes that the answers are yes and no. Certainly, hoaxers who tend to be unoriginal occasionally copy Doug and Dave’s efforts of the past. There is no way to prevent this. Present day crop circles are much more elaborate and complicated than those of Doug and Dave’s era. Plus, many of them now have the grain pressed down in different directions, further increasing the degree of difficulty of hoaxing a circle with a board. The board does not explain the growth and node anomalies in the grain stalks that Dr. Levengood first exposed. Also, what are those little lights that are occasionally seen near a new crop circle? There’s another problem too. Crop circle hoaxing contests have shown that the biggest and most complex circles just can’t be created in a 5 hour nighttime session even by a team of 3 hoaxers. It just takes too much time. Why 5 hours? Most crop circles are found in England which is very far north, about the same as Hudson Bay in Canada. This translates to summer nights that are about 5 hours long. Therefore there’s something else going on.

Many times investigators who arrive soon enough at a fresh crop circle observe a couple of interesting things.

First, military helicopters sometimes show up. This implies that whatever means created the circle is detectable by likely the same means that the military uses to detect UFOs. (See Ufonalyzer’s writeup on UFO Detection.) This fact alone is enough for most ufologists to place crop circles into the purview of ufology. Certainly the creation of the pattern should be detectable with an infrared satellite, providing it happened to be focused on the correct field of grain. If it were always human hoaxers, one would think that by now the government would have revealed that they detected human forms creating the pattern, but they have not. It is possible that a UFO created the crop circle while still using its cloaking capability, but this is probably not the case as is hypothesized by the second interesting thing, which is:

Second, many times small points of light are seen flying near and emerging from a fresh crop circle. These look like self illuminated mini UFOs about 3 to 4 inches size. If a UFO created the circle under stealth, then why would it leave behind smaller UFOs which are visually detectable? It would not. Where did this size estimate come from? The answer to this can be found in a two hour set of videos that the Ufonalzyer saw on a website like YouTube or These videos were of those crop circle lights that are often seen in daylight near a fresh crop circle. In one of the videos, a hawk (or whatever passes for a hawk in the UK (a kestrel?)) is seen to chase down one of these specks of light and catches up to it in mid air and then suddenly veers away and cuts off its chase. (It could also have been a mother bird chasing away a perceived threat.) It realized upon reaching the thing that it was not edible prey. The commentary on the video pointed out the bird chase as it occurred but the commentary was matter of fact, almost dismissive. To this viewer, it was hugely significant because it proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that this was not a hoax light or hoax video. It proved it was not a figment of the viewer’s imagination because an animal saw and reacted to the same thing. It proved it was an object viewable by a bird with eyesight far better than a human’s up to a couple of inches away, and it placed a size range on the light because a hawk would not chase down a big bird but would try to chase down something about as big as itself or smaller. It looked about as big or a bit smaller than the bird that chased it.

The intelligence behind these crop circles does not seem to be as secretive as those that operate UFOs. Crop circles are clearly attempts by the intelligence to openly express itself (as does an artist) or to communicate. UFOs do not do that. It is the Ufonalzyer’s theory that the creators of crop circles are yet another alien intelligence on earth, and this alien intelligence is totally different from those of the UFO operators. Most rational people believe that UFOs are machines operated by beings from technological societies, but the Ufonalzer thinks that the entities creating crop circles are about as alien to the aliens as the UFO operators are to humans. This could be why UFOs are seen on rare occasions near crop circles; they are simply investigating them as we do.

Furthermore, there is a chance that the lights flying around fresh crop circles are the physical manifestations of the entities themselves that created the circle. In other words, the lights are the beings.This implies that a crop circle light may very well be not an extraterrestrial biological entity, but an extraterrestrial non-biological entity; that is, a pure energy entity visible as a plasma ball or perhaps an electronic intelligence housed in a small 3 to 4 inch metal container that can fly.

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